COORDINATION: João Rodrigues, Ana Costa (ISCTE-IUL) and Francisco Louçã (ISEG-UL)
The interdisciplinary doctoral programme in Political Economy provides the opportunity to acquire advanced training in the research of contemporary capitalist systems. In line with several international trends in the social sciences, the programme fosters a critical and plural study on current socio-economic systems.
The Doctoral Programme in Political Economy is the result of a partnership between the following university institutions: ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC) and the Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG-UL).
It also results from a partnership with the research centres associated to these institutions: the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, the Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies (DINAMIA'CET) and the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES) (CIES) of ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, and the Research Unit in Social Sciences and Management (CSG) and the Research Unit on Complexity and Economics (UECE) of ISEG - University of Lisbon.
The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Political Economy started in 2018/19 and was accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) in 2018 for 6 years. The programme is offered biennially, with a new programme edition every 2 year, being each university therefore responsible for a new edition.
Capitalism is a socio-economic and power system; a system that is diverse throughout and at every moment of its history; a system that is changing in its institutional frameworks and scales. Critically studying capitalism is the main aim of the Interdisciplinary PhD in Political Economy. This programme particularly values the creation of knowledge about capitalism in Portugal and its evolution, placing it within the European and global contexts that have shaped and still shape its trajectories of convergence and divergence.
The Interdisciplinary PhD in Political Economy has taken shape from research projects, relevant publications, advanced training experience and a long path of joint work developed at different levels. This programme aims to train students for two main paths: (1) the pursuit of careers in senior management in the public and private sectors, giving them the ability to understand a complex and constantly changing socio-economic and political reality; (2) the development of research projects with an impact on the scientific community and providing the possibility of integration into an academic career.
"Interdisciplinarity is at the core of the programme, which allows the integration of different perspectives in the study of capitalist systems, but also gives freedom and flexibility to situate the various research projects. The privileged position of the CES and the programme in networks of top-level researchers undoubtedly favours a stimulating and enriching environment."
Daniela Miranda Prado, all but dissertation (Chile)
"Studying capitalist systems as socioeconomic realities in their diversity and relationality is a central challenge to understand the world we live in. CES and the Political Economy Program, due to their interuniversity and interdisciplinary characteristics, are the most suitable places to do so."
Catarina Príncipe, all but dissertation (Portugal)