Ana Lúcia Santos
Ana Lúcia Santos has been conducting research at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra since 2012. She has integrated research projects related to LGBTQ citizenship and disability-related projects. She is currently part of the Research Project REMEMBER - Experiences of LGBTQ Older People in Democratic Portugal (1974-2020). She holds a degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and a PhD in Feminist Studies from the same Faculty with a thesis on the regulation of sexually non-normative bodies in sport. Research areas: queer theory, crip theory, feminist studies, intersex studies, trans studies, philosophy, posthumanism, feminist biology. Besides her academic work, she has been involved in LGBTQI activism in Portugal in the past, having been one of the co-founders of the Anti-Homophobia and Transphobia Platform of Coimbra.
May 6, 2025, 15h00
Workshop | Contributions to democracy and Human Rights
O papel de profissionais LGBTQ+ para uma saúde inclusiva
Recording Experiences of LGBTQ Elders in Post-Dictatorship Portugal (1974-2020)
Latest Publications
Pieri, Mara; Marques, Tiago Pires; Santos, Ana Cristina; Santos, Ana Lúcia (orgs.) (2024), Ageing as LGBTQ+ in Portugal. A guide for health professionals and carers. Coimbra: Centre for Social Studies
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Santos, Ana Lúcia (2024), "A hiperandrogenia no atletismo e o regime da medicalização compulsória", Revista Feminismos, 12, 2
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Santos, Ana Lúcia (2024), "Pessoas trans no desporto: regras de elegibilidade, desafios e resistências", Revista de Estudios de Género, La ventana, 7, 59, 388-425
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