Book Chapter

Branco, Patrícia; Mohr, Richard (2023), Odore di Napoli: Normativity from Objects and Smells, in Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Danilo Mandic, Caterina Nirta, Andrea Pavoni (org.), SMELL. Londres: University of Westminster Press, 31-73


Book Chapter

Giorgi, Alberta; Garraio, Júlia; Toldy, Teresa (2023), Gender, Religion and Populism in the EU-related Mediterranean - taking Stock and Going Further, in Alberta Giorgi, Júlia Garraio, Teresa Toldy (org.), Religion, Gender, and Populims in the Mediterranean. London: Routledge

Book Chapter

Giorgi, Alberta; Garraio, Júlia; Toldy, Teresa (2023), Introduction: Gender, Religion and Populism in the EU-related Mediterranean, in Alberta Giorgi, Júlia Garraio, Teresa Toldy (org.), Religion, Gender, and Populims in the Mediterranean. Londres: Routledge


Giorgi, Alberta; Garraio, Júlia; Toldy, Teresa (2023), Religion, Gender, and Populism in the Mediterranean. London: Routledge


Campos, Brenda; Silva-Garbade, Carolyn; de Deus, Nzira; Cunha, Teresa (orgs.) (2023), Arrancando-nos da nossa terra, arrancam-nos as raízes. Onikumiha mulapo mwahu, onaakha ilipelo sahu. Vozes das mulheres de Cabo Delgado. Masu aathiyana a okhaapu. Moçambique: Fundação Friedrich Ebert Moçambique

Article in Scientific journal

Cunha, Teresa (2023), "As pazes e o piar dos pássaros", Sinergias: diálogos educativos para a transformação social, 15, 19-24

Other Publications

Cunha, Teresa (2023), "Diário de uma manhã, nem por isso das piores, na vida de um homem", AliceNews

Article in Scientific journal

Santos, Caynnã de Camargo (2023), "Discursos que pesam: realismo agencial e processos de materialização corporal", Revista Estudos Feministas, 31, 3, e85844

Book Chapter

Acevedo Mariaca, Carmen Alicia; Toncón Chaparro, Laura Daniela; Cunha, Teresa; Arenas Valencia, Daniela; de Pinho Valle, Luísa; Olarte Fernández, Alejandra; Pérez Arboleda, María Fernanda; Sánchez Corrales, Natalia; Ruiz Botero, Luz Dary; Diniz Marques, Emiliana Maria (2023), Economías feministas campesinas: circuitos de cuidados de las vidas, in CLACSO; We Effect; Colección Becas de Investigación (org.), Recuperación con igualdad de género y justicia climática. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 71-141


Cunha, Teresa; Silva, Kelly; Palmer, Lisa (2023), Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste. Leiden: Leiden University Press

Article in Scientific journal

Cunha, Teresa (2023), "Feeling-Knowing-Doing and the micro-politics of care", Forma de Vida - Revista da FACULDADE DE LETRAS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, 25, 1-13

Book Chapter

Cunha, Teresa (2023), Introduction, in Kelly Silva; Lisa Palmer; Teresa Cunha (org.), Economic Diversity in contemporary Timor-Leste. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 11-42

Other Publications

Cunha, Teresa; Pérez, Jesus; Alberdi, Jokin; Zambrano, Liliana; da Silva, Terezinha; Matusse, Aventina; Ernesto, Alberto; Cossa, Lázaro (2023), "La Guerra del norte de Mozambique: aprendizajes locales para otros bordajes de paz", El Salto Revista

Book Chapter

Cunha, Teresa; Bessa, Mina (2023), The work of women in Eluli and land economy in Timor-Leste, in Kelly Silva, Lisa Palmer, Teresa Cunha (org.), Economic Diversity in contemporary Timor-Leste. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 177-192

Book Chapter

Branco, Patrícia (2023), Legal scenographies and courts: tensions between past and present, in Anne Wagner & Sarah Marusek (org.), Research Handbook on Legal Semiotics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 447-459


Coelho, Luana Xavier P.; Silva, Marcos Antonio Batista da; Silvia Rodríguez Maeso; Cayetano Fernández; Danielle Pereira Araújo; Sebijan Fejzula (2023), CADERNO DE DEBATE DO PROJETO POLITICS O antirracismo em disputa | Conceitos, debates públicos & projetos políticos, Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra, 76

Other Publications

Giorgi, Alberta; Garraio, Júlia; Toldy, Teresa; Cornejo, Monica; Pető, Andrea; Rivetti, Paola (2023), "A conversation with Monica Cornejo, Andrea Pető and Paola Rivetti on the book Religion, Gender, and Populism in the Mediterranean,", Journal of Intercultural Studies

Other Publications

Garraio, Júlia (2023), "Interview mit Luís Zhang und Fábio Veras / Entrevista com Luís Zhang e Fábio Veras", re/traçar história/s: quadrinhos e resistência negra CADERNOS DO INSTITUTO LUSO-BRASILEIRO 3 | Janek Scholz, Jasmin Wrobel (Hg. | Org.) geschichte/n über/zeichnen: comics und schwarzer widerstand , 66-77

Book Chapter

Pérez Navarro, Pablo (2023), Poliamor, in Luis Alegre Zahonero, Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Nuria Sánchez Madrid (org.), Enciclopedia crítica del género. Barcelona: Arpa, 421-429

Book Review

Garraio, Júlia (2023) critical review to Alexia Tranchese (2023), From Fritzl to #metoo: Twelve Years of Rape Coverage in the British Press, Cham: Palgrave, in European Journal of Women's Studies