Seminar| DemoJUST Books - Meet the Author
«Mulheres, Raça e Etnicidades: Introdução aos Feminismos Decoloniais» by Catarina Martins
March 31, 2025, 15h00
Room 1, CES | Alta
Organised by the Democracy, Justice and Human Rights Research Group (DemoJUST), the 2nd DemoJUST Books Series - Meet the Author invites members of the Group who have recently published books to a talk that will include a brief presentation of their books (15m), followed by an intervention by a guest commentator, and subsequently a Q&A which seeking to articulate the commentary with themes of Democracy, Justice and Human Rights. With this event, the DemoJUST reaesrch Group aims to stimulate scientific debate around burning issues, while promoting the internal and external visibility of the research carried out at CES and, in particular, in this research Group.
Book: Martins, Catarina (2024), Mulheres, Raça e Etnicidades: Introdução aos Feminismos Decoloniais. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press.
Synopsis: This book is presented as an introductory manual to Postcolonial and Decolonial Feminisms and to themes related to the feminisms of racialised women and the feminisms of the global South.
Comments: Madalena Duarte (CES/FEUC)
Organisation: DemoJUST Thematic Line, coordinated by Ana Cristina Santos, Silvia Maeso and Daniela Nascimento.