Book Chapter

Moura, Tatiana (2024), "Boys have to step on, or to be stepped on": A comparative study on masculinities, gender, and violence among at-risk youth in Portugal, Spain, and Croatia, in Suarez, Moura e Pimenta (org.), Give Peace a Chance: local experiences for global challenges, Book series Twenty-first Century Perspectives on War, Peace, and Human Conflict. London: Palgrave Macmillan


Article in Scientific journal

Raggi, Giuseppina (2024), "Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni a Lisbona e il contesto artistico al tempo del suo soggiorno nella penisola iberica", ArcHistoR Extra 12/2024

Book Chapter

Moura, Tatiana; Caruso, Haydée; Mascarenhas, Marta; Rolino, Tiago (2024), X-MEN breaking the chains of the intergerational cycle of violence, in Suarez, Moura e Pimenta (org.), Give Peace a Chance: local experiences for global challenges, Book series Twenty-first Century Perspectives on War, Peace, and Human Conflict. London: Palgrave Macmillan


Cardina, Miguel (orgs.) (2024), The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles. Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past. London and New York: Routledge

Article in Scientific journal

Raggi, Giuseppina (2024), "Intrecci teatrali tra Domenico Scarlatti e Filippo Juvarra a Lisbona e a Londra. Nuovi documenti", RMP Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 10 / 1 (2023), 1


Cacinda, Jessemusse (2023), Kwashala Blues. Maputo: Ethale Publishing

Book Chapter

Cravo, Teresa Almeida (2023), Johan Galtung e os estudos para a paz, in Luis Tomé; Luís Valença Pinto; Brígida Brito (org.), Em torno do Pensamento de Luís Moita: Humanismo e Relações Internacionais. Lisboa: OBSERVARE. Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 455-466

Book Chapter

Cravo, Teresa Almeida (2023), Western representations of the liberation struggle in Guinea-Bissau, in Miguel Cardina (org.), The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 160-176

Working Paper



Coutinho, Maria Angélica Marques (orgs.) (2023), O CINEMA DE TIM BURTON. Brasil: BLG Entretenimento

Book Chapter

Ribeiro, Jéssica; Simões, Rita Basílio de; Silveirinha, Maria João (2023), Perfis midiáticos das ministras de Portugal: reiteração da maternidade e conexões familiares, in Faculdade de Direito UFC (org.), Anais do Primeiro Congresso de Mulheres e Política da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Anais

Article in Scientific journal

Jerónimo, Pedro; Amaral, Inês; Correia, João Carlos (2023), "Disinformation Studies: Global Perspectives", Journalism Practice, 17, 10, 2079-2083

Article in Scientific journal

Simões, Rita Basílio de; Amaral, Inês; Puente, Sonia Núñez (2023), "Introdução", ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, 48

Other Publications

Teles Fazendeiro, Bernardo (2023), "O mundo pós-soviético: Alargamento e autodeterminação", Manifesto , 7

Other Publications

Meneses, Maria Paula (2023), "Can we recognize the wealth of knowledge women carry?", Field Notes on Scarcity , 68-69

Book Chapter

Correia, Isabel; Gonçalves, Sofia; Moura, Tatiana (2023), O projeto KINDER no ensino da Língua Gestual Portuguesa: relato de um percurso, in Filomena Teixeira et al. (org.), Género, Diversidade Sexual e Direitos Humanos. Coimbra: ESEC, 195199

Book Chapter

Bueno, Natália; Martins, Bruno Sena (2023), The liberation struggle and the politics of heroism in Mozambique. The war veterans as remains of memory, in Miguel Cardina (org.), The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles. Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past. London and New York: Routledge, 47-60

Book Chapter

Bueno, Natália (2023), Transitional justice mechanisms and memory. A look into Mozambique's liberation war narrative, in Miguel Cardina (org.), The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles. Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past. London and New York: Routledge, 145-159

Other Publications

Rodrigues, Inês Nascimento (2023), "As múltiplas vidas de Batepá: Memórias de um massacre colonial em São Tomé e Príncipe", Setenta e Quatro.

Article in Scientific journal

Amaral, Inês; Antunes, Eduardo; Flores, Ana Marta (2023), "How do Portuguese young adults engage and use m-apps in daily life? An online questionnaire survey", Observatorio (OBS*), 17, 2, 245-263