Gustavo Mariano


Gustavo Borges Mariano is a PhD candidate in the program Human Rights in Contemporary Societies at the Center for Social Studies. Gustavo holds a master degree in Philosophy of Law (Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra) and his master's dissertation was entitled "The axiological-juridical grounding for cases around sexuality education: the limits among law, politics and education and the juridical relations among parents, State and the child". Gustavo has a bachelor's degree in Law (Federal University of Goiás, Brasil).He is part of the Research Groups of Sexualities at CES, a researcher collaborator in the project Colourful Childhoods and he volunteers at rede ex aequo in the Project LGBTI Education. His main research interests revolve around Human Rights, Gender, Sexuality, Decolonialities and Education.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Mariano, Gustavo (2024), "In+olerância: análise do gesto opressivo (i)legível", CEScontexto, 35, 51-61

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Book Chapter

Mariano, Gustavo (2021), Vozes, Ecos e Silêncios da Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos, in Gabriel Antonio Silveira Mantelli, Laura Degaspare Monte Mascaro (org.), Direitos Humanos em Múltiplas Miradas, 223-243

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Book Chapter

Mariano, Gustavo (2020), A fundamentação jurídica das políticas públicas com perspectiva de gênero: um debate entre direito e política, in Sílzia Alves Carvalho; Carolina Lemos de Faria; Antônio Flávio de Oliveira (org.), Processo e Políticas Públicas de Acesso à Justiça. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 59-80

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