Daniel Neves Costa
Daniel Neves da Costa is an Invited Assistant Professor of Sociology at the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra and a collaborator researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. He has a Ph.D. in Sociology through the doctoral program "Governance, Knowledge, and Innovation". His Ph.D. thesis was awarded the 2017 Maria Cândida da Cunha Award by the Portuguese National Institute for Rehabilitation. His training and research interests are grounded in Science and Technology Studies, Sociology of Knowledge and Sociology of Science, but also in Anthropology of Experience and Medical Anthropology, and Disability Studies. Daniel has strong interest in topics regarding Science and Society relations, specially in the epistemological dialogues between science and society and the development of participatory and collaborative procedures and platforms that promote Responsible Research and Innovation and Social Innovation, involving citizens, scientists, practitioners, innovators and other societal stakeholders in research and innovation in order to produce knowledge, services and products more sensitive and attuned to citizens problems and needs, towards the improvement of the quality of life of citizens, specially patients and persons with disability other vulnerable health-related groups. His work analyzes science and society relations especially the dynamics of interaction between scientific and lay knowledge and how they can promote the empowerment of individuals, groups and civil society organizations.
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Neves Costa, Daniel (2023), A gaguez como dificuldade de inscrição no mundo, in Fernando Fontes; Bruno Sena Martins (org.), A deficiência em Portugal: Lugares, corpos e lutas. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 209-232
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Sousa, Rodrigo limoeiro; Neves Costa, Daniel (2021), Shared Economy as a vector for Gentrification: AirBnB case studt in the Vidigal slum during the Great Events in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in Javier Sierra Sánchez, María Antón Barco (org.), De la Polis a la Urbe a través de miradas interdisciplinares. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 663-642
Article in Scientific journal
Estanque, Elísio; Costa, Daniel Neves (2021), "Transformar o capitalismo com utopias reais: em torno do legado de Erik Olin Wright. Uma introdução", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 124, 101-110
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