Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Member of the Organizing Committee of "Scriviamola Insieme: per una legge siciliana sulla partecipazione", Palermo, Regional Sicilian Parliament, 30 to 30 January by 2025 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Saja, Francescio; d'Avella, Giuseppe).
Member of the Organizing Committee of " Integrating Multi-Species Perspectives in Democracies" , Meeting R&D, Vancouver, 19 September 2024 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Mathieu, Yves).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Beyond a Minimal Democracy, Milan, 04 to 05 December by 2023 (com Puttini, Spartaco ; Francescutto, Sofia; Allegretti, Giovanni; Taurisano, Ludovica).
Organization of "Experiências de Codesign - uma discussão interativa" - session of the OIDP 2023 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 07 November 2023.
Organization of "Participação presencial e digital no processo orçamentário: Sinergias e conflitos" - session of the OIDP 2023 Conference (6/8 Nov 2023), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 07 November 2023.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Visit of the Awarded Student Group from Seoul National University - cluster on Democracy and Participation, Cascais/Aveiro/Lisboa/Coimbra, Portugal, 30 January to 02 February 2023 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Kim, Bong Hwan).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Citizens' assemblies for the climate : a political or technocratic response to the ecological challenge? , Nuffield College and Maison Française, Oxford, UK, 08 to 09 September by 2022 (com Sintomer, Yves ; Smith, Graham; Allegretti, Giovanni).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Involving Citizens on issues related to the European Green Deal. An overview of some significant experiences in Portugal and beyond., Lisbon, Portugal, 01 June 2022 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Holz, Sheila).
Member of the Organizing Committee of OFICINA | RODA DE SABERES: "Práticas metodológicas colaborativas", CES - Coimbra, 16 December 2019 (com Teixeira de Melo, Ana; Pato de Carvalho, Claudia; Allegretti, Giovanni).
Member of the Organizing Committee of "Consortium Meeting" of the Project PLUS "Plataform Labur in Urban Spaces" , CES Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 12 to 13 December by 2019 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Secchi, Michelangelo ; Tomassoni, Franco).
Member of the Organizing Committee of "Democracia, políticas públicas e saúde: uma comparação sobre a participação social em autoridades independentes do Brasil e de Portugal" , Ces Lisboa - Lisbon - Portugal, 18 November 2019 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Sebba Ramalho, Pedro Ivo).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Workshop "The Crisis and challenges of Democracy" , Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra, 04 to 06 November by 2019 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Avritzer, Leonardo; Ramos, Alfredo; Carvalho, Priscila).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Final Workshop of the project "Assessment of CSOs´ and citizens´ engagement in public budgetary process at national and local level in the Republic of Moldova", Chisinau - Hotel Jolly Alon (Moldova), 09 July 2019 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Palihovici, Liliana).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Le Innovazioni Democratiche, Milano - Fondazione Feltrinelli, 26 February 2019 (com Puttini, Spartaco Allegretti, Giovanni).
Member of the Organizing Committee of "Promuovere la partecipazione e la cittadinanza digitale: quale ruolo per gli enti superiori?" , Florença"Promuovere la partecipazione e la cittadinanza digitale: quale ruolo per gli enti superiori?" , Regione Toscana, 23 January 2019 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Secchi, Michelangelo; Fattori, Tommaso).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Valutazione del quinquennio di attivitá dell'Autoritá Toscana per la Promozione della Partecipazione, Florence, 16 to 17 January by 2019 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Gelli, Francesca ; Scattoni, Paolo ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminar for writing a book on Democratic Innovation, Roma - Luiss University, 15 to 17 January by 2019 (com Sorice, Michele Allegretti, Giovanni).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Lisbon Laboratory of the Project «Smart Urban Intermediaries» , Lisbon, 09 to 11 January by 2019 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Brito Guterres, Antonio).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Sessioni di valutazione dell'operato della Autoritá per la Graanzia e la Promozione della Partecipazione della Regione Toscana dal 2014 ad oggi, Regione Toscana, Florence, Italy, 24 to 25 July by 2018 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Gelli, Francesca).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Oficina regional da Rede das Autarquias Participativas, Cascais, Portugal, 18 to 19 January by 2017 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Dias, Nelson).
Organization of Universidade de Verão 2016 "Ambientes Ciolaborativos" , 17 a 18 de Setembro de 2015 (com Dias, Nelson)., Biblioteca Municipal de Olhao , 19 to 20 September by 2016.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Universidade de Verão 2015 - Forum Sul, Biblioteca Municipal de Loule', 17 to 18 September by 2015 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Dias, Nelson).
Organization of CES VAI A ESCOLA and other activities: increasing dialogue with young generations, Faculdade de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Coimbra, Departamento de Arquitectura, 06 June 2015.
Member of the Organizing Committee of "La Toscana partecipa: voce ai cittadini su clima e energia" (6 de Junho de 2015), edição italiana do evento internacional "World Wude Views on Climate and energy" em preparação da COP 21 de Paris sobre o Clima, Palazzo Bastogi - Firenze, Italia, 06 June 2015 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Casillo, Ilaria; Scattoni, Paolo).
Organization of Projetando a participação cidadã a nível supralocal: aprendizagens e desafios das experiências de Debate Público sobre grandes infraestruturas, Ces_Lx, 23 to 23 January by 2015.
Member of the Organizing Committee of "Quando o Orçamento Participativo e as Moedas Sociais se encontram"., CES Coimbra, 21 to 21 October by 2014 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Lucas dos Santos, Luciane).
Member of the Organizing Committee of "Cidade e Alteridade: convivência multicultural e justiça urbana", CIUL/CES-Lisboa, Portugal, 27 to 28 September by 2013 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Araujo, Marta; Rodrigues Maeso, Silvia).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Universidade de Verão: "COMPREENDER A CRISE, REFORÇAR A CIDADANIA", Loulé, Portugal, 10 to 13 September by 2013 (com Dias, Nelson Allegretti, Giovanni).
Member of the Organizing Committee of A Dinâmica da Participação Local em Brasil e na Europa". , CES-Lisboa, Portugal, 06 to 07 July by 2013 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Avritzer, Leonardo).
Organization of "ORÇAMENTOS PARTICIPATIVOS: RECURSOS PARA O CONHECIMENTO" , XIII Conferencia Internacional do OIDP, Cascais, Portugal, 05 to 07 July by 2013.
Member of the Organizing Committee of "Universidadae de Verão 2012" intitulada "Agricultura, Alimentação, Consumo e Cidadania", Museu Municipal de Faro, 11 to 14 September by 2012 (com Dias, Nelson Allegretti, Giovanni).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Reinventing the city: participation and innovation (Summer School), ISCTE, Lisbon, 02 to 07 July by 2012 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Duxbury, Nancy; Guerra, Isabel ; Sousa, Vanessa).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions, FEUC (Coimbra), 28 to 30 June by 2012 (com Allegretti, Giovanni; Barca, Stefania; Duxbury, Nancy; Grigolo, Michele).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Rumina(c)ções urbanas: contar a cidade numa "roda de histórias", Casa Municipal da Cultura, Rua Pedro Monteiro, Coimbra, 05 to 30 June by 2012 (com Lechner, Elsa Allegretti, Giovanni).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Alojamento Estudantil e a cidade inclusiva Local, Residência Universitária - Pólo II - 2, Coimbra, 03 May 2012 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Canto Moniz, Gonçalo).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Universidade de Verão" intitulada: "Sociedades em Transição: Construindo comunidades inclusivas a partir do local"., Tavira, Algarve, Portugal, 06 to 09 September by 2011 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Dias, Nelson ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Universidade de Verão 2010 intitulada "Redes Sociais - Da abordagem institucional à abordagem participativa", S. Bras de Alportel, 15 to 18 September by 2010 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Dias, Nelson ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of UNIVERSIDADE DE VERÃO 2009 intitulada: "Governação e participação desafiando a crise", São Brás de Alportel, 09 to 12 September by 2009 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Dias, Nelson ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Os Orçamentos Participativos na Europa: uma apresentação não convencional , Auditorium CEFA - Coimbra, 22 to 23 June by 2007 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Matias, Marisa).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Democracia Participativa, CES - Universidade de Coimbra, 06 February 2007 (com Allegretti, Giovanni Zobel, Clemens).
Presentations in scientific events
Allegretti, Giovanni (2302), "New strategies for Participatory Budgeting: the case of Bologna", paper presented at Public Budgeting and Strategic Deliberation, R&D Meeting - Vancouver (Canada), 20 to 20 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Paula, Anabela (2025), ""Mobilizing citizens in remote areas of the countryside: examples from the projects PHOENIX and TRANSLIGHTHOUSE"", paper presented at A transnational dialogue between Portugal and Korea, Centro de Estudos Sociais - Coimbra, 20 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), "Considerazioni finali sui lavori dei gruppi", paper presented at Assemblee cittadine:.Reimmaginare la partecipazione democratica, Bologna - Forum per le Transizioni Giuste, 07 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), ""Democracia Participativa em Perspetiva: Efetivação de Direitos e Cidadania"", paper presented at 2º Seminario Internacional da Participação Popular e Governo Aberto, Contagem (Brasil), 22 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), "Centripete o centrifughe? Strategie di incentivo ai percorsi di innovazione democratica e forme di regolamentazione in un quadro internazionale", paper presented at PARTECIPAZIONE, INCLUSIONE E STATO DI DIRITTO PER UNA VISIONE SOLIDALE E PARTECIPATIVA DELLA DEMOCRAZIA COSTITUZIONALE , Milan, 29 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), "Success factors for Participatory Budgeting", paper presented at "Success factors for e-Democracy initiatives" - within the Civil Society Week 2024, Bruxelles, Belgium, 04 to 06 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), "Come si partecipa? Criteri, metodi e precauzioni per processi partecipativi equi, trasparenti e inclusivi", paper presented at "La costruzione della strategia regionale aree interne nel ciclo di programmazione europea 2021-2027" -Seminar n. 1 on : "Istituzioni, partecipazione e governance", , Politecnico di Milano, Itália, 26 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), "Discussant da conferencia de Augusto Verduga Sánchez", paper presented at Democracia Participativa e Controle Social: Desvendando o Quinto Poder do Equador , FEUC - Coimbra, Portugal, 19 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Gianolla, Cristiano; Monico, Lisete (2024), ""Merit vs participation in the religious emotion narrative of the far right"", paper presented at UNPOP International Colloquium - Emotions, Narratives and Identities in Politics, Populism and Democracy., Coimbra, Portugal, 24 to 26 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), "Declinare la partecipazione per costruire il cambiamento. Il messaggio di Papa Francesco oltre una visione statica del concetto di sussidiarietà"", paper presented at Conference on Integral Ecology - For a social ecological transformation, Sophia University Institute, Loppiano, Italy, 11 to 13 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), "Experiencias internacionais de participação na construção do PDM", paper presented at Audição no âmbito da temática PARTICIPAÇÃO, inserida no debate sobre a Revisão do Plano Diretor Municipal de Lisboa., Assembleia Municipal de Lisboa - 3.ª COMISSÃO PERMANENTE DE URBANISMO, REABILITAÇÃO E PLANEAMENTO URBANO 94.ª Reunião Extraordinária, 16 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Il caso del "Novo Pacto Verde" portoghese", paper presented at Democratizing the Green Deals Participation and deliberation in the co-design of environmental transition, Politecnico di Milano - ORBIS project - Mila, Italy, 21 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), ""Limits and challenges of participation: an overview of the present conjuncture and some new trends towards systemic thinking"", paper presented at SALAR PB NETWORK , Association of Municipalities and Regions of Sweden (SALAR - PB Network) (Stockholm, Suécia), 07 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Opening Speech", paper presented at Oltre la Democrazia Minima. Terzo Forum sul Futuro della Democrazia, Milan, Italy, 04 to 05 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), ""Valorizar a participação publica num período de declínio da confiança nas instituições democráticas"", paper presented at "Academia de Liderança da Rede de Institutos Nacionais da Administração Pública e Equivalentes (RINAPE)", Lisboa, Portugal, 23 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Repensando las Organizaciones de la Sociedade Civil", paper presented at Diploma Liderazgo y gobernanza del desarrollo local inclusivo y sostenible", Esacuela de Gobernanza de San José de Uruguay (San José, Uruguai), 20 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), ""Democracia Deliberativa e Transição Ecologica: experiencias a partir do projeto Phoenix"", paper presented at "Democracia Deliberativa e Transição Ecologica", Universidade de Brasilia, Brasil, 31 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Melhorando os modelos de Orçamento Participativo e ampliando a sua escala", paper presented at Democracia Participativa e Orçamento Público: experiências nacionais e internacionais, Presidencia da Republica do Brasil - Secretaria Geral , 30 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Opening Speech on International Cooperation", paper presented at Training Event of "InovaJuntos", Sede da CNM, Brasilia, Brasil, 23 to 27 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), ""As freguesias como atores centrais da inovação democrática" - Sessão: "Estimular o envolvimento e capacitar as vozes da comunidade a moldar um futuro comum".", paper presented at Juntas de Freguesia do Futuro, Online (no ambito da WireAcademy), 17 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "(invited for the events related to the Democartic Odyssey project)", paper presented at Athens Democracy Forum, Athens, Greece, 25 to 29 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Post-growth Pluriverse(s) in Policy Spehere(s): European Green Deal and Beyond", paper presented at 9th International Degrowth Conference, Zagreb (Croatia), 29 August 02 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Bordos, Eva (2023), "Possibilities and pitfalls of Deliberative democracy in tackling climate justice - Climate assemblies in practice", paper presented at Terrestrial Forum 2023 - Horizons of Change, Pozega, Sérbia, 24 to 27 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), ""Pedagogias y Filosofias Criticas desde el Sur"", paper presented at "Transformacion sociocultaral necessaria para el Buen Vivir y el Convivir - Una otra humanidad es posible", Mexico City, Mexico, 20 to 22 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "When Accountability Is Granted by the Coordinated Multichannel System of Participatory Processes: The Case of Cascais Participation (Portugal) -", paper presented at Twenty-Ninth International Conference of Europeanists - session:"Deliberative Practices in Europe: Democratic Accountability or Window Dressing?", Reykjavik, Iceland, 27 June 29 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), " Democracy, the Radical Right, and the Elites (chair, moderator and discussant)", paper presented at Twenty-Ninth International Conference of Europeanists , Reykjavik, Iceland, 27 to 29 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "CONFERENCIA MAGISTRAL-Participación y Ciudadanía en la agenda 2030", paper presented at Jornadas Internacionales de Teoría Crítica de los Derechos Humanos "DERECHOS HUMANOS Y TERRITORIO: DEBATES SOBRE LA AGENDA 2030", Seville, Spain, 12 to 15 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Round Table "¿CÓMO CONECTAR LA AGENDA 2030 CON EL ARTE, LA MEMORIA, LA COMUNICACIÓN Y LA CULTURA COMO PROMOTORES DE UN MODELO DE DESARROLLO CRÍTICO?"", paper presented at Jornadas Internacionales de Teoría Crítica de los Derechos Humanos "DERECHOS HUMANOS Y TERRITORIO: DEBATES SOBRE LA AGENDA 2030", Seville, Spain, 12 to 15 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "De-polarizing civic participation? Lessons from the incomplete experience of Greenland", paper presented at Presentation and debate about the Book "Reclaiming participatory governance: social movements and the reinvention of democratic innovations" (Routledge), Birmingham University, UK, 07 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Mini & Maxi Publics - Thinking about a resilient deliberative system of support?", paper presented at We the people: The Rise of Citizens, online (Fondazione Feltrinelli Website), 30 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), ""What to do next with European Green Deal?Deliberative and Degrowth Perspectives"", paper presented at Subversive Film Festival 2023 - Debates, Zagreb, Croatia, 26 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "La partecipazione per "reinventare" la relazione con la cittá: ispirandosi al Bilancio Partecipativo", paper presented at Educazione Civica e Partecipazione cittadina, Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore "Il Pontormo" di Empoli (Italy), 22 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Introductory Speech of the Seminar", paper presented at "Per una democrazia ad alta densitá attraverso forme diverse di impegno civico", Bevagna (Italy) - organised by Congresso Civico di Bevagna, 20 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Lopes Alves, Mariana (2023), "Common Challenges of Voting Procedures in Participatory Processes: how to select the right voting method?", paper presented at People Powered Members Convening 2023 , Mexico City, Mexico, 06 to 11 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), "Practices of participation (and their limits and challenge) in Portugal", paper presented at Study Tour in Portugal of awarded students of National Seul University, FEUC, Coimbra, Portugal, 31 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Two Volumes, two worlds", paper presented at Presentation of the Book: Cartografia do Orçamento Participativo em BH, Grenoble - Stade des Alpes, 09 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Des tranchées aux avenuesde la démocratie Participative", paper presented at XXI Conference of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy, Grenoble, 07 to 10 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Co-designdes processus participatifspour lamise enuvre duGreenDeal européen: enjeux du Projet européen Phoenix", paper presented at XXI Conference of the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy, Grenoble, 07 December 10 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Dialogue citoyen et transition écologique (moderation of the panel and rappoorteur)", paper presented at XXI Conference of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy, Grenoble, 07 December 10 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Zeit für Luftschlösser: Partizipativer Bundeshaushalt, nur ein Traum? ", paper presented at D3 - Kongress zur digitalen Demokratie, Berlin (and Online), 22 to 23 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Opening Speech", paper presented at Segunda visita de cooperação "Inova Juntos", Hub Criativo do Beato, Lisbon, Portugal, 20 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Forme e Pratiche della Partecipazione sui temi energetici: quali sfide in corso?", paper presented at Opening speech of the Master in "Manager of Local Sustainable Development", Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Padua, Italy , 19 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Democracy in the Digital Age/Democrazia nell", paper presented at IFDaD - International Forum on Digital and Democracy, Milan, 16 to 18 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Repensando a cooperação entre cidades e academia", paper presented at Cooperação entre o CES/UC e a Frente Nacional dos Prefeitos do Brasil, Coimbra, Portugal, 09 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Participatory Budget as a Tool for Local Development", paper presented at Uzbekistan Economic Forum 2022, Samarcanda, Uzbekistan, 03 to 04 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Modalidades de participação, através de algumas praticas", paper presented at WebINAr: Experiências de construção da democracia participativa, Online, 27 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "La persistência de la desigualdade: exemplos de luchas, desde Roma", paper presented at La Persistencia de la Desigualdad Urbana: Territorio, Estigma, Participación, Cordoba, Spain, 21 to 22 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), ""Ciência cidadã: expandir o conceito para alem do uso clássico?" ", paper presented at Colaboratório #3: participação comunitária e ciência cidadã, Lisbon, 12 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Nobody and nowhere left behind: participatory practices for an inclusive European Green Deal (Introduction)", paper presented at European Week of Regions, Brussels and Online, 11 to 15 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "UNPACKING DELIBERATIVE IDEOLOGY", paper presented at TESSERAE DIALOGUES #8, Online, 11 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Strumenti, forme e spazi della partecipazione.", paper presented at ATTIVIAMOCI! - Grammatiche della Partecipazione, Milano (Bicocca University), 06 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Innovazione digitale nella partecipazione", paper presented at La Giornata della Partecipazione, Bologna, Italy, 30 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Rotation and sortition in relation to trust ", paper presented at COST ACTION 17135 - Meeting of Working Group 2, Marseille, 25 to 26 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "A participação no planeamento da mobilidade urbana (roundtable)", paper presented at Estudo participativo sobre a mobilidade em Marvila, Lisboa, Lisbon, 20 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "The challenges of transition for Planning", paper presented at Opeining of the Master Degree "Urban and regional planning and design" at DIDA of Florence University, Florence, and Italy, and online, 19 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Lessons from the French Citizens Convention for the Climate (Introduction, and Chair of the Panel)", paper presented at Citizens' assemblies for the climate : a political or technocratic response to the ecological challenge?, Oxford, UK, 08 to 09 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Sfide della partecipazione per la rigenerazione urbana", paper presented at Quartu tra rigenerazione urbana e cittadinanza attiva: , Quartu S. Elena (CA), Italy, 28 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Reimaginando uma nova geração de Orçamentos Participativos", paper presented at Debate Cívico sobre o Orçamento Participativo de Abrantes, Abrantes, Portugal, 22 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "How does participation dialogue with NBS?", paper presented at NATiURB -. Nature for Innovative and inclusive Urban Regeneration, Fondazione Feltrinelli, Milan, Italy, 16 to 17 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Whose right to the city?: functional diversity and the co-creation of nature-based solutions for an inclusive public space (discussant)", paper presented at NATiURB -Nature for Innovative and Inclusive Urban Regeneration, IULM, Milan, Italy, 16 to 17 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Zarate, Lorena; Saule jr., Nelson; Fernandes, Edesio (2022), "Building the right to the city through diverse spaces of commoning: which role for ruling frameworks? (2 sessions as Chair & discussant)", paper presented at NATiURB: Nature for inclusive and innovative urban regeneration, IULM, Milan, Italy, 16 to 17 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Città cemento. L'assalto all'ambiente. Come rigeneriamo le città?", paper presented at Broken Cities, Milan, Italy, 15 to 17 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "El papel de los processos participativos en la construcción sustantiva de los derechos ", paper presented at Master en Derechos Humanos, Interculturalidad y Desarrollo, UPO, Seville, Spain, 08 to 09 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Visões comparadas da experiencia lisboeta e de outros casos internacionais", paper presented at Debate Específico da Assembleia Municipal de Lisboa sobre "Conselho de Cidadãos - Outros modelos e Experiências" , Municipal Council Audit, Lisbon, Portugal, 02 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Welcome Words from the Phoenix Project", paper presented at Involving Citizens on issues related to the European Green Deal. An overview of some significant experiences in Portugal and beyon, Lisbon, Portugal, 01 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Dinâmicas da Inovação - Ciclos e desafios da inovação em cenários multiculturais (May 23rd)", paper presented at Primeira Missão Técnica InovaJuntos Brasil-Portugal , CNM, Brasilia, Brazil, 21 to 29 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Democracia participativa em perspectiva", paper presented at Governo Aberto e Participação Popular, Contagem, Brasil, 20 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "The challenge of matching the quality of deliberation with the redistribution of power and resource", paper presented at Revitalizing democracy through participatory democratic innovations, Belgrade, Serbia, 16 to 18 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Lecture: Looking at the "Right to the City" as an umbrella right", paper presented at Doctoral Programme "Human Rights in Contemporary Societies", Coimbra, Portugal, 13 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Next step: "Will People Make Policy Digitally?" ", paper presented at E-Governance Conference: Resilient & Seamless Governance, Tallinn, 10 to 12 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Trasformazioni strategiche nell'Universitá di Coimbra", paper presented at LA CITTÀ UNIVERSITARIA COME FATTORE STRATEGICO DI SVILUPPO IL CASO DI PADOVA, Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Padua, Italy, 10 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Designing Invitations to Democracy", paper presented at Participatory Budgeting Conference, Washington (and online), 06 to 07 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Discussant of the speaker Nenad Stojanović (University of Geneva)", paper presented at Do Oregon à Suíça: resolver a crise da democracia oferecendo mais democracia?, Coimbra, Portugal, 21 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Les nouveaux enjeux du Budget Participatif: un commun pour identifier et défendre d", paper presented at LES COMMUNS URBAINS SAISIS PAR LE DROIT, Paris (Campus Saclay - Sorbonne University), 14 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Perspective from Portugal ", paper presented at Platform Labour in Urban Spaces, CIUL, Lisbon, Portugal, 25 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Participatory Assessment as a Strategy to Develop Shared Territorial Narratives", paper presented at Decision Making and Action in Context of Uncertainty The role of narrative, ambivalence thinking, fair deliberation and responsible choice, Bari, italy, 17 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Sgueo, Gianluca (2022), "Presentation of the PRODEMO project, results and its activities", paper presented at Final Conference of PRODEMO Project, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, 22 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Desafios da participação civica nas politicas publicas", paper presented at 3.º Debate Diagrama | Participação, Lisboa, 26 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "What Moldova can learn from relevant international experience in promotion of budgetary participation and ensuring its sustainability?", paper presented at Closing event of the EU project "Inform, Empower and Act!, Chisinau (and online), 25 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Logiche a Confronto nei bilanci partecipativi + Simulazioni interattive", paper presented at Master in Progettazione Interattiva e Partecipata, IUAV - Venezia, 14 to 15 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Stortone, Stefano (2022), "Training module: PB in Schools", paper presented at Inform, Empower, act. Civil Society for good budgetary governance in Moldova , Online, 05 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Primc, Matic (2022), "Training module: Networking and PB", paper presented at Inform, Empower, Act! Civil Society for good budgetary governance in Moldova, Online.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Il bilancio partecipativo: cosa è e come si può strutturare in un piccolo comune", paper presented at Corso di Formazione per il Comune di Vallelaghi, FIU/BOLOGNA (online), 16 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Hybrising Participatory Processes: a New Challenge for Strenghtening Civic Infrastructures and Enabling Environmental Changes", paper presented at "LISBON AIR QUALITY" - Lauunch of the CODE Europe project, Lisbon, 14 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "The Inura LConference in Lisbon in 2013", paper presented at INURA eConference 2021 , Zurich (Virtual), 09 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), ""Le parole della democrazia".", paper presented at La Democrazia Secondo Noi, Reggio Emilia, 07 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), ""Chi decide in città: governo, partecipazione, conflitti".", paper presented at Curso "Città contemporanee e scienze sociali", Accademia di Architettura - Universitá della Svizzera Italiana, 02 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "La regolamentazione dei processi partecipativi (guardando ad esempi stranieri)", paper presented at Master in Progettazione e Gestione di Politiche e Processi Partecipativi, (online), 13 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Apprendendo dal Sud? Cosa é e come si struttura un bilancio partecipativo", paper presented at Master in Progettazione Interattiva e Partecipata, IUAV - Venezia, 12 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Refundar a participação cívica como imperativo para a reconstrução do "novo normal"", paper presented at IV SIMPÓSIO DE DIREITOS HUMANOS E POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS: Pandemia e democracia em risco - Decolonialidade e epistemologias afro-diaspóricas, Curitiba (online), 09 to 12 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Leggi sulla Partecipazione nel mondo: a che punto siamo?", paper presented at Policy Lab, L'Agorà Fattoria Sociale - Santa Maria di Licodia - Sicilia (Italy), 05 to 06 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Conference Magistrale: Le «Droit à la Ville»", paper presented at XX OIDP CONFERENCE, Cocody (Ivory Coast), 20 to 22 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "DEliberating on the European Green Deal: new challenges", paper presented at HAC annual conference , Bard College (US) - moved online, 13 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Innovation in the PB Panorama worldwide", paper presented at 2021 ANNUAL FORUM ON BUDGETARY PARTICIPAITON "INFORM. EMPOWER. ACT!", Chisinau (online), 08 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Diseguaglianze sociali e dimensione locale (nella prospettiva dei processi partecipativi)", paper presented at Master in Progettazione e Gestione di Politiche e Processi Partecipativi, Perugia, 04 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "PHOENIX - Ouvindo as Vozes Cidadãs por uma Europa mais Verde", paper presented at A Noite Europeia dos Investigadores - Ciencia para o Clima, Coimbra, 24 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Participatory Budgeting and the SDGs", paper presented at Seul Metropolitan Government on Citizen Participation (SFCP 2021), , Seul (online), 27 August 28 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Presupuestos Participativo y otras Inovaciones Democraticas", paper presented at Master en Derechos Huamanos, Interculturalidad y Desarrollo , Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, 01 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), "Os Orçamentos Participativos em Europa", paper presented at Orçamentos Participativos na Europa e América Latina: debate sobre avanços e retrocessos em Portugal e no Brasil, Lisboa/Florianopolis (online), 19 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Housing and Participation in Portugal", paper presented at "Public policies to build a just city for the 21st century" , online (organised by the Laboratorio de Habitação Basica e CICS.Nova_UM), 23 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "AI and citizen participation in
policy making processes", paper presented at AI and civil society political participation in policy-making process. , online (organised by the University of Geneva), 10 to 11 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Participatory Budgeting and Inclusiveness: which trade offs?", paper presented at 2020 Annual Forum
on Budgetary Participation
"Inform, Empower and Act!", online (organiz by The Expert Grup, Chisinau, Moldova), 27 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2020), "How to manage and reimagine Participatory Budgeting in COVID and post-COVID era? Evidences from a mutual learning space for Portuguese local authorities.", paper presented at Participatory budgeting in 2020: participation without democracy?, online (organized in Paris with GIS Democracie et Participation), 23 to 24 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Platform Labor in Urban Spaces: um projeto etnografico", paper presented at As plataformas digitais e o futuro do trabalho, Lisboa, 12 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: um projeto etnografico", paper presented at As plataformas digitais e o futuro do trabalho, Lisbon, 12 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), ""La participación infanto-juvenil entre Portugal, Italia y Groenlandia"", paper presented at Construyendo Municipios inclusivos con niñas, niños y adolescentes, online (organised by CO-GLOBAL from Malaga), 10 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), paper presented at "Partecipazione, Terzo settore e amministrazioni" within the "Festival della Partecipazione", online and in Bologna (hosted by Fondazione per l'Innovazione Urbana), 17 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Participatory Budgeting in Italy and Portugal", paper presented at Maak je Stad! - Budgeting the crisis, online, 09 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), paper presented at Nantes Innovation Forum - "Innovating in turbulent times: views from stakeholders in Nantes"., Nantes (organised by Le Monde, Regione 27e - Nantes Metropole), 08 to 09 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Discussant and rapporteur", paper presented at "POWER TO CO-PRODUCE: Careful power distribution in collaborative city-making. Practices. Pedagogies. Policies"., online (organised with the University of Vienna), 14 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), paper presented at How the corona-pandemic is affecting Participatory Budgets?" of the series "bpb:connect"., online (bpb connect organised in Berlin by Bpb (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - Federal Agency for Civic Education of Germany) , 08 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), paper presented at "Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) como herramientas para la participación"., online (organised by PNUD Paraguay), 06 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Serra, Rita (2020), "The Portuguese Collective Land: os baldios", paper presented at "Territori fragili a cui dare você" of the series "Atlante dei territori: esclusione/acesso" , online (organised in Milan also in the seat of Feltrinelli Foundation) , 15 July.
Oliveira Filho, João Telmo; Rusconi, Isabella; Allegretti, Giovanni; Mota, João Carlos (2020), "CIDADES PARTICIPATIVAS. EXPERIÊNCIA DO BRASIL E
dos planos diretores de Passo Fundo, Brasil e Maia, Portugal.", paper presented at SIIU - seminario Internacional de Investigação em Urbanismo, São Paulo & Lisboa, 15 to 26 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "New vision of participation in pandemic times", paper presented at "Conversatorio sobre nuevas formas de participación popular" , online (organized by the Joaquin Herrera Institute, Seville - Spain), 04 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), ""What is happening to PB during the pandemic?"", paper presented at "Annual meetring of the Swedish Network of Participatory Budgeting", online (organised by SALAR/SKR), 02 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), paper presented at " Participação pós-pandemia" , online (oerganized by the"Instituto da Democracia e da Democratização da Comunicação" of UFMG), 19 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Introduction: participation in times of emergency: why is it even more indispensable?", paper presented at "Gli strumenti di ascolto partecipato ai tempi del COVID", online (organized by the Group "Beni Comuni" of the National Association of Municipalities of Italy), 30 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), paper presented at "O digital vai matar as redes de vizinhanças (no pós-covid)?, online (organised by Universidade de Aveiro; 23 milhas and GRETUA)., 23 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "I gave a three day course on different aspect of participatory budgeting. Titles of the days: Recalling the main peculiarities of Participatory Budgeting; Building a contextualized experience of Participatory Budget; Implementing a PB in 5 macrophases: levels, milestones, and key tools", paper presented at Training Workshop of the World Bank and the Ministry of Financxe of Egypt on Participatory Budgeting in Alexandria Region, Alexandria (Egypt), 25 to 29 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), "Communication in the following Seminars: ""Gouvernance des villes, culture et localisation des ODD"; "Participatory practices and the right to the city at the core of urban innovation", and and in the training event "Right to the City and Cultural Diversity".", paper presented at WORLD URBAN FORUM, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), 07 to 12 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Making Deliberation and Participation Dialogue", paper presented at Participación con equidad, diversidad
y sostenibilidad: claves para la construcción
de ciudades más Inclusivas" (seminar of the OIDP), Iztapalapa, Mexico City, Mexico, 10 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), ""La trama deseada y el desenlace proyectado. Las sociedades y las ciudades en co-construcción. Diálogo local-global entre las agendas sociales, municipalistas, la Agenda 2030 y Nueva Agenda Urbana" (and moderation of other two roundtable)", paper presented at Opening Keynote Speech of the "International Observatory of Participatory Democracy General Meeting", IZTAPLAPA, MÉXICO, 07 to 10 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Two Training days on Participatory Budgeting", paper presented at National Seminar of the PB Network in Sweden, SALAR/SKR - Association of Municipalities and Regions of Sweden, Stockholm (Sweden), 03 to 04 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Two days training on Participatory Budgeting", paper presented at "Participatory Budgeting: an enabling environment for improving transparency, trust and local institutions' performance?" organized by "Expert-Grup" no âmbito do projeto "Inform, Empower, Act. Civil Society for good budgetary governance in Moldova", Congress Center of Chisinau (Moldova), 25 to 26 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "La democrazia partecipativa nelle Regioni", paper presented at "Rappresentanza e partecipazione tra Stato e Regioni" , Umbria region and university of Perugia, Perugia (Italy), 08 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "International panel about Participatory Budgeting (Round Table)", paper presented at "THE PB SCOTLAND CONFERENCE. GOING GLOBAL. Making Good PB happen", 23 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Discussant", paper presented at Seminario Internacional "Bringing urban priorities to global forums: Effective city networking and strategic alliances", CIDOB, barcelona (Spain), 15 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Participatory Systems", paper presented at "Smart Citizenship Academy", New School of Business and economics of Portugal in Carcavelos/Camara de Cascais (Portugal), 14 to 18 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), ""El Presupuesto participativo joven"", paper presented at "Encuentro Ruta Sur de la Eurorregión Alentejo-Algarve- Andalucía" intitulado "Democracia local y presupuestos participativos"., Centro Cultural santa Catalina - Conil de la Frontera (SPAIN), 03 to 04 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Participation in Portugal: a paradigm under permanent transformation", paper presented at Final Seminar of the Erasmus+ project "SmartUrbI-Smart Urban Intermediaries"., Copenhagen (Denmark), 17 to 19 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), paper presented at "Toward a systemic approach? An ongoing change in participatory practices", Department of Political Sciences - Icelandic University, 11 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Chair of the session: "Deliberative Democracy and Populism"", paper presented at ECPR General Conferennce 2019, Wrocklaw University, 04 to 07 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), paper presented at "Oficina para a construção de um Observatorio das politicas Socio-educativas", Vice-Governadoria do Governo Estadual do Ceará., 07 to 07 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Qual espaços e desafios para a democracia participativa?", paper presented at Seminário Democracia: desafios e possibilidades, UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 06 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), " "La partecipazione civica alle trasformazioni del territorio: toccasana, intralcio o utopia?"", paper presented at Presentation of the special issue of the magazine "Informazione" n. 1/2019, Ranks of Engineers of cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 01 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), ""Urban Democracy and Participation"", paper presented at SUMMER SCHOOL IN GLOBAL STUDIES AND CRITICAL THEORY "PLANETARY URBANSCAPES" , Bologna - Fondazione per l'Innovazione Urbana, 01 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), ""How can we improve Portuguese participation in Horizon 2020 projects?"", paper presented at "Infoday Digital Transformation", 28 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "(discussant of papers presented)", paper presented at Trabalho "Deliberative democracy and under-represented groups", no âmbito da COST Action CA17135 "Constitution-making and deliberative democracy", University Pompeu Fabra Barcelona., 06 to 08 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), paper presented at Training Workshop on Participatory Budgeting, El Cairo (Egypt), Minister of Finance and the World Bank, 12 to 14 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), ""NASCITA ED EVOLUZIONE DEI BILANCI PARTECIPATIVI"", paper presented at "Il bilancio partecipativo: dalla decisione su un budget al governo di una comunità", Milano, Corso di Laurea Magistrale in "Amministrazioni e Politiche Pubbliche", Università Statale degli Studi di Milano (Department of Political Sciences), with Bi-Part, 09 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "I processi di bilanccio Partecipativo e il New Public Management: quali conflitti e quali convergenze?", paper presented at Presentation of the Book: "La partecipazione popolare e la crisi della sovranitá nel quadro Euro-globaler. Le sfide del multiculturalismo", , Universitá degli Studi di Teramo, 06 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "When participation happens in extreme environments: the case of Ideas on the Run in Bollate prison.", paper presented at "Empowering Citizens: Public Participation and Urban Development", conferencia international organizada pelo Governo e o Parlamento Regional de São Petersburgo em conjunto com o Banco Mundial e o Ministério das Finanças da Federação Russa., URBAN WEEK of Saint Petersbourg, Russian Federation, 17 to 19 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "POLITICA OLTRE LA POLITICA", paper presented at "Democrazia minima-Democrazia Illiberale: problema o alternativa?" , Milano, Fondazione Feltrinelli, 03 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Gelli, Francesca ; Scattoni, Paolo (2019), "5 anni di APP: quali insegnamneti e quali sfide aperte?", paper presented at Public evaluation session and farewell ceremony for the end of the mandate of the Independent Authority for Guarantee and Promotion of the Participation of the Region of Tuscany, Florence, Tuscany Region, 18 to 19 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Participatory Budgeting Trajectory in Porto Alegre, 30 years later", paper presented at "Conflict and democracy: Democratic innovations for inclusive conflict management" - Network Jean Monnet , Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi., 14 to 15 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), paper presented at Dialoguing on social comnplexity and civic participation", Fondazione Feltrinelli, Milano, 13 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Analizzando la coerenza tra polittiche pubbliche partecipative e forze politiche che le promuovono.", paper presented at "A transformação dos atores-partido: qual espaço para novas formas de participação cívica?" , Milano, Fondazione Feltrinelli, 25 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "PERIFERIE URBANE: ESPERIENZE INTERNAZIONALI A CONFRONTO ", paper presented at «Le nuove periferie urbane: la sfida delle città globali» , Milano, Palazzo Clerici (sede ISPI), 24 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), "Rivedere i fondamenti: una proposta metodologica", paper presented at Laboratori di Quartiere e Bilancio Partecipativo: seminario di valutazione dell'esperienza del 2018, Bologna, Fondazione per la Innovazione Urbana, 22 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "La partecipazione come strumento per "reinventare" la relazione tra i giovani e le amministrazioni locali", paper presented at Dire e fare partecipazione: quale ruolo per le persone di minore età? Il contributo della Legge 285/97
, Universitá LUMSA, 18 to 18 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Suggerimenti per una regolamentazione leggera del Bilancio Partecipativo", paper presented at L'istituto del Bilancio Partecipativo nell'ordinamento di Roma Capitale (audizione presso la Commissione Commissione Roma Capitale, Statuto e Innovazione Tecnologica, Casa della Cittá - Roma - Italy, 10 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Il Bilancio Partecipativo", paper presented at Corso POLIS 'Keywords per il governo locale', POLIS Scuola Universitaria per la Formazione Politica Link Campus University - Roma - Italy, 10 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Instrumento ou objetivo? A participação institucionalizada como espaço regenerativo possivel", paper presented at Seminario Direito à Cidade (1968-2018), FAUL - Lisboa, Portugal, 05 to 08 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Valuing experience: lessons learned in the EMPATIA and URBINAT projects", paper presented at Meeting "SPATIAL: toward a new project on inequalities", DIDA - Universitá di Firenze - Italy, 03 to 04 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Verso una riforma della Legge 46/2013. quali lezioni apprese in questo ultimo quinquennio?", paper presented at Partecipazione e innovazione locale., Quartiere 4 - Firenze Italy, 30 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Four presentations in the sessuions: 1) TC et la dimension économique des villes collaborative; 2) Designing participatory ecosystems
Mercat de les Flors to promote inclusion, trust and efficacy; 3)ICT and the economic dimension
Institut del Teatre of collaborative cities; 4) Models of children's participation; 4) Citizen participation from a gender approach:
Mercat de les Flors experiences, innovations and perspectives", paper presented at OIDP 2018
Democracia direta e iniciativa de cidadania. Para um ecossistema de democracia inclusiva, Mercat de les Flors, 25 to 27 November.
l'enjeu du pacte d'engagement entre les acteurs
AND SUBNATIONAL GOVERNMENTS OF AFRICA"., Marrakesch, Morocco, 20 to 24 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "O CES e as cidades: desafios de multiples colaborações", paper presented at Field Visit in Portugal of Cities Representatives awarded of the MuniCiência prize 2018, Faro/Loulé/Cascais/Lisboa - Portugal, 18 to 23 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Jury of Marielle franco Award (member for youngster cathegory of projects)", paper presented at 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILDING RESILIENCE , ISCTE - Lisbon - Portugal, 14 to 16 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), ""Convivencia y Participación Ciudadana. La mirada latinoamericana"", paper presented at XV Congreso Internacional de Ciudades Educadoras, Palacio de Congressos de Estoril - Cascais - Portugal, 13 November 16 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Keynote Speech: Como a participação civica pode contribuir para transparencia e eficiencia da gestão publica.", paper presented at I CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE GESTÃO, CONTROLE
GASTO PÚBLICO SUSTENTÁVEL", Universidade Est. de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil, 12 to 14 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Participação e Transformação Social: quatro experiencoias para imaginar como reforçar a relação", paper presented at II Colmeia - Colóquio Internacional de Gestão Social, Educação e Desenvolvimento Local: "Transformação Social: Poderes, Potências, Possibilidades", UNA - Belo Horizonte - Brazil, 18 to 20 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Wrapping-up from a policy-oriented standpoint", paper presented at "Conoscenze, partecipazione, azione: percorsi e sfide delle forme emergenti di governo urbano". Bridging knowledge, participation and action: pathways and challenges of emerging forms of governing the city. Inside the FESTIVAL OF PARTICIPATION, Gran Sasso Science Institute - L'Aquila - Italy, 11 to 12 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Il dibattito pubblico come fulcro di un ecosistema participativo? Evoidenze e peculiaritá dei casi toscani.", paper presented at "Azione Pubblica Partecipata", Il Cisternino - Livorno, Italy, 05 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Competenze Digitali e Partecipazione", paper presented at 2018 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy, Capitolio, Rome, Italy, 26 to 29 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "The Public Debate on large infrastructures: the case of Livorno Harbour", paper presented at Seatrade Cruise Med 2018, Seatrade Cruise Med 2018, 15 to 17 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "An international standpoint on Yakutia Initiative Budget Project", paper presented at Audit with the Prime Minister and the Governor of Sakha Republic, Yakutz, Republic of Sakha, Russian Federation, 14 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Participatory Budgeting in Yakutia: fulfilled promises and open challenges from an international perspective", paper presented at Audit in the Council of Ministers of Sakha Republic, Council of Ministers seat, Yakutz, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation, 14 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Participatory Budgeting: principles and opportunities from an international perspective", paper presented at Knowledge Exchange session on Participatory and Initiative Budgeting, Minister of Finances, Yakutz, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation, 12 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "STATE, CIVIL SOCIETY AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: scaling-up participatory programs around the globe ", paper presented at Seminar on Participatory Budgeting - «Res Publica» series, European University of Saint Petersburg - The Russian Federation, 10 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Which main challenges for PB?", paper presented at Participatory and Initiatrive Budgeting: international experiences, Faculty of Economics LMSU University - Moscow - Russian Federation, 08 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), ""Citizens' Participation as a Development Resource: Russian and International Experience with Participatory Budgeting" ", paper presented at Moscow Financial Forum - The Role of Government in Supporting and Regulating Citizens' Participation in Public Infrastructure Development", Moscow Financial Forum, Moscow, Russian Federation, 05 to 07 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Democracy, participation and deliberation: present trends and prospects for the future - Luigi Bobbio and Deliberative Democracy ", paper presented at XXXII Convegno SISP (Societá Italiana di Scienza Politica), Campus Luigi Einaudi - Universitá di Torino - Torino - Italia, 05 to 08 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), paper presented at A Participação Civica numa perspectiva internacional , Dep. of International Relations at Universidade Federal do Sergipe, Aracajú, Brazil, 20 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "A importancia da participação civica na construção das Politicas Publicas, e o papel das novas tecnologias (4 sessões)", paper presented at PhD course in "Public Policies" at UECE (Universidade Estadual do Ceará). , Campus UECE (Universidade Estadual do Ceará) - Fortaleza - Brazil, 12 to 17 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Limites e Potencialidades da colaboração entre a CML e o projeto EMPATIA: quais desafios para o futuro?", paper presented at Seminário de reflexão sobre os resultados do projeto EMPATIA, Camara de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 01 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Il Bilancio Partecipativo: esperienze internazionali", paper presented at «Partiti, amministrazione locale e partecipazione dei cittadini per una nuova stagione della politica», University of Teramo, Teramo, Italy, 26 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), ""Citizen Particiaption and City networks: ambiguities and challenges"", paper presented at "Rethinking the ecosystem of international city networks. Challenges and opportunities", CIDOB, Barcelona, Spain, 03 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Participatory Budgeting and the Gamification of democracy", paper presented at Presentation on the book "Hope for Democracy. 30 years of participatory budgeting worldwide", Faro, Portugal, 02 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "A map of participatory Budgetin in Italy", paper presented at Presentation on the book "Hope for Democracy. 30 years of participatory budgeting worldwide", Portuguese Parliament, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Participatory Budgets worldwhile", paper presented at Launching of municipal PB. , Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal, 14 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Presupuestos particcipativos sin retorno? Una visión global", paper presented at Construyendo el Derecho a la Ciudad desde las Democracias Participativas, Espaço La barqueta, seville, Spain, 06 to 08 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), ""Collective intelligence and network effects. Can civic tech contribute to boost the EU social rights pillar?"", paper presented at Digital Social Innovation Fair 2018, Fair of Social Innovation 2018, Capitolio, Rome, Italy, 06 to 07 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), ""Re-centering the right to the city in Lisbon: post-austeritarian trends in the housing domain" - session n. 2 "Innovación social y commoning". ", paper presented at Cultura territorial, innovación social y reorientación de los modelos urbanos en Europa del Sur, Universitat de València, 29 May 01 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), ""Orçamentos Participativos à escala nacional"", paper presented at "Orçamentos Participativos em Portugal. Da escala local à escala nacional", ICS - Lisbon - Portugal, 28 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), paper presented at Seminar "Participation and Housing", University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel, 25 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Escobar, Oliver (2018), ""Translating the systemic approach into a policy of incentive to participation. Ambiguities and opportunities in the cases of Scotland and Tuscany"", paper presented at INCT Conference "A Systemic Approach to Democracy" , UGLG seat, Barcelona, Spain, 21 to 22 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "In different sessions: 1) "Ten years of Cooperation with Salar"; 2) "Expert perspectives on public participation"; 3) "Participatory Budgeting scaling up"; 4) Ppaer "Different forms of dialogue in Toscany and other places" in the session "Participation in unexpected forms and ways". ", paper presented at "Improving democracy through dialogue and participation 2018", Stockholm, Sweden, 16 to 18 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Introduction, and Final Remarks", paper presented at "Academic And Practical Seminar: «When Technologies Optimize Participation: Evidence From Hibrid Models Of Participatory Budgeting»,, Cascais Cultural Center, Cascais, Portugfal, 14 to 15 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Gelli, Francesca (2018), "Dalla prospettiva dei gestori", paper presented at Valutazione di 4 anni di lavcoro dell'Autoritá Toscana per la Garanzia e la Promozione della Partecipazione della Regione Toscana., Regione Toscana, Florence, Italy, 12 to 13 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Partnership, partecipazione civica e formazione dei giovani", paper presented at World Social Agenda - Formazione Professori, Fondazione Fontana - Padova - Italy, 11 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Final Remarks", paper presented at Progetto "Quartieri Ecosolidali" - Evento finale, Cisternino di Livorno, Livorno, Italia, 10 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), paper presented at Fourm partecipativo per la riprogettazione di Piazza de Mercato, La Spezia, Italy, 09 to 11 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Participatory Budgeting around the world", paper presented at «Strengthening the Influence of Civil Society on Public Budgets in Europe», workshop organized by the International Budget Partnership., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 05 to 06 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Orçamentos Participativos a nivel de freguesia no mundo", paper presented at «Boas Práticas Das Freguesias» , Palácio Nacional de Queluz, Sintra, Portugal, 15 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), ""Regards d'ailleurs: quelles culture des métiers de la participation dans les autres pays? Le Cas de Bologna"", paper presented at "Rencontres nationales de la participation", Lille, france, 07 to 09 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Il ruolo della APP nella promozione dei processi di sovranitá alimentare", paper presented at «Facendo rete su progetti di sovranitá alimentare» , Regione Toscana, Firenze, 26 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Partecipazione e immaginazione: l'esperienza dei Laboratori di Quartiere del Comune di Bologna", paper presented at «Una ricerca lunga un anno", Bologna, Italy, 22 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "Co-organizer and speaker in four sessions: 1) Training Event "How to generate more gender sensitive participatory budgeting. Learning from local experience"; 2) Networking Event: "Scaling up Participatory Budgeting for Fostering Resilience of Urban and Regional Development"; 3) Networking event: participatory governance and social inclusion to promote human rights in the city and operationalize the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals; 4) Side Event "Participatory Budgeting in Asian Cities"", paper presented at World Urban Forum n. 9: , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 07 to 13 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), "The incomplete systemic experience of Tuscany", paper presented at «The Systemic Approach to Democracy» organized by INCT «Democracia e Democratização da Comunicação», Hotel Baía and Câmara de Cascais, cascais, Portugal, 30 January 01 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Cambiamo insieme la Piazza: il ruolo del Garante della Partecipazione", paper presented at Public Presentation of the Process "Cambiamo insieme la piazza" for the participatory reconstruction of Piazza Cavour., La Spezia, Sala Giunta del Municipio, 28 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "The WHYs & HOWs behind successful applications in SC6", paper presented at Info Day - Societal Challenge 6 - Europe in a Changing World. Opportunities for 2018-2019, ISPA, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Indicaciones para un Presupuesto Participativo sensible al genero y a la demodiversidad de sus participantes.", paper presented at Projeto FOINCIDE: construyendo un manual para presupuestos participativos con enfoque de derecho, Hotel Tequendama, Bogota, Colombia, 29 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Metodologías para un Presupuesto Participativo eficaz y exitoso", paper presented at «Hablemos de Presupuestos Participativo» , Guadalajara, Mexico, 23 to 24 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "El Derecho A La Ciudad Democrática: algunos ejemplos de retos y conquistas", paper presented at Ciudades Democratica, Teatro Español, Madrid, Spain, 16 to 18 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Masterclass "Expansion and improvement of Participatory Budgeting"", paper presented at Co-creation and Social Innovation Summit (ACCOMPLISSH Project), Tallinn University, Tallin, Estonia, 13 to 15 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""Scaling Up and Hybridizing participatory innovations: Examples from Italy and Portugal".", paper presented at "Scaling Up and Hybridizing participatory innovations", Ragnar Nurkse - DEpartment of Innovation & Governance of Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia., 13 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""Democracia e participação social: experiências internacionais"", paper presented at "Experiências internacionais de democracia e participação social", LABOPPI, Unifesp: Osasco (SP), brazil, 08 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "PBP Progresses in the mirror: a vision from overseas", paper presented at Advisory Board do Participatory Budgeting Project , New York, USA, 04 to 05 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "PB implementation: Coordinating with government agencies on their budgets", paper presented at International Symposium on Participatory Budgeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 02 to 03 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), paper presented at Seminari di Valutazione dell'attivitá dell'uktimo quadriennio della APP e del funzionamento della Legge 46/2013, Regione Toscana (different seats), Florence, Italy, 27 to 29 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Whait is Participatory Budgeting and how it works", paper presented at Training of Trainers for the Certified Diplomacy course "Fortalecimiento Institucional Local en el marco de la Participación Ciudadana" , Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia, 27 September 28 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""The Tuscany proto-system to promote participation" (in the session «Institutional Infrastructure to Support Citizen Engagement»)", paper presented at Forum of BRICS "Citizens Engagement Approaches on Community Development Infrastructure", Congress Center, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, the Russian Federation, 22 to 23 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "The Italian panorama: PB as a leverage?", paper presented at Seminar on Participatory Budgeting, Center for Civil Initiatives, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, the Russian Federation, 21 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "As redes de Orçamentos Participativos (roundtable)", paper presented at "CAMINHOS A SEGUIR" - Semana Europeia da Democracia Local., Valongo, Portugal, 12 September 13 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Can New Technologies Improve Democratic Innovations? Challenges and Risks of Digital Devices for Democracy ", paper presented at 11th ECPR General Conference - 2017, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 06 to 09 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Roque Amaro, Rogerio (2017), "Solidarity Economy and democratic participatio", paper presented at First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy: Is it possible to foster a common agenda for Solidarity Economy in Europe?, Lisbon, Portugal, 04 to 08 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""Participando para entretejer sueños"", paper presented at "Encuentro Internacional de Planeación y Presupuestos Participativos de niños, niñas y adolescentes", Pereira, Risaralda State, Colombia, 25 to 26 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Para uma Democracia de Alta Intensidade: quais as contribuições das novas tecnologias?", paper presented at "A Democracia Participativa e a Inovação na Gestão Pública", Auditório Aluísio Cavalcante, do Centro de Estudos Sociais Aplicados (Cesa), UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil, 21 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Analisando os OP Portugueses desde uma perspectiva de interesses para a pesquisa academia.", paper presented at "Orçamentos participativos na Rússia e em Portugal" , Casa da Santa Maria, Cascais, Portugal, 10 to 11 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Exploring Participatory Budgeting", paper presented at "Forum for Local democracy in Ukraine" (organized by the Congress of the Council of Europe), Chernikiv, Ukraine, 05 to 07 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Gelli, Francesca (2017), paper presented at Valutazione dei processi partecipativi promossi dalla APP della Regione Toscana, Florence, Italy, 04 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Gelli, Francesca (2017), paper presented at Valutazione dei processi partecipativi promossi dalla APP della Regione Toscana, Livorno, Italia, 03 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Gelli, Francesca; Pignaris, Chiara (2017), "Da Livorno a Gavorrano: un percors in evlouzione progressiva", paper presented at Sessione di Valutazione del Dibattito Pubblico sui Gessi di Gavorrano, Gavorrano, Tuscany, Italy, 29 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Democrazia tra crisi e nuove potenzialità", paper presented at Democrazia e Design. Contributi per una democrazia progettuale, Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy, 20 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Entre Italia y Portugal: cuales novidades en terminos de construccion del Derecho a la Ciudad?", paper presented at "Participación y Derecho a la Ciudad" , Centro Civico La Sirena, seville, Spain, 13 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""Perspetivas teóricas em torno da coprodução da cidade - Planeamento e urbanismo"", paper presented at "Planear a Cidade com a Comunidade", Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 08 to 09 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), paper presented at Rumo A Um Salto De Escala No Envolvimento Dos Cidadaos Nas Politicas Publicas? Desafios E Ambiguidades Das Experiências Italianas e Portuguesas, Instituto da Democracia e da Democratização da Comunicação, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 02 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Explaining the Contribution of EMPATIA Project", paper presented at Public Presentation of the Participatory Budget 2017 of the City of Milan, Urban Center, Milan, Italy, 29 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "The challenges of Participatory Budgeting as a public space for reimagining public spaces", paper presented at BIENNALE DELLO SPAZIO PUBBLICO - International Workshops on Public Space and International Cooperation, Rome, Italy, 25 to 26 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "A plataforma EMPATIA e o jogo EMPAVILLE: quais inovações e apoios para o Orçamento Participativo?", paper presented at Oficina regional da Rede das Autarquias Participativas , Agueda, Portugal, 17 to 18 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Brazil and Portugal - The public participation success story", paper presented at Regional Conference on Public Participation in the Budget Process (organized by GIFT - Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency, and the Slovenian Court of Audit , Senate Chamber of Slovenia, Lubljana, Slovenia, 12 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Il Dibattito Pubblivco nella Normativa Regionale Toscana", paper presented at Comunitá in Dibattito, Porta del Parco di Gavorrano, Gavorrano, Italy, 27 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "International Experiences of Participatory Budgeting: a tool in continuous evolution", paper presented at Seminar on Participatory Budgeting, Municipal Assembly of Boise, Boise, USA, 21 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), paper presented at "Aligning goals: which possible dialogue between participatory budgeting and new technologies?"., Boise State University, Boise, USA, 20 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""Involving citizens in governing cities: the contribution of participatory budgeting in connection with new technological tools", ", paper presented at Conference of Environmental Design 5., School of Environmental Design da Colorado University, Boulder, USA, 17 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2017), "EMPAVILLE: um jogo para aprender a democracia participativa", paper presented at Oficina regional da Rede das Autarquias Participativas, Faro, Portugal, 06 to 07 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Binaglia, Federico; Bertin, Mattia (2017), "I processi partecipativi in Protezione Civile, il supporto dell'Autorità regionale per la garanzia e la promozione della Partecipazione della Toscana.", paper presented at Partecipazione e Resilienza. La sfida della Toscana, Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, Florence, Italy, 03 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Bertin, Mattia (2017), "PREVENIRE E GESTIRE L'EMERGENZA. IL RUOLO DELLA PARTECIPAZIONE DEMOCRATICA", paper presented at Biennale della Democrazia 2017, Turin, Italy, 29 March 02 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), paper presented at Participatory Processes for Urban Transfdormation in Europe, Municipality of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 01 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), paper presented at Scaling up and hybridizing participatory processes: opportunities, limits and open challenges through the experiences of Portugal and Italy, Universitry of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, 28 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Citizen Engagement and Accountability", paper presented at ​​​​​​​Executive Leadership Cou​rse on Accelerating City Transformation for Inclusion, Growth & Sustainability, Illovo, Johannesburg, South Africa, 27 February 03 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), paper presented at Working together to improve our PB, Taipei City, Taiwan, 22 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), paper presented at Transformations and challenges of Participatory Budgeting, New Taipei City, Taiwan, 20 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Participatory Budgeting in Europe & Latin America", paper presented at Participatory Budgeting in Taiwan: A Dialogue from Within and Without, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Taipei, Taiwan, 18 to 19 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Transformations and Challenges of PB around the world: a year of important changes", paper presented at National Seminar about Swedish Participatory Budgeting, SALAR, Stockholm, Sweden, 13 to 15 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "La Legge Toscana e i Dibattiti Pubblici", paper presented at Comunita in Dibattito - Seminario di Apertura, Gavorrano, Italy, 06 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "EMPATIA: the challege of multichannel participation", paper presented at Networking Seminar of CAPS Projects, Rome, Italy, 03 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""From single participatory channels to adaptive systems" in the session "Open democracy & Policy Making"", paper presented at Digital Social Innovation Fair, Councillor Assembly Room, Town Hall of Rome, Rome, Italy, 01 to 02 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""INSTITUTIONS ET PRATIQUES PARTICIPATIVES EN EUROPE: LE CAS D'ITALIE ET DE PORTUGAL"", paper presented at 1.º Rencontres de la participation (Meet-up for democracy), Bordeaux, France, 25 to 26 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""Porque los niños y las niñas deven tener sus espacios de participacion"", paper presented at Workshop to rite the rules of Participatory Budgeting experiments witrhin the project "Participando para entretejer sueños", Pereira, Risaralda State, Colombia, 24 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Il caso del Dibattito Pubblico in toscana", paper presented at "Il Dibattito Pubblico nel nuovo codice degli appalti", opening conference of the training course "Azione Locale partecipata e Dibattito Pubblico"., IUAV University, Venice, Italy, 20 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "Il Progetto EMPATIA: limiti e valore aggiunto dellúso delle nuove Tecnologie della Comunicazione.", paper presented at "Il Bilancio Participativo. Quali modelli possibili?", Milao, Italy, 13 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), ""La partecipazione comunitaria alla ricostruzione: tra burocrazia e ripensamento delle identita' collettive".", paper presented at "Ricostruirsi dopo il terremoto", Mirandola (Italy), 04 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), "How citizens participation is changing around the world. Some metaphoric examples.", paper presented at International Conference on Participatory Budget in Slovenia, Lubljana, Slovenia, 02 December.
SCUOLE TOSCANE NEL TRIENNIO 2014-2016, Sala delle Feste - Consiglio Regionale della Toscana - firenze (Italy), 19 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), paper presented at LA RETE DEI BENI COMUNI TOSCANI:
DALLA PARTECIPAZIONE VERSO LA COLLABORAZIONE, Sala Pegaso - Sede della Giunta della Regione Toscana - Firenze (Italy), 16 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""Three action researches about citizens participation and the right to the city", paper presented at Class at the Master in Law of UNESP University, Campus UNESP, Franca (SP, Brazil), 23 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""Modelos transnacionais de participação dos cidadãos".
", paper presented at IV SEMINÁRIO DE DIREITO DO ESTADO "Globalização e os Fundamentos da Cidadania" , Campus UNESP - Franca (SP, Brazil), 22 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Citizen participation as the foundation for improving local governance", paper presented at Citizen participation: an essential tool in local democracy - organized by the Congress of the Council of Europe, Hotel Radisson, Chisinau, Moldova, 16 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""Emergenze e partecipazione dei cittadini"", paper presented at "Terremoti e riduzione del rischio sismico: conoscere per partecipare", Istituto Galilei, Mirandola (MO - Italy), 04 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), paper presented at "PRIMA CONFERENZA ITALIANA FACILITATORI. L'ERA DELLA COLLABORAZIONE", Milao, 22 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""[NULL = missing data]. A networking space to foster a higher involvement of research environments into PB"", paper presented at International Conference on PB in Scotland; Here we are all citizens: Engage, Think, Do , Edinburgh Center for Carbon innovation, Edinburgh (Scotland, UK), 20 to 21 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""International experiences with participatory budgeting networks", "Participatory planning, social inclusion and rights to cities : how will cities contribute in implementation of the new global urban agenda?" and "Moving from Habitat III to implementing the Right to the City".", paper presented at HABITAT III United Nation World Summit, Quito (Ecuador), 17 to 19 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Learning Forum - Practical Sessions - Local Finance, Participation and Inclusive Governance; "El Derecho a la Ciudad en el centro de la Nueva Agenda Urbana"; "Co-Crear la Ciudad"", paper presented at V World Summit of Local and Regional leaders - organized by United Cities and Local Government, Bogota (Colombia), 11 to 15 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "50 Le politiche pubbliche davanti all'idea di sussidiarietà circolare:
esperienze dalla Toscana e oltre", paper presented at "Empowerment: esplorando le intersezioni. Diritti Umani, Pace, Democrazia e Sviluppo Locale"., Pisa - Centro di Studi Interdisciplinari sulla Pace , 27 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""Migrazioni, sostenibilità e crisi del welfare:scenari di un'europa che cambia" and "Il welfare generativo come driver per la sostenibilità del territorio" ", paper presented at XII Edição da Master School do Mestrado "Governo delle reti dello sviluppo locale", Padua and Bassano del Grappa, 22 to 24 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "La institucionalizacion de la Participacion en la Region Toscana", paper presented at "Construyendo una ley de participación popular para la Comunidad autónoma de Madrid" , Madrid, Parlamento regional, 13 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Urban Citizenship and Participation:the Problem of Inclusion in 'Hybrid'
Participatory Budgeting", paper presented at 1oth ECPR General Conference in Prague, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic), 07 to 10 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Cooperation for Better Urban Policies", paper presented at CITY IN TRANSITIONS: SPACES OF CONFUSION, PLACES OF HOPE.
Conference of the International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA) , Amzei Market Makers, Bucharest (Romania), 05 September.
POLITICAL STRATEGIES", paper presented at Green Academy, Island of VIS (Croatia), 20 to 26 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Introduction and conduction of two workshop", paper presented at Training Seminar "Participatory Budgeting at County levels" organized by the world Bank, Nairobi, Kenya, 15 to 17 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""The Hybridization of Participatory Budgeting between Transparency and Redundancy",in the session "Participation and accountability in Southern Democracies". He alsoi coorganizes the session "Direct and Deliberative Democracy. The Question of Legitimacy".", paper presented at 24th World Congress of IPSA/AISP, Congress Center of Poznan (Poland), 23 to 28 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Organizador dos workshops "Scrittura collettiva, patecipata e partecipativa, pratiche per l'autopoiesi comunitaria", os seminarios "Il Debat public: Una nuova istituzione per regolare le Grandi Opere" e "Introduzione al Bilancio partecipativo", "Empaville. Simulazione dei processi di Bilancio Partecipativo" e o evento de rede "Un tavolo tecnico sul Dibattito Pubblico". Tambem foi convidado como orador nos seminarios "TRASFORMARE IL TERRITORIO. La regola delle 3 P. Pianificazione e progettazione partecipata", e no workshop "Dagli Urban center ai laboratori urbani: attori, pratiche e progetti di partecipazione e co-creazione nelle città italiane".", paper presented at uzione al Bilancio partecipativo", o laboratorio "Empaville. Simulazione dei processi di Bilancio Partecipativo" e o evento de rede "Un tavolo tecnico sul Dibattito Pubblico".
Tambem e' convidado como orador nos seminarios "TRFestival della Partecipazion, L'Aquila (Italy), 07 to 10 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""A importância de tecnologias reflexivas na promoção de uma democracia de alta intensidade" no painel "Democracia e Políticas Públicas".", paper presented at "Ciência 2016 - Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal", Centro de Congressos de Lisboa - Lisboa (Portugal), 04 to 06 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Abertura do Encontro: "Participação como indutor do desenvolvimento"", paper presented at Pensando o Município: A sociedade como indutora do desenvolvimento local - Cataguases/MG
Pensando o Município: A sociedade como indutora do desenvolvimento local, Auditório da FIC - Cataguases/MG (Brazil), 01 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Participação das universidades no desenvolvimento Regional", paper presented at Encontro de Cidades Universitárias e Desenvolvimento Local organizado pela Prefeitura de Viçosa, em parceria com a Confederação Nacional dos Municípios (CNM) e a Pró-reitoria de Extensão e Cultura da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Campus da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), minas Gerais (Brazil), 30 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), "Repensando o Orcamento Participativo para Rio", paper presented at Debate with MEU RIO Network , Sede da Rede Meu Rio, Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil), 28 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""¿Cuales aprendizajes desde los processos de Democracia Participativa?" ", paper presented at Seminario "PARTICIPACIÓN PARA RADICALIZAR LA DEMOCRACIA" , Casa del Sahara, Sevilla (Espanha), 15 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), paper presented at "International experiences in Participatory Budgeting" , University of Edinburgh, edinburgh (Scotland, UK), 13 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), ""Participative Management of Spaces"", paper presented at "Participative Management of Spaces", Belgrade, serbia, 05 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Participatory Budgeting: principles, tools and experiences", paper presented at Democracy in the 21st Century, Alexandria Library, Alexandria, Egypt, 09 to 12 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "'The return of justice? A gradual transformation of the "western way" of doing participatory budgeting': speaker in the final roundtable of the conference.", paper presented at "By the People. Participatory democracy, civic engagement and citizenship education", School of Public Affairs, College of Public Service and Community Solutions, Arizona State University, United States of America, 03 to 06 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Scaling-up PBs around the world", paper presented at Seminario "Participatory Budgeting and the Right to the City", Forum Africities, Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 November 02 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "The Right to the City in a European perspective", paper presented at African Regional Meeting on the Right to the City , School of Architecture and Planning, University of Witwatersrand, Joanesburgo, Africa do Sul, 28 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Juntando inteligiencias colectivas: rumo a uma transformação da qualidade dos processos participativos", paper presented at "Towards New Smart Cities" no âmbito da feira "Concreta", Exponor, Porto, Portugal, 22 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Evaluando la Politica Distrital para Ciudadanos y Ciudadanas habitantes de Calle; Procesos participativos y inclusion social: algunas reflexiones", paper presented at ERRADICACIÓN DE POBREZA Y DERECHO A LA CIUDAD, Auditorio Huitaca,Bogotá, Colombia, 19 to 21 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Correia Lima, Manolita; Pegas Godoy, Rosana (2015), "Criação de um observatório da vida estudantil entre os países lusófonos: um estudo exploratório", paper presented at FORGES I: "Autonomia e os Modelos de Governo e Gestão das
Instituições de Ensino Superior, Coimbra, Portugal, 18 to 20 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Antunes, Sofia; Pereira, Joao Rui (2015), "A experiencia do AMA", paper presented at Seminario de escritura coletiva de um projecto europeu sobre alojamento estudantil e mobilidade internacional., CES Coimbra, Portugal, 16 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2015), "Introdução ao problemas e desafios do planeamento participativo", paper presented at Oficina da Zona de Lisboa do Programa "Portugal Participa" sobre Planeamento Participativo, Alenquer, Portugal, 13 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Mesa Redonda sobre experiencias portuguesas", paper presented at Encontro Anual da Rede de Cidades Educadoras, Almada, Portugal, 10 to 12 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Tuscommoning: When a Law promotes a New Culture of Commoning and Collaborative Governance: the Case of Tuscany", paper presented at The Urban as a Commons, Bologna, Italia, 06 to 07 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Modelli e fattori di successe delle esperienze nazionali e internazionali. L'esperienza decennale della Regione Toscana", paper presented at Esperienze e Opportunitá della Democrazia Partecipativa, Comune di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italia, 04 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Iamgining a model of Scaling up; and Facilitations and Presentations of the entire second day Workshop", paper presented at Internartional Seminar on Particiaptory Budgeting for Kenyan Counties., Kenyan school of government, Nairobi, Kenya, 29 to 30 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Experiences of participatory Budgeting in europe", paper presented at Encontro anual da Rede dos Orçamentos Participativos da Inglaterra, Birmingham, UK, 26 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Orçamentos Participativos no mundo: modelos e transformações", paper presented at Encontro Anual dos Orçamentos Participativos da Suecia, Sede da SKL, Estocolmo, Suecia, 23 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2015), "O Orçamento Participativo de Nova Yorque: desafiando a discrecionalidade da decisão politica", paper presented at Oficina de Formação sobre Orçamento Participativo, 09 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "O papel do Centro de Estudos Sociais no projecto da CGLU", paper presented at Lançamento do Projecto Politicas Publicas na perspetiva dos Direitos Humanos, Alcaldia Mayor de Bogota', Bogota', Colombia, 05 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni; de Morais Bezerra, Neiara (2015), "Introdução", paper presented at "Participação dos Cidadãos nas Políticas Municipais de Proteção Civil", CES-Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 28 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Distilling experience from a tecno-political position", paper presented at Promoting Citizen participation in Armenia, Yerevan, armenia, 28 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2015), "Transformações dos Modelos de OP no mundo; Dificuldades e desafios do Planeamento Participativo ", paper presented at Seminário sobre Orçamento participativo e Planos de Proteção Civil Participativa organizados na Câmara de Funchal, Camara Municipal de Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal, 21 to 23 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Casillo, Ilaria (2015), "En soutenant les propositions des citoyennes: la experience de la Region Toscane", paper presented at Consensus conference pour construire une loi de interpellation, Assembleia Regional de Ile de France, Paris, Framce, 04 to 05 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "A promoção da participação em nivel supralocal: uma tendencia em crecimento permanente", paper presented at Participação Cidadã, Gestão Democrática e as Cidades no Século XXI, São Bernardo do Campo, Brasil, 28 to 30 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "O projeto AMA em Coimbra: primeiros resultados", paper presented at Encontro Anual do Grupo de Pesquisa CNPQ "SITE" sobre Mobilidade Academica , ESP - S. Paulo, Brasil, 27 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "(mesmo titulo do seminario)", paper presented at Participação social e políticas públicas: Experiências cosmopolitas, EACH-USP, S. paulo, Brasil, 26 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Desafios e dificuldades em recensear os OP: algumas experiencias europeias", paper presented at Seminario Interno do Projeto: Censo dos OPs brasileiros, UNICAMP, Universidade de Campinas, brasil, 25 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), paper presented at Um salto de Escala na participação: evidencias desde percursos participativos em escala regional, Universidade de Campinas - UNICAMP - Faculdade de Ciencias Politicas, 24 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Introduction to Citizens' participation; e Workshop interativo "10 steps to build a Participatoy Budgeting"", paper presented at Promoting Citizen participation in Armenia, Yeghegnadzor e Aghveran, Armenia, 14 to 18 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Towards new complex systems of participation: which challenges?", paper presented at Beyond 2020 - Building Human smart cities, LISPOLIS - Associação para o Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa, portugal, 22 to 24 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Hacia la cogestión ciudadana de la ciudad, la vigencia de los presupuesto participativos hoy día" ", paper presented at Derecho a la ciudad y Participación Ciudadana en el contexto de los nuevos municipalismos, Casa del Sahara e Instituto Joaquín Herrera Flores, Seville, Spain, 18 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "DA EXCLUSÃO URBANA
À CONSTRUÇÃO DO DIREITO À CIDADE EM ESPAÇOS DA LUSOTOPIA", paper presented at Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico, Roma, 05 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Direitos humanos e participação cívica", paper presented at Imigração e Integração, Palácio da Lousã - Boutique Hotel, Lousã, Portugal, 25 May 26 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "From the charter of Public Space to the Third Habitat Conference", paper presented at Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico, Roma, Italia, 21 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Power and challenges of Participatory Budgets", paper presented at Policy Analysis Simulation , Department of Politics and International Studies da Cambridge University, 20 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Imagining to scale up Participatory Budgeting: problem and challenges", paper presented at Policy Analysis Simulation about Participatory Budgeting in Kossovo, Department of Politics and International Studies da Cambridge University, 20 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "BUILDING THE RIGHT TO THE CITY THROUGH THE MULTIGOAL TOOL OF CITIZENS' PARTICIPATION: THE CONTRIBUTION OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING", paper presented at "Faces of the City", School of Architecture and Planning, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Perspectivas do aprofundamento da democracia", paper presented at II Encontro Internacional "Participação, Democracia e Políticas Públicas" , UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil, 27 to 30 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Promover la participacion ciudadana a partir de instituciones supramunicipales", paper presented at "Global Agenda workshop on Metropolis and Peripheral Cities", Sede da CGLU, Barcelona, 30 to 31 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Seminar on Participatory Budgeting", paper presented at II Conferencia sobre Good Economy (Konferencija o dobroj ekonomiji) , Zagreb, Croatia, 19 to 21 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Models and Experiences of Participatory Budgeting", paper presented at Primeiro Seminario sobre o Orçamento Participativo , Pazin, Croatia, 18 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Orador na Mesa Redonda "ASSENTAMENTOS INFORMAIS", palestra "Bairros Criativos", Lectio Magistralis "Construindo Processos Participativos bem sucedidos: cautelas e desafios", Tutoria no Workshop sobre Planeamento Urbano", paper presented at GPAIH: I Encontro internacional em gestão e planeamento de assentamentos informais e habitação: Instrumentos, Risco e Vulnerabilidade, Praia, Cabo verde, 10 to 13 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2015), "Reinventando os Orçamentos participativos", paper presented at Novas Soluções Tecnológicas para Processos de Democracia Participativa, Sala de Arquivo dos Paços do Concelho em Lisboa, 04 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Paulson, Lex (2015), "Imagining a new collaborative platform for citizens co-writing", paper presented at Imagining a crowdsourcing legislation on the right to participation", CES, Coimbra, Portugal, 02 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "I Bilanci partecipativi: Un panorama mondiale in permanente trasformazione", paper presented at Esperienze di democrazia nella gestione economica e urbanistica. Il bilancio partecipativo, le giurie di cittadini, le procedure per la costruzione di scenari di trasformazione condivisi, Turim, Italia, 25 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Promover os commons nos Orcamentos Participativos", paper presented at Processos Participativos=Bem Estar Colectivo, Montemor o Novo, Portugal, 07 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Avritzer, Leonardo (2015), "A democracia em tempos de neoliberalismo", paper presented at XII CONLAB (congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro), Lisboa, Portugal, 01 to 05 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "Simulando un orcamento participativo com jovens ", paper presented at CES VAI A ESCOLA, Lourinhã, Portugal, 28 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), "The Tuscany experience in promoting participation", paper presented at "Digital Democracy in the EU. From E-participation to Co-legislating with Citizens" , Bruxelles, Belgica, 27 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""Participatory budgeting and participatory planning as spaces for tackling inequalities" (three sessions)", paper presented at "Invisible in Space", Hotel Holiday Inn - Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina), 18 to 18 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Falanga, Roberto (2014), ""Cittadinanza ativa. Le forme della Partecipazione cívica tra locale e globale".", paper presented at "Spazi e luoghi della partecipazione: città, territori, reti", Fondazione Lelio Basso - Roma, 17 to 17 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "Opening Keynote Speech on the State of participation in Europe", paper presented at "Citizen in my city, citizen in Europe. European Conference on Citizenship and Twinning" by CCRE/CEMR/CGLU , Roma - CCRE/CEMR/CGLU , 15 to 16 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "Proposal of some methodologies to be tested in Armenia", paper presented at Workshop on participatory processes for the Eastern European Countries, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 10 to 11 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""Laboratório para reinventar a democracia participativa"", paper presented at Encontro de Abertura do Projeto "Portugal Participa", Cascais - Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, 03 to 03 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "O Direito a Cidade em Europa", paper presented at Primeiro Encontro Internacional sobre Direito à Cidade
Giovanni Allegretti participa no primeiro Encontro Internacional sobre Direito à Cidade organizado pelo POLIS/HIC., São Paulo (Brasil), Faculdade de Direito da USP/ organização POLIS/HIC, 12 to 14 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""As Politicas Publicas e o Orçamento Participativo" e "A participação dos utentes na melhoria dos espaços de vida".", paper presented at "Orçamentos Participativos para a Melhoria da Governação Municipal em Moçambique", Universidade Pedagogica (sede de Quelimane, Moçambique), 03 to 04 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "" O futuro dos movimentos sociais e da participação ".", paper presented at "25 de Abril 40 Anos de Futuro", FEUC/Coimbra, 15 to 15 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""Participar na construção do direito a cidade: quais as evidências desde o contexto português?"", paper presented at "Exclusão Urbana versus Direito à Cidade. Experiências de construção da inclusão em Lisboa e Porto" , CES Coimbra, 09 to 09 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "Closing Speech", paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Participatory Budgeting, Oakland/Vallejo, California, US, 25 to 28 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "(same as the seminar)", paper presented at Seminar "25 years of participatory budgeting: analyzing the resilience of a travelling innovation", Department of Urban Studies of the University of California at Berkeley, 25 to 25 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""Gender and Participatory Budgeting: divergences and convergences between goals and concrete experiments"", paper presented at Seminário Internacional "Strengthening Gender Budgeting Initiatives: Experiences from China & Abroad" (organizada pela Zhejiang University e a Fundação Ebert), Zhejiang University, Huanghzou, China, 15 to 16 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""O Orçamento Participativo de Nova Yorque"", paper presented at Universidade de Verão "PARTICIPAÇÃO E INOVAÇÃO |A CONSTRUÇÃO DE CIDADANIAS INSURGENTES" , Biblioteca Municipal de Albufeira, 09 to 12 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Gherghina, Sergiu (2014), ""Deliberative Experiments and Constitutional Changes: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches"", paper presented at ECPR, Glasgow University/ Scotalnd, 04 to 06 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "Laboratorio sul Bilancio Partecipativo ed altre metodologie", paper presented at RENA Summer School: "BUON GOVERNO E CITTADINANZA RESPONSABILE",, Matera, Italia, 02 to 04 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""An introduction into Participatory Budgeting".", paper presented at Green Academy 2014 (by Heinrich Böll Stiftung), Vis Island (Croatia), 28 to 31 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "(mesma da aula aberta)", paper presented at Aula aberta "Institucionalizando políticas de participação na escala supralocal. Lições a partir da experiencia da Região Toscana (Itália)" no ambito do modulo ""NOVAS GEOGRAFIAS E NOVAS ESCALAS DA DEMOCRACIA PARTICIPATIVA", UFMG/Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 11 to 11 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "O Direito a Cidade na Europa; quais desafios para a Agenda Internacional do FNRU?", paper presented at Encontro bienal do "Forum Nacional de Reforma Urbana" do Brasil intitulado "Cidade para as pessoas, não para os negócios privados", Rio de Janeiro, Camara dos Vereadores, 08 to 10 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "Transforming the territory through transforming citizenship: interacting with new participatory budgeting practices in Portugal", ", paper presented at International Symposium "Developing expertise in the design of participatory tools: Professionalization and diversification of the public participation field", , Institut du Nouveau Monde com a Université de Montréal, montreal, Quebec, Canada, 19 July 24 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2014), "Experiencias de Democracia Participativa em Portugal à luz dos princípios do artigo nº 2 da Constituição: um balanco crítico em direção de novos desafios"", paper presented at International Conference «40 years after April 25, 1974, the Crisis of Liberal Democracies». , Lisbon: ISCTE-IUL, 08 to 10 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), ""Where are citizens in Governance? Evidences from Participatory Budgeting in Portugal"", paper presented at "Governance, Science and Innovation in development Policies", no âmbito do Projeto "Alianças Territoriais para a Inovação"., Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, 14 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2013), paper presented at "Seminario de Formação sobre Orçamentos Participativo", Associação de Municipios do Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 09 to 09 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), "Nouveaux defis pour la democracie locale tunisienne", paper presented at Launvhing event of "Speak Out Tunisia - 2014", Paris, 20 to 20 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), "Reflecting on Socio-spatial Justice from the perspective of formalized participatory processes", paper presented at Journée d'étude "Participation citoyenne et Justice spatiale", Nanterre (France), 13 to 13 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni; , Nelson Manuel dos Santos Dias (2013), "3 sessions: "Entre contextos e modelos"; "Estruturas administrativas, culturas políticas e competências técnicas"; "Entre a fragmentação social e a construção da ação coletiva"", paper presented at "Democracia em acção. Diálogos sobre Orçamentos Participativos numa perspetiva portuguesa" , Lisbon, 09 to 10 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""La participation citoyenne à la budgétisation et gestion des affaires locales et régionales, un vecteur de gestion paratgée et du contrôle citoyen de l'action publique"", paper presented at "I Conférence Internationale sur la participation citoyenne à la budgétisation et gestion des affaires locales et règionales en Afrique", Tunis, 04 to 06 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""Um programa de pesquisa-ação"", paper presented at "Cidade e Alteridade. Convivência Multicultural e Justiça Urbana", Centro de Estudos Sociais, Lisboa, Portugal, 27 to 28 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Freitas, Francisco (2013), ""Linking Action-Research and Geographic Information Systems to Uncover Data from Participatory Budgeting" ", paper presented at Sessão "Mapping and Measuring Deliberative Processes: Macro-Micro Interfaces" da 7ª General Conference of ECPR, Bordeaux, França, , 04 to 07 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Porto, Osmany (2013), ""Following a World Traveller: A Comparative Approach to Participatory Budgeting Transfers"", paper presented at 7ª General Conference of ECPR, , Bordeaux, França, , 04 to 07 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), "Participação por convite e participação por irrupção: um panorama europeu", paper presented at "As novas formas de exercício da democracia e seus desafios", Presidência da Republica, Brasilia, Brasil, 23 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""Processos participativos na Europa"", paper presented at Participação e Movimentos Sociais", , Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil, 13 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), paper presented at "El Retorno de las Carabelas: los presupuestos participativos como instrumentos de transformación de la cultura política en el local", , Unila de Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil, 09 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), "O panorama socio-institucional Portugues frente à crise", paper presented at "A Dinâmica da Participação Local no Brasil e na Europa", CES-Lisboa, Portugal, 06 to 07 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""Participatory Budgeting: which challenges for local politics?", ", paper presented at A Democracia Participativa a nível local" organizada pelo Conselho da Europa, Ministry of Interior, Yerevan, Armenia, 19 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), "Praticipatory Budgeting in Europe", paper presented at "Bugetarea Participativă în Cluj-Napoca, România",, Camara de Cluj-Napoca. Em Cluj-Napoca, Romania, , 09 to 13 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""Participatory Budgeting for Young Citizens: the experience of Portugal", in the sassion "Engaging Youth", e "PB at Regional level: evidence from Europe" in the session "Scaling Up PB Beyond the City", ", paper presented at IIª Conferencia Internacional dos Orçamentos Participativos em USA e Canadá, Loyola University, Chicago, US, 05 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""Promoting Transnational Connections: International Networks & the Global Spread of PB"", paper presented at IIª Conferencia Internacional dos Orçamentos Participativos em USA e Canadá, Loyola University, Chicago, US, 04 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), paper presented at "Participatory Budgeting as a tool to dynamize society and reform public institutions", , Universidade de Manitoba na Millennium Library de Winnipeg, Canada, 02 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""How to Build Resilience for Participatory Budgets? Evidences and suggestions from a Comparative Analysis of Portuguese Experiences",", paper presented at na sessão "Budget participatif révélateur d'un malaise démocratique?" do V Congresso do Réseau des associations francophonesde science politique, intitulado «Les régimes politiques et leurs transformations au XXIème siècle», na sede da Commissão Europeia, Cidade de Luxemburgo, 25 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson; Freitas, Francisco (2013), ""Bridging the Gap: Improving Local Governance with Participatory Budgeting and e-Participation" ", paper presented at INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL UNION - COMMISSION ON GEOGRAPHY OF GOVERNANCE, Annual Conference 2012 - New Challenges for Local Governance, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon | Lisbon , 12 to 13 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), paper presented at Participatory Budgeting (5 days of training seminars), PARTNERS-JORDAN FOR CIVIC COLLABORATION/World Bank, Amman, Jordânia, 20 to 25 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""The expansion of Participatory Budgeting in Europe", ", paper presented at "Cities for Citizens - Aktywność obywatelska w rozwoju miast", Camara de Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland, 16 to 17 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), ""The expansion of Participatory Budgeting in Europe", ", paper presented at \"Cities for Citizens - Aktywność obywatelska w rozwoju miast\", Camara de Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland, 20 to 20 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), paper presented at "I bilanci partecipativi: uno strumento in espansione per ricostruire la democrazia?", Municipality of alessandria, Italy, 16 to 16 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), ""Participatory Budgeting: challenging of scaling up"", paper presented at "How to make good citizen participation relevant in Europe: Theory and Practice in Dialogue" , Stuttgart, Alemanha, 05 to 06 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), " ", paper presented at Planning through participation: training seminars on Participatory Budgeting", , Municipality of Great Geraldton, Australia, , 27 to 29 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), paper presented at "The expansion of participatory budgeting worldwide: reflections on a governance tool in permanent evolution", Sustainable Policy Institute, Curtin University, Freemantle, Australia, 26 to 26 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), paper presented at "Deepening democracy via participatory budgeting", , Pacific Centre for Participatory Democracy/Green party, in Auckland, Nova Zelandia, 24 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), paper presented at "Reclaiming the State through participatory budgeting?", , Municipality of Auckland; Auckland, Nova Zelandia, , 23 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), paper presented at "7 STEPS FOR THE START-UP OF A PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING", Green Party Seminar, National Parliament of New Zealand, 22 to 22 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), paper presented at "Deepening democracy via participatory budgeting", , Pacific Centre for Participatory Democracy/IAP2 New Zealand, in Wellington,, 22 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), "Same title of the meeting", paper presented at "The expansion of participatory budgeting worldwide: reflections on a governance tool in permanent evolution", Department of Social sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne, 21 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), ""The expansion of participatory budgeting worldwide: reflections on a governance tool in permanent evolution", ", paper presented at "The expansion of participatory budgeting worldwide: reflections on a governance tool in permanent evolution", , Department of Social Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 21 to 21 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), ""Novos diálogos e desafios das práticas de participação popular na gestão das cidades". ", paper presented at I Seminário Internacional "Cidade e Alteridae. Convivência Multicultural e Justiça Urbana" , UFMG - Faculdade de Direito, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 25 to 29 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), "Dinâmicas da participação cidadã na Europa: evidencias a partir de alguns casos de pesquisa-ação", paper presented at "A DINÂMICA DA PARTICIPAÇÃO LOCAL NO BRASIL" , UFMG, Belo Horizonte, 28 to 29 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), "Os Orçamentos participativos de nivel supramunicipal na Europa", paper presented at "Participação e Sustentabilidade + de 20 anos depois" , Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio De Janeiro, 17 to 18 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), """Filtering Dreams together: Reflections on Participatory Budgeting Experiences where a "Learning by doing Environment" makes the Difference", paper presented at "Inequalities, Democracy and the Politics of Transition" , University of Iceland, Rejkyavik, 10 to 12 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), "Renovando a Democracia: os processos participativos em Italai e Portugal", paper presented at "Crise da representação e desafios da democracia no seculo XXI", Sede da Universidade de Alcalá de Henares in Madrid/Sede da Unão Europeia em Madrid, 04 to 05 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), "1) "Participatory Budgeting Around the World", 2) "e-PB: Online Participation", 3) "Scaling up PB: State and Regional Experiences" 4) "When Youth Have a Say: PB with Young People" ", paper presented at "Participatory Budgeting in the US and Canada". , New York City: Pratt Institute (Brooklyn), Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, 29 to 30 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Torquato Luiz, Juliana (2011), "From Conflicts to new Public Policies : Urban Agriculture in LisbFrom Conflicts to new Public Policies : Urban Agriculture in Lisbon Metropolitan Areas From Conflicts to new Public Policies : Urban Agriculture in Lisbon Metropolitan Area ", paper presented at INURA International Meeting , Tepoztlan/Ciudad de Mexico, 03 to 09 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "Intruduction and moderation of the session: "Study Day on Effects of Public Participation".", paper presented at "Symposium of the Research Group Democracy & Participation" organized Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique Participation du public, décision, démocratie participative, Paris, EHESS, 18 October 21 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Ganuza, Ernesto (2011), "Coordination and opening of the session "Bridging participation and deliberation: contributions and challenges of Participatory Budgeting".", paper presented at ECPR International Conference 2011, Reijkiavik, Iceland, 25 to 28 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "1) Which contribution to sustainability from participatory budgeting? Some examples of "learning by doing"; 2) Participation: a fundamental right of citizens during planning processes? The case of Tuscany; 3) Youth and Kids Participatory Bugets: From Environment Concerns to Tangible Projects ", paper presented at ECOCITIES, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 22 to 25 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), ""FROM SKEPTICISM TO MUTUAL SUPPORT: towards a structural change in the relations between Participatory Budgeting and the Information and Communication Technologies" ", paper presented at Conferencia internacional IVR de Filosofia do Direito., Frankfurt, Germany, 16 to 19 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Ganuza, Ernesto (2011), "Participatory Budgeting between democratisation of local policies and the modernization of the municipal apparatus", paper presented at PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN EUROPE: IMPORTING DEMOCRACY FROM BRAZIL?, CUNY University, New York, USA, 16 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "Limits and Challenges of Participatory Budgeting from the perspective of comparative analyses", paper presented at Participatory Governance and Decentralization: Comparative Study in Programs and Outcomes, Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, 09 to 10 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "Fala de Abertura", paper presented at "Ensino da democracia e democracia no ensino: desafios e perspectivas", Departamento de Ciencias Politicas, Universidade de Turim, Turim, Italia, 13 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "Agriculturas Urbanas e a Cidade. Um inventário de questões sobre Cidadania e Democracia", paper presented at Congresso Internacional Agricultura Urbana e Sustentabilidade (organizado pela Câmara de Seixal)., Seixal, Portugal, 06 to 07 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), ""How does Lisbon metropolitan area fit in the New Metropolitan Mainstream"", paper presented at Workshop "New Metropolitan Mainstream" - INURA project, Berlin, Germany, 30 March 03 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "ORÇAMENTO PARTICIPATIVO E AS NOVAS CONCEPÇÕES DE TERRITÓRIO - 15/03/11 Construindo um Panorama Global através de Múltiplas Experiências Locais ", paper presented at Cidades e Globalização 2011, CIDLOT, Praia, Cabo Verde, 15 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "Orçamentos Participativos na Europa Mediterranea: uma analise comparativa.", paper presented at Seminário internacional "Direct and deliberative democracy. An intercontinental perspective" no Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS), Stellenbosch University, Stellenbisch, South Africa, 09 to 12 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), ""Experiencias diferenciadas de participação popular nas cidades e nas regiões da Europa" ", paper presented at Sistema Estadual de participação Cidadã: bases conceituais, organized by the Rio Grande do Sul State Government, Porto Alegre, 24 to 24 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), "La importancia fe una evaluación cuidadosa de los Presupuestos participativo: reflexiones desde el caso de sesimbra, Portugal", paper presented at Segundo Curso presencial de formación del Parlocal, Provincia de Malaga, 17 to 21 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), ""Networks of Participatory Budgeting and transnational networks. Possibilities of cooperation for municipalities" and "An experience of cooperation in Cape Verde"", paper presented at International Seminar on Participatory Budgeting Models, Berlim, Alemanha, 21 to 22 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), ""Un renouveau coopératif ? Des questions à partir du cas italien "", paper presented at "Habitats Alternatifs", Paris, França, 28 to 29 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), ""Introdução ao seminario: objectivos e expectativas"", paper presented at "A participação dos utentes como garantia de eficácia e transparência na gestão dos serviços públicos: algumas experiências de sucesso",, Lisboa, CES-LX, 26 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""A participaçao Popular no Planeamento dos Centros Historicos. O caso da Toscana"", paper presented at "14º Encontro Nacional de Municípios com Centro Histórico", Beja, Portugal, 14 to 16 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Sintomer, Yves (2009), paper presented at Apresentação do Livro "I Bilanci Partecipativi in Europa", Assembleia da Republica, Roma, Italia, 23 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Participatory Budgeting in the Portuguese World"", paper presented at "Africities" - Presentation of the Handbook on Participatory Budgeting, Marrakesh, Marroccos, 16 to 20 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "A apropriação de um modelo do Sul na Europa: reflexões sobre a difusão dos orçamentos participativos ", paper presented at Europa como idéia e prática, CES, Coimbra, Portugal, 04 to 05 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Ramos, Alfredo (2009), ""Educación de la mirada y educación para la ciudadanía: cuando imágenes y participación se encuentran" ", paper presented at IX Conferencia Internacional do OIDP - Grupo de trabajo: "La imagen como herramienta comunicativa y participativa, Reggio Emila, Italia, 18 to 20 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Participatory Budgeting: fostering the quality of policies through the quality of democracy"", paper presented at "Qvalitets-Mässan", Gothenburg, Suecia, 17 to 19 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Sintomer, Yves (2009), ""I Bilanci Partecipativi in Europa"", paper presented at "DEMOCRAZIA E PARTECIPAZIONE - LE GIORNATE DI MONTAIONE", , Montaione, Toscana, Italia, 12 to 14 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), paper presented at "I Bilanci Partecipativi in Europa", Florença, Italia, 09 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Il Bilancio Partecivo: modelli e sfide"", paper presented at Curso de Aperfeiçoamento Pos-graduação "Azione locale partecipata e sviluppo urbano sostenibile" , IUAV, Veneza, Italia, 07 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Participatory Budgeting beyond the mere delivery of basic services" ", paper presented at "Second Conference of African and European Regional and Local Authorities", Florença, Italia, 03 to 06 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Movimientos y iniciativas sociales en los presupuestos participativos "", paper presented at "Crisis Global, Alternativas desde lo local", 28 to 30 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Se i giovani governano il mondo..."", paper presented at "Controcaos" (festival literario), Castelsardo, Cerdenha, Italia, 16 to 18 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "Comentador numa sessao sobre processos participativos", paper presented at "Coimbra C - Escalas e transbordos", I Colóquio de Estudantes de Doutoramento do CES., 01 to 02 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), paper presented at "Participatory Budgeting in the framework of global crissis"., Estocolmo, Suecia, 25 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2009), "Os OrçamentosParticipativos", paper presented at "Universidade de Verão: Governação e Participação desafiando a crise", São Bras de Alportel, Algarve, Portugal, 08 to 12 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Spanish/Italian cases: Participatory Budgets and the question of social justice"", paper presented at "Participatory Budgeting in Asia and Europe Key Challenges of Participation ", Hangzhou, China, 17 to 19 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Making Silent Voices Count". When outreach and diversity of participants become a pivotal goal.", paper presented at "Participation in China and Europe" ", Beijing, China, 14 to 15 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""A participação política dos imigrantes no contexto pós-colonial português"", paper presented at "Sociedade Civil e Pòs-Colonialismo", UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 04 to 06 August.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Orçamentos Participativos no mundo" ", paper presented at "Orçamentos Participativos no mundo" , Conselho do Orçamento Participativo, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 29 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""A democracia participativa na Europa: exemplos e modelos"", paper presented at "Programa de Formação de Conselheiros Nacionais" organisado por UFMG e Secretaria Geral da Presidencia da Republica do Brasil, Fortaleza, Brasil, 21 to 21 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Il Bilancio Partecipativo: mappe e modelli a livello internazionale"", paper presented at "Seminario Formativo sul Bilancio Partecipativo" , Autoritá Garante della Partecipazione, FlorenÇa, Toscana, 07 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Participatory Budgeting in Europe: 10 years later"", paper presented at XIX INURA Conference: " Urban Transformation. Capital - State - Civil Society" , Istanbul / Agva, Turquia, 27 June 03 July.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "« La démocratie aujourd'hui et demain : Existe-t-il toujours un déficit politique? Quelles sont les alternatives? »", paper presented at V Citizens Summit of Montreal "La ville que nous voulons" , Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, 05 to 07 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Le point de vue Europeen sur le BP"", paper presented at "La démocratie participative canadienne, québécoise et européenne: vers le renouvellement de la démocratie locale ou une idée à la mode?" , UQAM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada , 04 June.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2009), ""Orçamento Participativo" (seminario de formação no ambito da feira)", paper presented at "Manifesta: A inovação social na resposta à crise: contributo do desenvolvimento local e da economia solidária" - , Peniche, Portugal, 22 to 24 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Introdução ao Projecto, e objectivos"", paper presented at "Acesso Formal aos Espaços Políticos: Eleitos e Eleitores aos Municípios e Freguesias Portuguesas", , CES, Coimbra, Portugal, 21 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "La partecipazione a livello regionale", paper presented at "Le voci della Democrazia. Partecipazione- Scelte economiche Fondi Europei - Esperienze Regionali in Italia e in Europa", Cittá dell'Altraeconomia, Roma, Italia, 15 to 17 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "-"Expériences démocratiques : la démocratie participative dans le monde"", paper presented at Forum « Réinventer la démocratie» , Grenoble, France, 08 to 10 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Partecipazione e coinvolgimento dei cittadini nelle politiche e nelle decisioni pubbliche".", paper presented at Laboratorio de City Management da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Ca' Foscari de Venecia, Veneza, Italia, 17 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Citizens' Participation as a pivotal planning tool: a matter of problem-solving or a new problem-setting approach?".", paper presented at MASTER de Segundo nivel em lingua inglesa "Urban Development and Reconstruction", , IUAV, Veneza, Italia, 16 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), paper presented at "La partecipazione e il Bilancio partecipativo" - corso di Formazione della Regione Lazio, Roma, Italia, 07 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "Il Bilancio Parttecipativo come strumento di innovazione delle politiche", paper presented at MASTER PISM , Universitá Roma Tre, Roma, Italia, 06 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Il bilancio Partecipativo: tra efficienza e democratizzazione delle politiche"", paper presented at Curso de Formação: "URBANISTICA PARTECIPATA: NUOVE FUNZIONI DEGLI ENTI PUBBLICI TERRITORIALI" , Florença, Italia, 02 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Prospettive e sfide per i processi partecipativi nella trasformazione del territorio"", paper presented at "La democrazia partecipativa in Italia e in Europa: esperienze e prospettive", Florença, Italia, 02 to 03 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "Opening Speach (in front of the Vice-President of Dominican Republic): "Enfrentando tres palavras magicas: desarrollo local, descentralización y participación" ", paper presented at "Encuentro Internacional por la Democracia Participativa, la Descentralición y el Desarrollo Local", , Bayahibe, Republica Dominicana, 18 to 20 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "O Orçamento Participativo: umaferramenta de modernização da administraçao publica", paper presented at « Primeiro Encontro sobre Orçamento Participativo », Estarreja, Portugal, 14 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), paper presented at « La démocratie participative pour l'égalité femmes-hommes »., Charbonnières LesBains/Lyon, França, 06 to 07 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), paper presented at Seminars on Participatory Budgeting in the world, Orebro, Suecia, 24 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "El Presupuesto Participativo como instrumento de democratizaciòn", paper presented at "POLÍTICAS Y PROCESOS DE DESARROLLO - II EDICIÓN 2008/2009 - Especialización en Gestión de Proyectos y Procesos de Desarrollo,, Valencia, Espanha, 19 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "Participatory Budgeting: what challenges?", paper presented at "How to experiment Participatory Budgeting in our city?", Hudiksvall, Suecia, 16 to 17 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Coinvolgere e comunicare. Tutti o solo alcuni? Come riuscire a coinvolgere nel processo partecipativo i soggetti del territorio?"", paper presented at "DALLA PARTECIPAZIONE ALLA COMUNITA' LOCALE: VERSO IL FEDERALISMO MUNICIPALE SOLIDALE" - VI ASSEMBLEA NAZIONALE DEGLI ENTI LOCALI CHE SPERIMENTANO PRATICHE PARTECIPATIVE., Bergamo, Italia, 13 to 14 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "Orçamento Participativo: os resultados de um inquerito nacional ", paper presented at Conferencia Final do GEPAL (Curso de Gestão Publica na Administração Local), CEFA, Coimbra, 05 to 05 February.
Allegretti, Giovanni; Secchi, Michelangelo (2009), ""Tra modelli e contesti: costruire un bilancio partecipativo", ", paper presented at ParteciP.A.", the first Fair of Participatory Democracy in Italy, Modena, Italia, 21 to 23 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), ""Come creare e mantenere un Bilancio Partecipativo? Dalla teoria alla pratica"", paper presented at Advanced Training Course "Azione locale partecipata e sviluppo urbano sostenibile",, IUAV, Veneza, Italia, 16 January.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), paper presented at Participation as a contribution to local development, IUAV University, Venice, Italy, 02 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), paper presented at Democratizar la Democrácia, València, Espanya, 04 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), paper presented at Participatory Budgets in Europe: which challenges?, Barcelona, Espanya, 02 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), "Não - A natureza não pode sair de cena", paper presented at O papel dos processos participativos na construção da sustentabilidade, Porto Velho, Brazil., 11 to 15 November.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), "Urbanismo y participación: casos ejemplares de participación ciudadana en el diseño de las ciudades", paper presented at El Derecho a la Ciudad, Universidade Pablo De Olavide. Seville, Spain., 09 to 11 September.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), paper presented at Il Bilancio Partecipativo in Europa, Comune di Novellara. Novellara, Italy, 10 May.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), paper presented at PROGETTAZIONE PARTECIPATA SOSTENIBILE, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, 03 to 04 April.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), paper presented at come costruire un bilancio partercipativo? Riflessioni sullo start-up, Rome, Italy, 07 March.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Participatory Budgets in Europe and North America", paper presented at Participatory Budgeting: a new tool for enhancing democracy in the World Social Forum.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Orçamentos Participativos na Europa: uma leitura comparada de algumas tendências, limites e oportunidades", paper presented at Conferência CES "Democracia Participativa", Coimbra.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Participatory Budget: which perspectives for Sweden?.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Os Urban Center e a gestão informada e participada da cidade, Coimbra, CES.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), ""Orçamento Participativo"", paper presented at Seminario EQUAL "Novos estilos e vida" coordenado em Portugal pela Associacao IN-LOCO, S. Brás de Alportel.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "O caso de Belo Horizonte", paper presented at The city belongs to all: Democracy, Integration, Urbanism and Culture.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Comentário à conferência Uma outra democracia é possível? ", paper presented at II Ciclo Anual de Jovens Cientistas Sociais, Coimbra.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Seminario de Formaçao dos funcionarios sobre Orçamento Participativo.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at BUDGET PARTICIPATIFS EUROPE/AMERIQUE LATINE, Sede do CNRS, Paris, França.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Pratiques de participation populaire a Rome, Association ADELS/Project PICRI IDF.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Costruiamo insieme un futuro per Sarroch" ligado a aprovação do Plano Estratégico do Concelho de Sarroch, Sarroch, Italia.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES SOBRE PRESUPUESTOS PARTICIPATIVOS", Málaga.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Processos participativos em Roma: o caso da autorecuperação das áreas illegais (Zone O)", paper presented at PICRI-IDF" "DEMOCRATIE PARTICIPATIVE EN EUROPE : VERS UNE DEMOCRATIE TECHNIQUE?.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Quais transformações nos Orçamentos Participativos Europeus?", paper presented at Convegno Regionale sulle nuove Pratiche Partecipative: il Bilancio Partecipativo.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Seminário sobre Orçamento Participativo, Vara, Suécia.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Participatory Budgeting and the emergence of silent voices", paper presented at Council of Europe Forum for the Future of Democracy" intitulado "Power and empowerment - the interdependence of democracy and human rights.
Jing, Yi; Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Gathering memories at the battlefront: the "" experience in Beijing, China ", paper presented at Whose Urban Renaissance? An international comparison of urban regeneration policies.
Cellamare, Carlo; Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "The ambiguous Renaissance of Rome", paper presented at Seminary: Whose Urban Renaissance? An international comparison of urban regeneration policies"..
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "O Orçamento Participativo e outras experiências participativas nas publicas administrações", paper presented at Curso de formação permanente para os administradores do Partido da Refundação Comunista.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Which future for participatory budget? The Italian case within the European context", paper presented at 4º Conferencia Geral do ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research).
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Knowledge city and citizens knowledge: which help from IT to participatory process? Examples from some participatory budgeting (PB) experiences", paper presented at Knowledge cities. Future of cities in the knowledge economy.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Participatory Town Planning in Italy", paper presented at Knowledge cities. Future of cities in the knowledge economy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Participatory Budgeting in Europe: some key examples", paper presented at Seminario internacional "EU-Vietnam Small Projects Facilities in Economic Cooperation. Grassroots Democracy and Participatory Budget, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Políticas locales innovadoras para la inclusión social, Barcelona. Espanha.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Workshop sobre Democracia Participativa no Seminário internacional "China-Europa Fórum, Lyon, France.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at Participatory Planning and Sustainability. Examples from the Southern area of Rome, Ryiadh, Arábia Saudita.
Matias, Marisa; Schettini Martins Cunha, Eleonora; Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "ICT technologies within the grammar of Participatory Budgeting: tensions and challenges of a mainly "subordinate clause" approach", paper presented at Seminário internacional "Changing politics through digital networks: The role of ICTs in the formation of new social and political actors and actions, Florença, Itália.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), paper presented at 2º Congresso Mundial da CGLU Sessão: Encontro Internacional da Comissão de Inclusão Social e Democracia Participativa., Jeju, Coreia do Sul.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Naissance et transformation des Budgets Participatifs en Italie et au Portugal: entre modèle et contexte", paper presented at Démocratie et participation citoyenne, Universite' de Saint Louis, Bruxelles, Belgique.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Algo esta pasando en Europa", paper presented at V Jornadas Internacionales de los Presupuestos Participativos, Sevilha, Espanha.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "La participation: un lecture de l'axe territorial", paper presented at VII Seminário Internacional 2007 do OIDP, Nanterre, França.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), " Participatory Budgets in Europe: which transformations", paper presented at Προϋπολογισμός των πολιτών: ταχεία εξάπλωση στη	, Petroupolis, Grécia.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Praticas de Orçamento Participativo e papel do projecto URBAL no desenvolvimento de novas experiências", paper presented at Projecto URBAL "Come costruire un bilancio partecipativo: trasferimento di buone pratiche in una prospettiva di reciproco scambio, Udine, Italia.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Journee sur le Budget Paticipatif", paper presented at Seminário Internacional ""La démocratie participative du local au global : pour quel développement ?, Lyon/St.Etienne/Grenoble, França.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), "Le Budget Participatif: quels enjeuxs?"", paper presented at Primeiro curso nacional para administradores do grupo "Alternatifs" de França, Paris, França.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2006), "Participatory Budgets in Europe: trends and challenges", paper presented at «Participatory Democracy in theory and practice; chinese and European experiences», funded by the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights, Haikou (Hainan Province), China, 08 to 11 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2006), "Placer l'usager au centre du service publique: le cas des Chartes des Services de Hameenlinna, Finlande, et de l'Agence de Transport Publique (ATAC) de Rome, Italie", paper presented at Entretiens Territoriaux de Strasbourg, Estrasburgo, França, 05 to 07 December.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2006), "Participer a la construction de la ville: du Budget Participatif al Urbanisme", paper presented at 3èmes marches citoyennes de Saint-Paul, Commune de Saint-Paul, Isle de Reunion, 29 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2006), "Il modello di democrazia partecipativa venezuelana", paper presented at 1ª Reunião da Comissão Parlamentar de colaboração Itália-Venezuela, Asembleia da Republica Italiana, Comissão Assuntos Internacionais, Roma, 09 to 10 October.
Allegretti, Giovanni (2006), "Participatory Budgets in Europe and North America", paper presented at Participatory Budgeting: Building Inclusiveness in Policy Making and Municipal Finance - sessão do Africities Summit, Kenyatta Centre - Nairobi - Quenia, 18 to 22 September.