Book Chapter
Grande, Nuno (2022), Quando a Democracia (re)fundou um lugar. A evolução do centro cívico de Matosinhos, in Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos (org.), Paços do Concelho de Matosinhos, 35 anos de memórias. Matosinhos: Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos, 49-57
Book Chapter
Moniz, Gonçalo Canto; Andersson, Ingrid; Hilding-Hamann, Knud Erik; Mateus, Américo; Nunes, Nathalie (2022), Inclusive Urban Regeneration with Citizens and Stakeholders: From Living Labs to the URBiNAT CoP, in Israa H. Mahmoud, Eugenio Morello, Fabiano Lemes de Oliveira, Davide Geneletti (org.), Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Urban Planning. Contemporary Urban Design Thinking. Springer International Publishing, 105-146
Book Chapter
Allegretti, Giovanni; Sgueo, Gianluca (2022), Connecting the Dots of an Implicit Agenda: The Case of Participatory Budgeting as a Travelling Policy, in Francesca Gelli; Matteo Basso (org.), Comparative Studies of Political Agendas. Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas. Springer International Publishing, 357-385
Book Chapter
Carvalho, Cláudia Pato de (2022), Recomendações Políticas e Medidas de Intervenção Cultural Rede Artéria 2018-2021, in Cláudia Parto de Carvalho e Isabel Craveiro (org.), Rede Artéria: territórios, criação artística, ciência/Rede Artéria: territories, artistic creation, science. Coimbra: O Teatrão; CCDRC, 315-322
Paper in Conference Proceedings
Bandeirinha, José António; Fonseca de Campos, Paulo; Correia, Luís Miguel; Leite, Vitório; Moniz, Gonçalo Canto (2022-09-08), "From Siza and Erskine to URBINAT: participatory architectural design and the European social housing co-production" in Carmen Jordà Such; Maite Palomares Figueres; Ana Tostões; Uta Pottgiesser (org.), Modern Design: Social Commitment & quality of Life. Valencia: DOCOMOMO International, 974-982.