Dora Fonseca


Graduated in Psychology by the Faculty of Psychology and Sciencies of Education of the University of Porto in 2005, with specialisation in the area of Psychology of Deviant Behaviour. She has a PhD in Sociology: Labour Relations, Social Inequalities and Trade Unionism, by the Faculty of Economics of the University University of Coimbra (2016). Her main research interests lay on the areas of labour relations, trade unionism and social movements.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Fonseca, Dora; Soeiro, José (2024), "Precariedade, Trabalhadores Migrantes e Preconceito Étnico-Racial em Portugal: Mudanças no Emprego e Respostas Sindicais", Caderno CRH, 37, e024044

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Book Chapter

Matos, Ana Raquel; Fonseca, Dora; Mendes, José Manuel (2022), Social movements and protest events in Portugal during and after the austerity measures: A discursive analysis, in Laura Filardo Llamas; Esperanza Morales-López; Alan Floyd (org.), Discursive Approaches to Sociopolitical Polarization and Conflict. Routledge, 44-61

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Article in Scientific journal

Marques, Paulo; Fonseca, Dora (2021), "Understanding the positions taken by moderate union confederations and centre-left parties during labour market reforms in Portugal and Spain: Why the configuration of left parties and trade union confederations matters", European Journal of Industrial Relations, 095968012110057

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