José Reis
José Reis is Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), where he graduated [1978] and got a PhD [1989] in Economics with a thesis published in book (in Portuguese) under the title "The Spaces of Industry: the economic regulation and the local development in Portugal", Porto, Afrontamento, 1992. In 1998 he obtained Aggregation, with a lesson on "Economic institutionalism: chronicle of economic knowledge". He is a member of the National Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Coordinator of the Observatory on Crises and Alternatives and Co-coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Governance, Knowledge and Innovation. He was Chairman of the Central Region Coordination Committee [1996-1999], Secretary of State for Higher Education [1999-2001] and Chairman of the Scientific Council [1992-1994 and 2000-2004], Director of FEUC [2009-2015] and Chairman of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Political Economy [2016-2020]. In 2018 he developed research at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, in Paris, invited as Directeur d'Études Associé. He has been researcher or visiting professor at Universities in the United States of America, France, Italy and Brazil. He develops research in three main areas: a) organization and evolution of economic systems, taking into account the dynamics of production, work and employment and supply systems and forms of international insertion; b) territories, production systems and regional dynamics; c) governance and institutions of the economy. He takes an institutionalist political economy perspective and is interested in the Portuguese and European economy. He is the author of the following books (in Portuguese): "Caring for Portugal: Hypotheses of Political Economy in Convulsed Times", Coimbra, Almedina, 2020, "The Portuguese Economy: Forms of Political Economy in a Persistent Periphery (1960-2017)", Coimbra, Almedina, 2018 , "Essays on Impure Economy", Coimbra, Almedina/CES, 2007 (1st edition) and 2009 (2nd edition)," Portugal and Europe in Crisis: To end the austerity economy", Lisbon, Actual, 2011 (with João Rodrigues). He coordinated the books "The Political Economy of Retrocession: Crisis, causes and objectives", Coimbra, Almedina/CES, 2014, and "How to Reorganize a Vulnerable Country?", Coimbra: Actual, 2020. In 2019 he participated in two books resulting from projects of which he was a part: "The New Question of Housing in Portugal: An Approach to Political Economy (Ana Cordeiro Santos, ed., Coimbra: Actual, 53-86), where he published the chapter "Does the territory still exist? Housing provision systems and the country's waste" and "Economic Science in Portugal" (Vítor Neves and José Reis, ed. Coimbra: Edições Almedina), author of the chapter "GEBEI: A structured economic thought on the periphery of Europe " and co-author of "Economic Ideas in Debate".
April 2, 2025, 15h00
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Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Reis, José (2024), A economia política do 25 de Abril: a "substância do tempo, in José Cadima Ribeiro; Manuela Martins; Eloy Rodrigues (org.), Nos 50 Anos do 25 de Abril: Memórias e Reflexões Sobre as Mudanças da Sociedade Portuguesa. Braga: UMinho Editora, 103-123
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Reis, José; Drago, Ana (2024), O Regresso do Planeamento: Percursos e Perspetivas sobre Planeamento Público em Portugal. Coimbra: Actual
Book Chapter
Reis, José; Drago, Ana (2023), Por um planeamento público e democrático: ensaio sobre formas de governação no capitalismo, in José́ Reis e Ana Drago (org.), O Regresso do Planeamento: Percursos e Perspetivas sobre Planeamento Público em Portugal. Coimbra: Actual, 21-48