E-learning Course

The History of Enslavement and its Racial Legacy: Politics, Identity and Education in Portugal and Cape Verde

March 20 and 21, 2025, 17h00-20h00

Considering the growing academic and political interest in the history of enslavement and its racial legacy, as well as the recognition of its relevance for understanding contemporary cultural, social, and political processes, this Advanced Training Course addresses recent debates on history and its teaching. The course takes as its starting point the importance of dialogue between regions and nations interconnected by colonial history, focusing on the European and African contexts, on the one hand, and Portugal and Cape Verde, on the other. Based on an ongoing international research project funded by the Spencer Foundation (USA), this course aims to provide theoretical contributions and recent empirical data on these themes, contributing to reflection on the policies, initiatives, and challenges that continue to stem from this historical legacy.

This training course was developed for researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, educators, compulsory school teachers and people interested in the history of colonialism and slavery, as well as its racial legacy in contemporary societies.

Trainers | Ana Maria Seixas (FPCE/CES-UC), Jorge Fonseca (CEPESE - Centre for Population, Economy and Society Studies, Porto), Marta Araújo (CES - Centre for Social Studies | UC), Osvaldino Monteiro (FAeD - Faculty of Education and Sport | University of Cape Verde), Abel Djassi Amado (Simmons University, Boston - Massachusetts) and Victor Barros (IHC - Institute of Contemporary History | FCSH-NOVA)

Registration free, but compulsory

Registration limit: 50 people