Marcos Silva
PhD in Social Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP). Post-doctorate in the Thematic Line "Democracy, justice and human rights", with the project "TikTok anti-racist trends: a study of narratives to combat racism in football on the TikTok platform". He was a member of the POLITICS project - "The politics of (anti)racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, political decision-making and collective struggles" (ERC-Consolidator Grant, 2017-2023). He is a collaborator of the project "The presence of women in legal education in Brazil from the perspective of gender and race (2001-2021)". University of Brasilia (UnB/CNPq). He is a collaborating professor at the São Paulo State University (Unesp/Araraquara) and the Coimbra Higher School of Education (ESEC). His areas of interest include studies of ethnic-racial relations: (anti)racism, race, black youth, curriculum, football.
Latest Publications
Article in Scientific journal
Silva, Marcos; Ramos, Max Ruben Tavares de Pina (2025), "Educação Antirracista, Produção de Conhecimento e Descolonização Epistémica em Pesquisas", Trama Interdisciplinar, 15, 2, 30-47
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Silva, Marcos (2025), "Narrativas acadêmicas sobre educação das relações étnico-raciais em universidades públicas latino-americanas (Brasil e Peru)", Educação e Pesquisa, 51, e272843, 1-23
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Silva, Marcos Antonio Batista da (2024), "Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais. desafios e efetivação no currículo de pedagogia", Revista Triângulo, 17, 3, 145-168
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