Edwin Rubio
Bachelor in Law (Universidad Surcolombiana). Between 2009 and 2013 in southern Colombia was attorney of the movement of victims of state crimes (MOVICE) and of the Colectivo Jose Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR). Litigating crimes against humanity before the national legal system. Legal representative of ACADEHUM (2009-2012)(Colombian association of human rights defence lawyers). Part-time professor at the university Minuto de Dios in 2013. ( Neiva-Huila). Since 2014 has been counselor of indigenous organizations as such (Tama-Dujos-Nasa, Wayuu, Arhuacos). Advising them on issues related to intercultural justice, characterisations of the impact of the armed conflict and prior consultation on mining projects. In the academic scope. Edwin has a master degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (Universidad Externado-Carlos III de Madrid. (thesis: SISPI (The Indigenous System of Intercultural Own Health) through the Autonomic Decree 1953 of 2014. He has written some articles about human rights and indigenous peoples in Colombia. In addition, he is member of CLACSO and RELAJU. Nowadays, he is writing about issues that involve decoloniality, indigenous peoples and the theory of law. He obtained a P.hD in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies. Currenlty, Visiting professor, postgraduate program in Amazonian thought. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Amazonas
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April 8, 2025, 15h00 (GMT+1)
Lecture | Lauareté Waterfall: Political and legal defence of the great Amazonian anaconda
Latest Publications
Rubio, Edwin (2024), Análisis y fundamentación del concepto de refugiado por cambio climático. Bogota: Editorial Ibañez
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Rubio, Edwin; Castaneda, Luisa (2024), "SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND THE FORMATION OF LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS AMONG THE INDIGENOUS ARHUACO WOMEN", Revista de Estudos Empiricos em Direito, 11, 1-28
Read moreBook Chapter
Rubio, Edwin (2024), A Decolonial Approach to the Background of the Subject of Law, in Omar Akfou - Rachid Ait Abdelmouman - Seddik Ouboulahcen (org.), Modernity and the Global South : Decolonial and postcolonial Hubs. Ait Melloul, Ibn Zohr University: Omar Akfou - Rachid Ait Abdelmouman - Seddik, 71-96
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