Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Organization of Advanced trainning course. Human Rights: what rights, for which humans?, Coimbra, Portugal, 25 to 27 October by 2018.
Presentations in scientific events
Robles Zamarripa, José Ricardo (2019), ""¿Posibilidades contrahegemónicas para los pueblos indígenas en el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos?: Más allá de un DIDH
auto-celebratorio y despolitizado"", paper presented at Congreso Internacional de Teoría Crítica "La necesaria (re)invención de los Derechos Humanos. In memoriam Joaquín Herrera Flores, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, La Rábida, 17 to 20 October.
Robles Zamarripa, José Ricardo (2018), ""Conventional theoretical conceptions on human rights: Reinforcing the social struggles' disconnection?"", paper presented at 2da Conferência internacional. Ética, Política y Cultura: Direitos Humanos, Porto, Portugal, 19 to 20 November.
Robles Zamarripa, José Ricardo (2018), "Are the conventional theoretical conceptions of human rights reinforcing the social struggles' disconnection?", paper presented at imaginação do futuro. Saberes, experiências, alternativas
Colóquio internacional de homenagem a Boaventura de Sousa Santos nos 40
anos do Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, Port, 07 to 10 November.
Robles Zamarripa, José Ricardo (2018), ""How convenient! The limited capacity of the non-discrimination clause within the hegemonic human rights' discourses and practices"", paper presented at Social justice amidst the convergence of crises: Repoliticizing inequalities; 16th Development Dialogue, Hague, Netherlands, 01 to 02 November.
Robles Zamarripa, José Ricardo (2018), "Conventional theoretical conceptions on human rights: Reinforcing the social struggles "disconnection"", paper presented at DÉMOCRATIE ET ÉTAT DE DROIT
QUAND L'EXCEPTION DEVIENT LA RÈGLE, Toulouse, France, 28 to 29 September.