Book Chapters

Simão, Licínia (2024), Atlantic security and EU-NATO relations: A test case to complementarity, in Dinis Borges, Ana Mónica Fonseca, António Monteiro e Dulce Maria Sctt (org.), The Azores, the Atlantic, and Global Challenges. Fresno: California State University

Freire, Maria Raquel; Lopes, Paula Duarte; Nascimento, Daniela; Simão, Licínia (2022), Conclusion, in Maria Raquel Freire, Paula Duarte Lopes, Daniela Nascimento, Licínia Simão (org.), EU Global Actorness in a World of Contested Leadership. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 329-342

Freire, Maria Raquel; Lopes, Paula Duarte; Nascimento, Daniela; Simão, Licínia (2022), EU Global Actorness in a World of Contested Leadership: Policies, Instruments and Perceptions, in Maria Raquel Freire, Paula Duarte Lopes, Daniela nascimento, Licínia Simão (org.), EU Global Actorness in a World of Contested Leadership. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 1-12

Simão, Licínia (2022), Um Mundo em Crise: As Políticas de Segurança e Defesa da UE em Evolução, in Maria Raquel Freire, Daniela Nascimento (org.), European Union as an International Actor: Peace and Security in Narratives and Practices. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press, 103-126

Simão, Licínia (2022), Unpacking the EU's International Actorness: Debates, Theories and Concepts, in Maria Raquel Freire, Paula Duarte Lopes, Daniela Nascimento, Licínia Simão (org.), EU Global Actorness in a World of Contested Leadership. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 13-32

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2021), Peace and Security in the Age of Hybrid Wars, in Oliver P. Richmond and Gëzim Visoka (org.), The Oxford Handbook of Peacebuilding, Statebuilding, and Peace Formation. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Simão, Licínia (2020), The South Caucasus and the West: From hegemony to contestation,, in Galina M. Yemelianova and Laurence Broers (org.), Routledge Handbook of the Caucasus. Londres: Routledge

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2020), Turning points and shifting understandings of European security: The European Neighbourhood Policy's development, in Rick Fawn (org.), Managing Security Threats along the EU's Eastern Flanks. London: Palgrave Macmilan

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2019), As Relações da UE com os Países da Parceria Oriental: Mudanças Políticas em Contexto de Incerteza, in Isabel Camisão e Ana Paula Brandão (org.), Estado da União Europeia: Da(s) Crise(s) à Mudança?. LIsboa: Editora Petrony, 217-236

Nascimento, Daniela; Simão, Licínia (2019), O multilateralismo e a paz liberal, in Sandra Dias Fernandes e Licínia Simão (org.), O Multilateralismo: Conceitos e práticas no século XXI. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 67-92

Fernandes, Sandra Dias; Simão, Licínia (2019), Os conceitos e a evolução do multilateralismo: o nexo reflexão-ação, in Sandra Dias Fernandes e Licínia Simão (org.), O Multilateralismo: Conceitos e práticas no século XXI. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 17-42

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2019), Security Challenges in Russia-European Union Relations, in Roger E. Kanet (org.), Routledge Handbook of Russian Security. Nova Iorque: Routledge

Simão, Licínia (2019), The evolving geopolitics of energy transit in Europe, in Carla Fernandes and Teresa Rodrigues (org.), The future of energy. Prospective scenarios on EU-Russia relations. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 207-228

Simão, Licínia (2018), Bringing "the political" back into European security: challenges to the EU's ordering of the Eastern Partnership, in Elena Korosteleva, Igor Merheim-Eyre, Eske Van Gils (org.), The Politics' and 'The Political' of the Eastern Partnership Initiative: Reshaping the Agenda. London: Routledge

Simão, Licínia (2018), The European Neighbourhood Policy and the South Caucasus, in Tobias Schumacher, Andreas Marchetti, Thomas Demmelhuber (org.), Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy. London: Routledge

Simão, Licínia (2018), The European Union's New Eastern Partnership Policy", in Kornely Kakachia, Stefen Meister, Benjamin Fricke (org.), Geopolitics and Security. A new strategy for the South Caucasus. Berlim/Tbilisi: German Council on Foreign Relations, 18-44

Simão, Licínia (2017), A Vizinhança Europeia: A Parceria Oriental, in Isabel Nunes (org.), Segurança Europeia. Lisbon: Instituto de Defesa Nacional, 345-354

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2017), EU-Russia relations and the unravelling of the European security regime in the context of the Ukrainian crisis, in Joan DeBardeleben e TomCasier (org.), EU-Russia relations in crisis: understanding diverging perceptions. London: Routledge

Simão, Licínia (2017), European Energy Security: the Reconcilable EU and Russian Approaches?, in Carla Patrício Fernandes e Teresa Ferreira Rodrigues (org.), Geopolitics of Energy and Energy Security. Lisboa: Instituto de Defesa Nacional, 89-102

Simão, Licínia (2017), Política Europeia de Vizinhança, in Ana Paula Brandão et al (org.), Enciclopédia da União Europeia. Lisbon: Petrony

Simão, Licínia (2016), Conclusion, in Remi Piet and Licínia Simão (org.), Security in Shared Neighbourhoods - Foreign Policy of Russia Turkey, and the EU. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Simão, Licínia; Piet, Remi (2016), Introduction, in Remi Piet and Licínia Simão (org.), Security in Shared Neighbourhoods - Foreign Policy of Russia Turkey, and the EU. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Simão, Licínia (2016), Os impactos da securitização e militarização da fronteira externa da União Europeia, in Fernando José Ludwig and Luciano Stremel Barros (org.), (Re)definições das Fronteiras. Visões Interdisciplinares. Curitiba: Juruá Editora, 43-56

Simão, Licínia (2016), The EU's Conflict Resolution Policies in the Black Sea Area, in Sinem Akgul Acikmese e Dimitrios Triantaphyllou (org.), The European Union and the Black Sea: The State of Play. Oxon: Routledge

Maria R., Freire; Simão, Licínia (2016), The Modernisation Agenda in Russian Foreign Policy, in Maxine David and Tatiana Romanova (org.), Modernisation in EU-Russian Relations: Past, Present and Future. London: Routledge (Special Issues as Books)

Simão, Licínia; Dias, Vanda Amaro (2016), The securitization of the EU's Eastern neighbourhood: What role for Russia?, in Remi Piet and Licínia Simão (org.), Security in Shared Neighbourhoods - Foreign Policy of Russia Turkey, and the EU. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Simão, Licínia (2015), Islamic Republic of Iran (in Portuguese), in Maria Raquel Freire (org.), Manual de Política Externa, 2ª ed.. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press

Simão, Licínia (2014), Russia and Central Asia: Globalization and Hegemonic Competition (in Portuguese), in Patricia Daehnhardt and Maria Raquel Freire (org.), A Política Externa Russa no Espaço Transatlântico. Dinâmicas de Cooperação e Competição num Espaço Alargado. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press
Open Access

Maria Raquel, Freire; Simão, Licínia (2014), Russia and the South Caucasus: from neocolonial relations to realpolitik in the 'near abroad', in Patricia Daehnhardt and Maria Raquel Freire (org.), A Política Externa Russa no Espaço Transatlântico. Dinâmicas de Cooperação e Competição num Espaço Alargado. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press
Open Access

Simão, Licínia (2013), Coming of age: dilemmas for the EU's foreign policy in the wider Europe, in Teresa Cierco (org.), The European Union neighbourhood: Challenges and opportunities. Aldershot: Ashgate, 99-121

Simão, Licínia (2013), Forging a wider European Security Community: Dilemmas of the ENP in the South Caucasus, in Gergana Noutcheva, Karolina Pomorska and Giselle Bosse (org.), The EU and its neighbours: Values versus security?. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 103-121

Maurer, Heidi; Simão, Licínia (2013), From regional power to global power? The European Neighbourhood Policy after the Lisbon Treaty, in Astrid Boening, Jan‐Frederik Kremer and Aukje van Loon (org.), lobal Power Europe - Vol. 1 Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU's External Relations. Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Publishing, 93-108

Simão, Licínia (2012), Central Asia seen from the perspective of US-Russia 'reset' policy, in Maria Raquel Freire and Roger E. Kanet (org.), Russia and Its Neighbors. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2012), ENP and post-Soviet transition in the South Caucasus: Triangulating democracy, security and stability, in D.Bosold, P.Drulák and N.Hynek (org.), Democratization and Security in Central and Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States. Berlin: Nomos Verlag, 209-228

Simao, Licinia (2012), EU-Russia Security Relations: Lessons from the South Caucasus, in Roger E. Kanet and Maria Raquel Freire (org.), Russia and Its Neighbors. Dordrecht: Republic of Letters, 157-177

Simão, Licínia (2011), Are Civil Society Organizations the Missing Link? Assessing EU Engagement in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, in N.Tocci (org.), The European Union, Civil Society and Conflict. New York: Routledge, 50-74

Simão, Licínia (2011), Islamic Republic of Iran (in Portuguese), in Maria Raquel Freire (org.), Manual de Política Externa. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press, 313-338
Open Access

Sandra Fernandes; Simão, Licínia (2010), Competing for Eurasia: Russian and European Union Perspectives, in Maria Raquel Freire and Roger Kanet (org.), Russia in Eurasia: External Player and Regional Dynamics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 103-125

Simão, Licínia (2008), Shaping EU-South Caucasus relations through strategic patterns: energy and conflicts in perspective, in André Barrinha (org.), owards a Global Dimension: EU's conflict management in the neighbourhood and Beyond. Lisbon: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 65-84