Article in Scientific journal

Nieto-Romero, Marta; García-López, Gustavo; Swagemakers, Paul; Bock, Bettina (2023), "Becoming a Care-Tizen: Contributing to Democracy Through Forest Commoning", International Journal of the Commons, 17, 1, 271-287


Article in Scientific journal

Torres-Abreu, Alejandro; García-López, Gustavo; Concepcion, Carmen (2023), "De la protesta a la propuesta: Articulations between Environmental Justice Movements and Community-Based Management of Protected Areas in Puerto Rico", CENTRO Journal, 35, 1, 23-55

Book Chapter

Bustos, Beatriz; Engel-Di-Mauro, Salvatore; García-López, Gustavo; Milanez, Felipe; Ojeda, Diana (2023), Suturing the open veins of Latin America, building epistemic bridges: Latin American environmentalism for the 21st century, in Beatriz Bustos, Salvatore Engel-Di-Mauro, Gustavo Garcia-Lopez, Felipe Milanez, & Diana Ojeda (org.), Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment. London: Routledge, 3-8

Book Chapter

Castillero Quesada, Soledad (2023), La contratación en origen como táctica para feminizar la agricultura. El sector de los frutos rojos como estudio de caso, in In G. Esteban de la Rosa (org.) (org.), Gobernanza multinivel de los movimientos migratorios: retos y perspectivas desde el derecho. Madrid: Dykinson, 528-546

Book Chapter

Uchôa, Raphael (2023), Imperial melancholy and the subversion of ruins in the Amazon, in Alison Bashford; Emily M. Kern; Adam Bobbette (org.), New Earth Histories: Geo-Cosmologies and the Making of the Modern World. Chicago University Press

Special Issue

Uchôa, Raphael; Müller-Wille, Staffan; Mercer, Harriet (2023), "Science and Its Others: Histories of Ethnoscience" thematic number of "History of Anthropology Review", 48

Article in Scientific journal

De Carvalho, Thaís Cristina Rodrigues; Carvalho Leitão Biato, Emília (2023), "Ansiedade infantil, família e profissionais de saúde bucal: vivências em odontologia. Children's anxiety, family and oral health professionals: experiences in dentistry", Saúde em Redes, 9, 1, 4116

Article in Scientific journal

Souza, Larissa Cavalcante de; Biato, Emília Carvalho Leitão (2023), "AS TRADUÇÕES DO CONCEITO DE SAÚDE NOS PROCESSOS DE APRENDIZAGEM E AS ESCRILEITURAS NA FORMAÇÃO EM SAÚDE", Revista Signos, 44, 2

Article in Scientific journal

Biato, Emília Carvalho Leitão; Oliveira, Laudimar Alves de (2023), "OTHER ANGLES. CONTRIBUTIONS OF NIETZSCHE'S PERSPECTIVISM TO THE CLASSROOM IN HEALTH EDUCATION", Revista Contrapontos, 23, 1, 177-190

Other Publications

Noronha, Susana de (2023), "Susana de Noronha", in Wasterlain, Sofia (Ed.) 30 Anos, 30 Antropólogos , Coimbra: IUC, 73-74

Other Publications

Riquito, Mariana (2023), "Novos Contos das Montanhas Barrosãs: usurpações, intimidações e resistências", Jornal MAPA , 40, 15-17

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Rapchan, Eliane Sebeika; Carniel, Fagner (2023), "Os segredos que as águas escondem: Cartografias antropológicas do mar" in ABA - Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (org.)

Working Paper

Rapchan, Eliane Sebeika (2023), "Simian Narratives about Shared Worlds: Relationships between Humans and other Primates in Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts", Oficina do CES, 463

Article in Scientific journal

Carniel, Fagner; Rapchan, Eliane Sebeika (2023), "Think with the virus. Anthropology in pandemic times", Anthropologia integra, 14, 2, 35-41

Article in Scientific journal

Melo, Ana Teixeira de (2023), "Dissolving psychology: Psychology of Inter/Trans disciplinarity and an Interdisciplinary identity", International Journal of Psychology, 58: 32nd International Congress of Psychology, 18-23 July 2021 Prague, Czech Republic, S1, 1007

Article in Scientific journal

Melo, Ana Teixeira de (2023), "From Love-Force and families as a complex system towards an integrative approach to the complexity [abstract]", International Journal of Psychology, 58: 32nd International Congress of Psychology, 18-23 July 2021 Prague, Czech Republic (Virtual), S1, 1008

Other Publications

Teixeira de Melo, Ana; Renault de Barros, Letícia Maria (2023), "Mapping the complexity of case conceptualisations underlying assessments and interventions with multichallenged families with at-risk children",", Abstract Book.QRMH9 Qualitative Research in Mental Health Conference , 48


Melo, Ana Teixeira de; Gomes, Conceição; Abreu, Pedro (2023), GRUPO DE TRABALHO SOBRE DIGITALIZAÇÃO NO CES, Coimbra: CES, 21

Paper in Conference Proceedings

Melo, Ana Teixeira de; Renault, Letícia (2023), "Complex thinking choreographies and transformative processes." in A. Larocchi & A. Marey (org.), Applying education in a complex world: Teaching and Learning. AMPS Proceedings Series, 33.1.: Sheridan & AMPS, pp.247-258.

Article in Scientific journal

Faria, Marina Dias de; Portugal, Sílvia (2023), "Migração, gênero e maternidade: narrativas autobiográficas de mulheres que emigraram do Brasil", ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, 47, 205-222