Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Organization of The Timor-Leste's Commission of Truth and Reconciliation Report: facing the past, building the future, CES Alta, 28 to 28 November by 2024.
Organization of Public Lecture: "O impacto e contribuição das mulheres para as artes e culturas de Timor-Leste contemporâneo" by the visual artist Maria Madeira (PhD), in the discipline "Conhecimentos, Justiça e Sustentabilidade" of the PhD program "Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenshipl", CES/FEUC, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 31 to 31 May by 2024.
Organization of O Poetry Slam como prática social e pedagógica de desconstrução decolonial, Seminário Online, 22 to 22 February by 2024.
Member of the Organizing Committee of The 25th April in Timor-Leste: The Unilateral Proclamation of Independence in 1975, Fundação Mário Soares Maria Barroso, Lisboa, 29 to 29 November by 2023 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa Pereira, Zélia).
Member of the Organizing Committee of College of Global Studies Workshop "Dying at sea, inside prison walls: refugees, immigrants and colonial border regimes" with Prof. Behrouz Boochani (UNSW) and Prof. Omid Tofighian (UNSW), Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, 28 to 28 October by 2023 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa Velicu, Irina).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Membro da Comissão Organizadora do Colégio de Estudos Globais - Oficina com Katherina Teaiwa, Cládia Carvalho, Elena Galvez e Patrícia Vieira: "Lands and oceans of knowledge: arts in education and research", Online, 17 to 17 November by 2022 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Velicu, Irina; Figueira, Jorge).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Membro da Comissão Organizadora do Colégio de Estudos Globais - Lição de Katherina Teaiwa : "Pacific peoples' histories and contemporary activism for environment and self-determination", Online, 16 November 2022 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Velicu, Irina; Figueira, Jorge).
Member of the Organizing Committee of CES PhD programmes' Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Behrouz Boochani (UNSW) "Writing as an act of resistance to colonial violence: from Iran to Australia" , Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, 27 to 27 October by 2022 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa Velicu, Irina).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Membro da Comissão Organizadora do Colégio de Estudos Globais - Lição e Oficina de Enikő Vincze: "Racialized Capitalism and Intersectional InJustice in Times of War. A view from the European Semi-Periphery", CES, Coimbra, 24 to 25 May by 2022 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Velico, Irina; Figueira, Jorge).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Oficina AIA-SEAS "A Educação e Pesquisa em Timor-Leste - perspectivas Timorenses", Online/ Dili, Timor-Leste, 05 to 05 May by 2022 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa Associação Iberoamericana de Estudos do Sudeste Asiático, AIA-SEAS).
Member of the Organizing Committee of The Santa Cruz Massacre, 1991: Thirty Years On. An International Research Symposium, Online, 09 November 2020 (com Loney, Hannah; Hearman, Vannessa; Leach, Michael; Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Fernandes, Hugo).
Organization of (Member of the Organising and Scientific Committees) of the International Conference Timor-Leste Studies Association PT2020 ´Timor-Leste: The Island and the World´, Online, 07 to 11 September by 2020.
Organization of International Conference 'Memories, Archives and Knowledge - 20th Years of the Referendum in Timor-Leste', CES Lisboa, 24 to 24 June by 2019.
Organization of International Conference 'Bridging the Divide: Histories, Ethnographies and Agencies in the Liberation Wars in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau', CES Alta, Coimbra, 23 to 23 May by 2019.
Organization of Cinema Session and Debate of the documentary 'O homem novo - entre a luta e os afectos', Casa das Artes Bissaya Barreto, 23 to 23 May by 2019.
Organization of Cinema Session and Debate of the Documentary 'Independência. Esta é a Nossa Memória', Projecto Angola - Nos Trilhos da Independência, Casa das Caldeiras, Universidade de Coimbra, 22 to 22 May by 2019.
Organization of Workshop 'Ethics and Reflexivity in Research - Doing research with/on women', CES Alta, Coimbra, 13 to 13 February by 2019.
Organization of Seminar "The Tasi Diak voyage: a first-hand account" and Cinema Session and Debate "Other histories of resistance in Timor-Leste's cinema". Invited speakers: Dr. Vannessa Hearman, Charles Darwin University, Australia and José da Costa, East Timorese Actor and Film Director, Dili Filmworks, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 23 January 2018.
Member of the Organizing Committee of International Colloquium "Between the State and the Uma Lulik: spaces of identity, power and justice in Timor-Leste" , Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 16 November 2017 (com Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa Meneses, Maria Paula).
Presentations in scientific events
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2024), "Invited Discussant to the Roundtable "Ciclos Comemorativos em Democracia e Produção de Memória" on the case of Timor-Leste", paper presented at IHC SummerSchool "Por que é tão importante o 25 Abril de 1974? Património, Comemorações e Memorialização", 19 to 20 September.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2024), "Invited Discussant to the Roundtable "Interese Internasionál, Dekolonizasaun se Internasionál, Dekolonizasaun Neebé Falla No Invazaun: Haree Fila-Fali Narasaun Kona-ba Istória Konflitu Nian"", paper presented at Konferénsia Sientífika Centro Nacional Chega! 2024, Centro Nacional Chega!, Dili, Timor-Leste, 21 to 21 August.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Tchailoro, Nuno Rodriguez (2024), "African Anti-Colonial Writings And Intellectuals Solidarity with Timor-Leste", paper presented at Association of Asian Studies-in-Asia Conference 2024 "Global Asias: Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts", Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 09 to 11 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2024), "Asia-Africa Entanglements: Transits of Knowledge, Culture, and Solidarity across the Indian and Pacific Oceans (Panel chair and organiser)", paper presented at Association of Asian Studies-in-Asia Conference 2024 "Global Asias: Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts", Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 09 to 11 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2024), "South Asian Networks of Solidarity and Exchange in the Twentieth Century Indian Ocean World (Discussant) ", paper presented at Association of Asian Studies-in-Asia Conference 2024 "Global Asias: Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts", Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 09 to 11 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2024), "Participant at the Round table on Tsuchiya, Emplacing East Timor", paper presented at Timor-Leste-Indonesia Reconciliation Workshop at Association for Asian Studies-in-Asia Conference, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Law, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 08 to 08 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2024), "As artes de rua em Timor-Leste: gerações de resistência e ocupação do espaço público", paper presented at Escola de Verão "Imagens em Liberdade - culturas visuais de Abril", CES, Coimbra, 17 to 21 June.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2023), ""East Timorese in Mozambique - experiencing international solidarity while pursuing the dream of a nation" in the panel "East Timorese cosmopolitan identities: Diaspora experiences in Australia, Mozambique and Portugal in history and the present", paper presented at New Research on Timor-Leste: International Conference of the Timor-Leste Studies Association 2023, Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e, Dili, Timor-Leste, 13 to 13 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2023), "Istória Orál no Pluralizmu Istóriku iha Timor-Leste: Hanoin balun kona-bá metodolojia no prezervasaun (Oral History and Historical Pluralism in Timor-Leste: Some Reflections on methodology and memory preservation)", paper presented at Konferénsia Sientífika Centro Nacional Chega! 2023: Dezenvolve Istória Komunidade Hodi Hamosu Balansu Narrativa Istória - Diskusaun Teórika no Prátika, Centro Nacional Chega!, Dili, Timor-Leste, 11 to 11 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2023), ""Memory, oral history and the 'intergenerational archive' in Timor-Leste" in the Panel "Memories written, oral and visual in Timor-Leste"", paper presented at Asia in Motion: Memory, Preservation and Documentation, 2023 Association for Asian Studies-in-Asia Conference , Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Coreia do Sul, 25 to 25 June.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2022), "Deskoloniza Istória iha teoria no prátika: Esperiénsia internasionál", paper presented at Decolonizing History: Reflections on the Production of Knowledge on the History of Timor-Leste, Dili, Timor-Leste/ Online, 25 to 25 October.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Fidalgo Castro, Alberto (2022), "Southeast Asian studies in the Ibero-American research landscape: emerging postcolonial perspectives", paper presented at 12th EuroSEAS conference, Campus Condorcet, Paris-Aubervilliers, France, 28 June 01 July.
Meneses, Maria Paula; Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2022), "Retos a la descolonización profunda desde las Epistemologías del Sur, dialogando desde Mozambique y Timor Leste", paper presented at 9ª Conferencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales: Tramas de las desigualdades en América Latina y el Caribe Saberes, luchas y transformaciones, UNAM, Cidade do México, 07 to 10 June.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2022), "A Transversalidade da Solidariedade com Timor-Leste na Sociedade Moçambicana | Solidarity with Timor-Leste across the Mozambican Society ", paper presented at International Workshop - Solidarity with Timor-Leste struggle for self-determination: actors, institutions, contexts, Fundação Oriente, Lisboa, 16 to 19 May.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2022), "East Timorese lives on the move - experiencing international solidarity while pursuing the dream of a 'nation' ", paper presented at Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2022, Virtual/ Presencial (Honolulu, Hawaii), 25 to 27 March.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2022), "Researching East Timorese ideas of human rights and justice", paper presented at 5th Pre-Conference Virtual Workshop of the Timor-Leste Studies Initiative @ the Association for Asian Studies, Online, 11 to 18 March.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Nogueira, Renata (2021), "Co-Coordenadora do GT78 "Trânsitos de saberes e solidariedades no Índico: aprendizagens interculturais", com a comunicação "Solidariedades através do Índico - estudo sobre a frente externa Timorense em Moçambique durante a ocupação indonésia"", paper presented at XIV Congresso Luso-Afro- Brasileiro (CONLAB 2021) Utopias pós-crise. Artes e saberes em movimento, Online, 15 to 17 September.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2020), "Solidariedades através do Índico - histórias e trajetórias da frente externa Timorense em Moçambique durante a ocupação indonésia", paper presented at International Conference Timor-Leste Studies Association PT2020 'Timor-Leste: The island and the World', Online, 07 to 11 September.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2020), "Contested histories and solidarities from the South: the East Timorese diaspora in Mozambique (1975-1999)", paper presented at Timor-Leste Studies Initiative Virtual Workshop, Online, initially scheduled at the 2020 Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference in Boston, USA, 01 to 12 June.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2019), "Solidariedades a Sul e a independência de Timor-Leste - influência e papel de Moçambique", paper presented at Bridging the Divide: Histories, Ethnographies and Agencies in the Liberation Wars in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau, CES Alta, Coimbra, 23 to 23 May.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2019), "O "arquivo intergeracional de histórias" - expressões de identidade, nacionalismo e direitos", paper presented at Memories, Archives and Knowledge - 20th Years of the Referendum in Timor-Leste', CES Lisboa, 24 to 24 June.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2019), "A mulher timorense por detrás de um nome de código - reflexões sobre ética e posicionalidade na vida e no trabalho de campo", paper presented at Ethics and Reflexivity in Research - research with and about women, CES Alta, Coimbra, 13 to 13 February.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2018), "Public Lecture on Preserving Memory of the Past - Edukasaun no Peskiza konabá Istória no Luta ba Direitus, Memória Interjerasionál iha Timor-Leste no importánsia Istória Oral", paper presented at 13th Anniversary of Chega! and the Meeting of the International Advisory Board of Centro Nacional Chega!, Salaun Konferénsia Centro Chega!, Antiga Comarca de Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste, 28 October 01 November.
Meneses, Maria Paula; Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Araújo, Sara (2018), "Sé mak tesi lia? Interlegalidade e Hibridismo dos Sistemas de Justiça em Timor-Leste", paper presented at RCSL-SDJ Lisbon 2018 - Law and Citizenship beyond the States, Panel Laws and rights in a plural word: challenges and debates on legal pluralism and interlegality in the 21st century
, ISCTE, Lisboa, 10 to 13 September.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2018), "Dialogues with Timor-Leste's gerasaun independensia - is there room for other histories?", paper presented at 1st Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference, Brazilian Chapter - Schisms, continuities and new syntheses in Timor-Leste, Universidade Nacional de Brasília, Brazil, 09 to 11 July.
Meneses, Maria Paula; Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2018), "Discovering tara bandu - considerations on the use and co-optation of an East Timorese justice instrument", paper presented at Roundtable on Rights, Justice and Moralities, 1st Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference, Brazilian Chapter - Schisms, continuities and new syntheses in Timor-Leste, Universidade Nacional de Brasília, Brasil, 09 to 11 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2018), "The Centro Nacional Chega!, a Memory Institute and Archive - reflections", paper presented at Congresso Memória e História - os Arquivos de e para Timor, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, 24 May.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2017), "Memory, kultura and modernity: understanding ideas of justice and rights in Timor-Leste", paper presented at Between the State and the Uma Lulik: spaces of identity, power and justice in Timor-Leste, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 16 November.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2017), "The long road to reconciliation: the experience of the Commission of Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste", paper presented at XXV Summer School of the Contemporary History Institute - Punishing the Enemy: Political Justice in the 20th century Dictatorships and Democracies, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/ UNL, Lisboa, 10 October.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2017), "'Ita Luta Para atu Matenek, Atu Kaer Nasaun - Abut Ba Idéias Direitus Umanus iha Timor-Leste' (We fought for education, to lead our country - The source of Human Rights Ideas in Timor-Leste)", paper presented at New Research on Timor-Leste: A Timor-Leste Studies Association Research Conference, Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) Liceu campus, Dili, Timor-Leste, 29 to 30 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa; Meneses, Maria Paula; Araújo, Sara (2017), "Liuhosi Polítika Ida Atu Rezolve Konflitu Hodi Hateke Kona Loos Ba Sosiedade - Justisa Informal' (For a Policy of Conflict Resolution centred in the society - Justiça Informal)", paper presented at Debate Series on Legislative Reform organised by the Timor-Leste Commission of Law and the Justice Sector Reform, Hotel Timor, Dili, Timor-Leste, 27 June.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2015), "Education as a right in Timor-Leste- Ita luta para atu matenek, atu kaer nasaun (We fought for education, to lead our country)", paper presented at 43rd Annual OCIES (Oceania Comparative and International Education Society) Conference Strengthening Educational Relationships Within Oceania and Beyond, The University of South Pacific, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 03 to 06 November.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2014), "Memory and the struggle for rights in contemporary Timor-Leste", paper presented at Forum for Human Rights Research Seminar on Memory and Activism, Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts, University of Wollongong, Australia, 10 October.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2014), "Between memories of colonialism and experiences of independence: Intergenerational views of justice and rights in Timor-Leste", paper presented at The Australian Historical Association 33rd Annual Conference Conflict in History, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld, Australia, 07 to 11 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2013), "Young people looking for an education in a new nation: Reflecting on my experience and research in Timor-Leste", paper presented at Timor-Leste, 14 years of Referendum: The role of the Timorese youth in national development, organised by the East Timor Students Association - NSW, University of Sydney, Australia, 31 August.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2013), "Vernacular forms of human rights ideas and perceptions in Timor-Leste", paper presented at 8th Asian Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 22 to 26 July.
Ramos Gonçalves, Marisa (2013), "Local knowledge and global governance: Vernacular forms of human rights ideas and perceptions in Timor-Leste", paper presented at 7th EuroSEAS (European Association for South East Asian Studies) Conference, Panel 29 - Dynamics of power in a time of decentralization, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa, 02 to 05 July.