Book Chapter
Graça Feijó, Rui (2022), Semi-presidentialism and the tribulations of democracy: the case of Timor-Leste, in Marco Bunte; Mark Thompson (org.), Presidentism and Democracy in East and Southeast Asia. London: Routledge
Special Issue
Indelicato, Maria Elena; Lentin, Alana (2022), "Online Routledge Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism" thematic number of "Anti-Racism/Mobilisations and Resistance"
Book Chapter
Amelung, Nina; Gianolla, Cristiano; Solovova, Olga; Ribeiro, Joana Sousa (2022), Technologies, infrastructures and migrations: material citizenship politics, in Amelung, Nina; Gianolla, Cristiano; Ribeiro, Joana Sousa, Solovova, Olga (org.), Material Politics of Citizenship. Connecting Migrations with Science and Technology Studies. New York: Routledge
Nolasco, Carlos; Neves, Ana Filipa; Cristiano, Gianolla; Fontes, Fernando; Oliveira, Sofia Pinto; Dias, João Paulo; Gomes, Conceição (2022), The fundamental rights situation of long-term residents in the EU - Portugal, Vienna: Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 1-80
Article in Scientific journal
Branco, Patrícia; Pedroso, João (2022), "The "damned of inclusion", or the normalization of the discourses and social processes of criminalisation of young adults in Portugal: a complex set of social, legal and criminal disruptions", Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 12, 3, 478-505
Book Chapter
Gianolla, Cristiano; Raggi, Giuseppina; Sancho Querol, Lorena (2022), "Decolonising the narrative of Portuguese empire. Life stories of African presence, heritage and memory", in Knudsen, Britta Timm; Oldfield, John R.; Buettner, Elizabeth; Zabynuan, Elvan (Ed.) (org.), Decolonizing Colonial Heritage. New Agendas, Actors and Practices in and beyond Europe. New york: Routledge, 83-103 (e-book 2021)
Book Chapter
Cunha, Teresa (2022), A feminist hermeneutics of the epistemologies of the South. The women's works and the land economy in Timor-leste, in Kelly Silva, Lisa Palmer, Teresa Cunha (org.), Towards an ecology of economies: economic dynamics in the making of contemporary Timor-Leste. Meulbourne: Leiden University Press