
Research into justice and human rights: theoretical and methodological challenges

October 15, 2025, 15h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

The DemoJUST Doctoral Workshops aim to promote meetings between students enrolled in doctoral programmes and/or members of CES Working Groups, during which they can present and discuss their research topics among peers in an open, safe and constructive critical environment.

Based on an aggregating theme entitled “Justice, Human Rights and Democracy: Critical Perspectives and Legal Pluralisms” - and with a theoretical and/or methodological focus close to the DemosJUST Research Group, each Workshop will have 3 doctoral students and 2 commentators as active participants, with the aim of fostering synergies with and between doctoral students, researchers and lecturers associated with CES. The workshops will last a maximum of 2 hours.

Theme: Research into justice and human rights: theoretical and methodological challenges

Carolina Carvalho, Doctoral Programme in International Politics and Conflict Resolution (PIRC), “The role of the International Criminal Court in conflict resolution and peace processes”;

José Ricardo Robles, Doctoral Programme in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies, Abyssal Human Rights, the Inter-American Human Rights System, and its post-abyssal possibilities. Challenges from the counter-hegemonic wealth of indigenous peoples; their struggles, their rights, their worlds’

Criziany Machado Felix, Doctoral Programme in Sociology of Law, “Restorative Justice on the Move: Trajectories, Discourses and Practices”

Comments: Paula Casleiro and Natália Bueno

Activity within the research group Democracy, Justice and Human Rights (DemoJUST)