Luana Xavier Pinto Coelho


PhD in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies from the Center for Social Studies/Institute for Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Coimbra. She has a bachelor in Law and a master in Urban Development and International Cooperation (IUG-UPMF, Grenoble/ France and TUD, Darmstadt/ Germany). She has conducted research and published in the fields of urban studies, critical race theory, human rights and urban law. Her current topic of interest is understanding urban racial segregation, especially the relationship between race, law and space.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Xavier Pinto Coelho, Luana; Melgaço, Lorena; Saharan, Tara; Rajendran, Lakshmi Priya (2025), "Decolonizing Urban Planning Research in Global South: A Call for Shifting the Gaze", Journal of Planning Education and Research

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Book Chapter

Xavier Pinto Coelho, Luana (2024), El Perú y los compromisos internacionales contra el racismo y la garantía de derechos al pueblo afroperuano: discursos y prácticas, in Mariela Noles Cotito y Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman (org.), Ciudadanías invisibles: miradas en torno a la afroperuanidad y la negritud. Lima: Fondo Editorial Universidad del Pacifico, 165-198

Article in Scientific journal

Xavier Pinto Coelho, Luana (2023), "Racismo antinegro y derecho en el Perú: análisis del caso Algendones", DerechoPUCP, 90, 9-40

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