Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Organization of Perspetivas Interseccionais na Dança, CES, 01 to 01 July by 2024.

Organization of Membro da Comissão Científica do ´II Congresso História Pública em Portugal: usos do passado nos 50 anos da Revolução dos Cravos´, Laboratório Associado para a Investigação e Inovação em Património, Artes, Sustentabilidade e Território (IN2PAST), Museu do Aljube - Resistência e Liberdade, Lisboa, 06 to 07 June by 2024.

Organization of Member of Scientific Board of ´I Congresso História Pública em Portugal: práticas, experiências e desafios´, Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo Alameda da Universidade, Lisboa, 01 to 02 June by 2023.

Organization of Membro da Comissão Científica do XVI Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação (SPCE), Lisboa, 15 to 17 September by 2022.

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Seminar ´O conservadorismo negro nas ex-colónias portuguesas´, Event in digital format, 14 March 2022 (com Jacino, Ramatis Araújo, Marta).

Organization of Member of Scientific Board of ´Liberdade, Equidade e Emancipação - XV Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação´, Universidade do Porto, 16 to 18 July by 2020.

Organization of CES Summer School 'Archives of the Present: Racism, Activism, and Remembrance', CES, 02 to 06 September by 2019.

Organization of Member of Scientific Board of ´7th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference"Black In/Visibilities Contested´, ISCTE, Lisboa, 04 to 06 July by 2019.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Pannel 'Campaigning for remembrance: knowledge, memory and social movements', at Black In/Visibilities Contested - 7th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference, Lisbon (ISCTE - IUL), 04 to 06 July by 2019 (com Araújo, Marta; Nimako, Kwame; Hawthorne, Camilla).

Member of the Organizing Committee of CES Summer School | Racism, Eurocentrism and Political Struggles (4th ed.), CES - Coimbra, 03 to 08 September by 2018 (com Maeso, Silvia Araújo, Marta).

Organization of Scientific Board of ´IV Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Estudos da Criança´, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiânia, Brazil, 22 to 25 August by 2018.

Organization of Member of Scientific Board of ´DPR20: Discourse, Power and Resistance´, FPCEUC, 10 to 12 May by 2018.

Member of the Organizing Committee of CES Summer School | Racism, Eurocentrism and Political Struggles (3rd ed.), CES - Coimbra, 03 December to 09 September 2017 (com Araújo, Marta Maeso, Silvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of CES Summer School | Racism, Eurocentrism and Political Struggles (2nd ed.), Casa das Artes | Fundação Bissaya Barreto (Coimbra), 28 August to 03 September 2016 (com Maeso, Silvia Araújo, Marta).

Member of the Organizing Committee of CES Summer School | Racism, Eurocentrism and Political Struggles, CES - Lisboa, 30 August to 05 September 2015 (com Araújo, Marta Maeso, Silvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Seminar Interdisciplinary perspectives on education, history and Eurocentrism in Portugal and Brazil, CES, Coimbra, 18 to 18 March by 2015 (com Araújo, Marta Paula, Benjamin).

Member of the Organizing Committee of II Seminário Internacional Cidade e Alteridade: Convivência Multicultural e Justiça Urbana, Auditório do CIUL, Lisboa, 27 to 28 September by 2013 (com Araújo, Marta; Allegretti, Giovanni; Maeso, Silvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Conference ´(Anti-)racism and critical interventions in Europe - Social sciences, policy developments and social movements´, CIUL, Lisbon, 19 to 20 February by 2013 (com Silvia Rodríguez, Maeso Araújo, Marta).

Member of the Organizing Committee of International workshop - Contemporary configurations of racism and Eurocentrism: debates on academic and political discourses and practices, Casa da Escrita, Coimbra, 22 to 23 May by 2012 (com Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez Araújo, Marta).

Member of the Organizing Committee of (Outreach Activity) Racism in the UniverCity: debates and challenges, Sala Arte à Parte, Coimbra, 21 to 21 May by 2012 (com Araújo, Marta; Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez; Meneses, Maria Paula).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Session 'Re-centring racism in academic and political debate', at the 40th IIS World Congress: After Western Hegemony: Social Science and Its Publics, New Delhi, India, 16 to 19 February by 2012 (com Araújo, Marta Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Session ´Historicidades do (Anti-)Racismo: visões críticas´, at the XI Luso-Afro-Brazilian Congress of Social Sciences, Salvador, Bahia, 07 to 10 August by 2011 (com Rodríguez Maeso, Silvia; Araújo, Marta; Lino Gomes, Nilma; Gomes, Lilian).

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Conference: Eurocentrism and racism beyond the positivist order: the politics of history and education, Auditório do CIUL, Lisbon, 23 to 24 May by 2011 (com Araújo, Marta Maeso, Silvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Conference: Anti-racism, Postcolonialism and political mobilisation in contemporary Europe: a debate with ´Mouvement des Indigènes de la République´, CES-Lisboa, 19 to 19 March by 2011 (com Maeso, Silvia Araújo, Marta).

Member of the Organizing Committee of (Outreach Activity) Debate: Racismo na Cultura Popular, Semana da Ciência e da Tecnologia 2010, Centro de Estudos Sociais, 25 to 25 November by 2010 (com Araújo, Marta; Alves, Rita; R. Maeso, Silvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Conference by Nilma Lino Gomes "Discursos sobre África e a Representação dos Afro-Brasileiros em Livros Didáticos de Países de Expressão Portuguesa", CES, 13 May 2010 (com Araújo, Marta Meneses, Maria Paula).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Debate: Invisible aspects of armed violence, Science and Technology Week - Ciência Viva, Centro de Estudos Sociais, 27 November 2009 (com Araújo, Marta; Moura, Tatiana; Cardoso, Katia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of (Outreach Activity) Debate: Growing up, growing old: health, participation and society, Sciente and Technology Week - Living Science (Ciência Viva) , Teatro da Cerca de S. Bernardo, Coimbra, 25 to 25 November by 2008 (com Araújo, Marta Agostinho, Marta (Instituto de Medicina Molecular - IMM)).

Member of the Organizing Committee of IV Annual Cycle of Conferences 'Young Social Scientists', CES, 01 October 2008 to 30 June 2009 (com Araújo, Marta Matias, Marisa).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Addressing Racial and Ethnic Equality through Education, Session at the 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, CEU, Budapest, Hungary, 26 June to 01 July 2008 (com Araújo, Marta Tomás, Catarina).

Member of the Organizing Committee of (Outreach Activity) Debate: Hip-hop in Brasil and Portugal: debating Art in the Periphery, Science and Technology Week - Living Science (Ciência Viva), CES, 21 November 2007 (com Araújo, Marta; Moassab, Andreia; Lima, Cristiano).

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Conference: Muslims in Europe and the Politics of Multiculturalism: a multidisciplinary approach, CES, 15 October 2007 (com Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez Araújo, Marta).

Member of the Organizing Committee of III Annual Cycle of Conferences 'Young Social Scientists', CES, 01 October 2007 to 30 June 2008 (com Araújo, Marta; Mendes, José Manuel; Matias, Marisa).

Member of the Organizing Committee of II Annual Cycle of Conferences 'Young Social Scientists', CES, 01 October 2006 to 30 June 2007 (com Araújo, Marta; Mendes, José Manuel; Matias, Marisa).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Debate: Drawing civilizations: debating the cartoons affair, with José Pacheco Pereira, Isabel Allegro Magalhães, Mostafa Zekri, Adel Sidarus and Boaventura Sousa Santos, FEUC, 07 April 2006 (com Araújo, Marta; Matias, Marisa; Santos, Hélia; Martins, Bruno Sena).

Member of the Organizing Committee of I Annual Cycle of Conferences ´Young Social Scientists´, CES, 01 October 2005 to 30 June 2006 (com Silva, Filipe Carreira Araújo, Marta).

Presentations in scientific events

Araújo, Marta (2025), "Keynote Lecture: Enslavement and Race in Post-2020 Europe: History, Power, Education and Citizenship", paper presented at Acting democratically: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Politics of Exclusion, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Malaga, 06 to 07 February.

Araújo, Marta (2024), "Painel Formação Inicial de Educadores/As de Infância e de Professores/as: Questões Críticas e Oportunidades", paper presented at II Conferência Nacional Formação Inicial de Professores/as e Educadores/as: Realidade e Perspetivas em Debate, Observatório das Políticas de Educação e Formação, Universidade Lusófona, 17 October.

Araújo, Marta (2024), "Islamofobia e Media (Islamophobia and Media)", paper presented at Escola de Inverno Média e Violência Sexual, CES, 07 to 11 October.

Araújo, Marta (2024), "Travessias: a circulação de imaginários sobre o racial na história pública e escolar", paper presented at Bruaá do [in]visível: discursos das imagens nos manuais escolares, Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade | Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, 18 to 19 July.

Araújo, Marta (2024), "Comparatively researching race and racism in public and school history", paper presented at Comparative Education Society in Europe | Changing Regimes of Control in Education: Comparative Perspectives across Time and Space, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 08 to 11 July.

Araújo, Marta (2023), "Teaching National Liberation: O ensino da história das lutas de libertação africanas nos manuais de história em Portugal", paper presented at I Colóquio Internacional Manuais Escolares: Perspetivas Históricas Nacionais e Globais, Universidade de Coimbra, 08 to 10 November.

Araújo, Marta (2023), "Addressing Conflict in Research on the History Education of Enslavement and Racial Inequality", paper presented at Symposium 'Productive Tensions? Engaging with pluralism, politics and conflict in education', Manchester Metropolitan University, 04 to 05 May.

Araújo, Marta (2023), "Diversidade e Diferença Racial: a escravização nos debates, discursos e iniciativas no âmbito da educação histórica na Europa", paper presented at XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Coimbra, 04 to 06 April.

Araújo, Marta (2023), "Do Black Lives Matter à Sala de Aula: o ensino da história contestada de raça e racismo", paper presented at Seminar, CES, 08 March.

Araújo, Marta (2023), "Closing Conference: "Raça e Racismo na 'Mais Antiga Nação da Europa': Itinerários para o Estudo da História Pública e Escolar"", paper presented at Colóquio Internacional , Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, 16 to 18 February.

Araújo, Marta (2022), "As Expressões Institucionais da Islamofobia no Portugal Contemporâneo.", paper presented at VI Ciclo de Debates Sobre Processos Psicológicos & Culturais em Temas Emergentes - SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE ISLAMOFOBIA, USP - Virtual, 21 to 23 November.

Araújo, Marta (2022), paper presented at Roda De Conversa | Observatório das Políticas de Educação e Formação (OP.EDU) Práticas de educação anti-opressiva, CES, 08 November.

Araújo, Marta (2022), "Racism in the 'Age of Diversity': Debates on Public and School History in European Contexts", paper presented at African Studies Global Virtual Forum - The Pennsylvania State University, 22 October.

Araújo, Marta (2022), "Islamofobia em Portugal: representações mediáticas, discursos públicos e práticas institucionais", paper presented at Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos, Universidade Lusófona (formato virtual), 27 to 27 May.

Araújo, Marta (2022), "Anti-Roma Racism, Segregation and Education", paper presented at Workshop What are the prospects for intersectional justice in neoliberal Europe?, College for Global Studies - CES, Universidade de Coimbra, 24 to 25 May.

Araújo, Marta (2021), "Round-Table 'Cidadanias'", paper presented at 10º Encontro do CIED | Cidadanias: caminhos, processos e desafios no séc. XXI, Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (videoconference)), 11 to 12 January.

Araújo, Marta (2021), "As lutas de libertação nacional africanas nos manuais escolares em Portugal", paper presented at Colóquio , CES (videoconference), 27 April.

Araújo, Marta (2021), "Currículos escolares, práticas pedagógicas e integração linguística", paper presented at Racismo em Portugal, CRIA - ISCTE (videoconference), 25 February.

Araújo, Marta (2021), "Diversity, Race, and Migration: reflections from Portugal", paper presented at Guest Speaker in Understanding race, racism and antiracism in migration studies, comparatively across Europe and beyond, IMISCOE Webinar - Rotterdam, 15 January 19 March.

Araújo, Marta (2020), "Racismo e Conhecimento", paper presented at Academia Europa III, Núcleo Associativo para os Estudos Europeus em Coimbra (NAPEEC), em parceria com a Federação Nacional dos Estudos Europeus (FNEE) (videoconferência), 26 to 31 October.

Araújo, Marta (2020), "Usos Políticos da História Ensinada", paper presented at II Simpósio Online de Ensino de História: usos políticos e a história ensinada, Laboratório Virtual de Ensino de História, Faculdade de História da Universidade Federal do Pará (videoconferência), 19 to 22 October.

Araújo, Marta (2019), "Looking for 'the racist subject': knowledge, politics and public history", paper presented at Nuevos discursos de odio y sus contradiscursos en América Latina, UNSAM, Buenos Aires, 15 to 17 October.

Araújo, Marta (2019), "Comfortable History: Colonialism, Enslavement and the Selective Remembrance of Race in Portugal", paper presented at Redirection in Portuguese Studies Symposium, University of Birmingham, 07 June.

Araújo, Marta (2019), "Sacrificing Muslimness: Islamophobia in the media and the academia in Portugal", paper presented at College of Global Studies | The values of religion: histories of the present, CES - Sofia, 17 May.

Araújo, Marta (2019), "The King's Fountain and the narratives of intercultural nationalism in Portugal", paper presented at Mobilities and Transnationalism in the 21st Century, Reykjavik, 28 to 30 April.

Araújo, Marta (2019), "Roundtable 'History and Legacies of the colonial question in Portuguese society'", paper presented at Memória pública da escravidão e reparações: um debate internacional com uma história longa e atual, CES, 18 March.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "Keynote Lecture: Academic (Mis)understandings: Knowledge production and institutional racism", paper presented at CEREN 20 Years: New Challenges to Research on Ethnic Relations, CEREN, University of Helsinki, 03 December.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "The 'long nose' of the Portuguese: racism, history and multiperspectivism in Expo'98", paper presented at Os 20 anos da Expo'98. Nação, Discurso e Identidade, Faculté des Lettres, Université de Genève, 20 November.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "A 'multicultural nationalism': race, power and belonging in Portugal", paper presented at international Workshop 'Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Citizenship in Transnational Europe', Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 06 November.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "The narratives of the industry of interculturality: challenges for education and the struggles against racism", paper presented at Ciclo de Conferências 'Educação e Cultura', Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 03 October.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "The Discrimination of Roma Populations beyond 'racist intentionality'", paper presented at A Proteção dos Direitos Fundamentais: entre a lei e a prática, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 06 July.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "History, Education and Race: the depoliticization of (anti-)colonialism", paper presented at Seminário Anísio Teixeira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 15 May.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "School textbooks, public exhibitions: formulas of silence around the history of Portuguese colonialism", paper presented at Histórias do Pós-Abolição no Mundo Atlântico, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 15 to 18 May.

Araújo, Marta (2018), "Racism without racism? On ignorance and denial", paper presented at REMESO Keynote Lecture, REMESO, Universidade de Linköping - Norrköping, Suécia, 25 April.

Araújo, Marta (2017), "History and the everyday construction of race: public exhibitions, school textbooks", paper presented at Raça, Identidade e Mundialização, ISPA, Lisboa, 02 to 04 November.

Araújo, Marta (2017), "The Time of the Gypsies': the Political Denial of Racism in Portugal", paper presented at BSA Annual Conference 2017 - Recovering the Social: Personal Troubles and Public Issues, University of Manchester, 04 to 06 April.

Araújo, Marta (2016), "The institutional and social forgetting of (anti)colonialism in Portugal", paper presented at Seminário 'Institutional Racism and Teacher Education', no âmbito do Programa de Doutoramento Europeu EDITe, Instituto da Educação, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 02 November.

Araújo, Marta (2016), "'We will not include Samora Machel at the expense of Luís de Camões! Race, history, education and liberation struggles after the end of empire'", paper presented at Legacies of the Tricontinental, 1966-2016: Imperialism, Resistance, Law, Universidade de Coimbra, 22 to 24 September.

Araújo, Marta (2016), "Commentator to 'Os afrodescendentes no sistema educativo português', by Cristina Roldão", paper presented at Monthly Meetings on Migratory Experiences - CRIA, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 27 to 27 April.

Araújo, Marta (2015), "Eurocentrism, racism, knowledge and their effects in society", paper presented at Decolonising the University Conference, University of Amsterdam, 24 October.

Araújo, Marta (2015), "Adding without stirring: multiperspectivity and the teaching of (anti-)colonial history", paper presented at II Colóquio Cabo-Verdiano de Educação (CEDU 2015), Praia, Universiddade de Cabo Verde, 24 to 25 April.

Araújo, Marta (2015), "The in/visibility of the racial in history textbooks in Portugal", paper presented at Interdisciplinary perspectives on education, history and eurocentrism in Portugal and Brasil, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 18 to 18 March.

Araújo, Marta (2015), "Re-desenhando uma linha abissal: raça, história e ensino [Re-drawing and abyssal line: race, history and its teaching]", paper presented at XII Congresso Afro-Luso-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, 01 to 05 February.

Araújo, Marta (2015), "On the beginning of the end of empire: race, violence and freedom struggles", paper presented at O Ano do Fim. O fim do império colonial português: causas, processos, legados., ICS, ULisboa, 15 to 16 January.

Araújo, Marta (2014), "Education and Anti-Racist Practice ", paper presented at V Seminar of Afro-brazilian Cultural Studies and III Afro-Paraibean Week, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, 04 to 06 November.

Araújo, Marta (2014), "Democratising education via integration/inclusion: indefinitely postponing transformative change?", paper presented at Colóquio Internacional Epistemologias do Sul, Coimbra, 10 to 12 July.

Araújo, Marta (2014), "De Cabral a Cabral: história, poder e educação no 'Portugal intercultural'", paper presented at Conferência Internacional de Investigação, Práticas e Contextos em Educação, Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, 09 to 10 May.

Araújo, Marta (2013), "Reflexões sobre racismo, conhecimento e política(s)", paper presented at II Seminário Internacional Cidade e Alteridade: Convivência Multicultural e Justiça Urbana, Auditório do CIUL, Lisboa, 27 to 28 September.

Araújo, Marta; Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez (2013), "Desafios às políticas de 'inclusão' na Europa e no Brasil", paper presented at Seminário Internacional - 10 anos de políticas, projetos e ações afirmativas no Brasil e na UFMG - avanços, limites e contradições, FAE - UFMG (Brasil), 11 to 12 June.

Araújo, Marta (2013), "From segregation to integration? The failure of contemporary academic and political framings to tackle racism in Europe", paper presented at International Seminar 'Silence about race/reconfiguration of racism', European University Viadrina - Frankfurt (Oder), 07 to 08 January.

Araújo, Marta (2012), "There, but not quite (here): 'race' and national imaginaries on the 1974 revolution in Portugal", paper presented at International Symposium - Inside Black Europe: Racial Configurations in the Post 9/11 Era (in Europe) , IIRE, Amsterdam, 29 to 29 June.

Araújo, Marta (2012), "The 'prudent' integration of Roma/Gypsy pupils: segregation and white flight in Portuguese compulsory schooling", paper presented at 12th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 11 to 13 June.

Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez; Araújo, Marta; Sian, Katy (2012), "TOLERACE FP7 project presentation", paper presented at First meeting of the Decoloniality Europe Network, Madrid, 10 to 11 May.

Araújo, Marta; Rodríguez Maeso, Silvia (2011), "Racism in history: an analysis based on history textbooks", paper presented at XI Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Salvador, Bahia, 07 to 10 August.

Araújo, Marta; Rodríguez Maeso, Silvia (2011), "'Always look at the bright side of life!'? Slavery, colonialism and racism in textbooks", paper presented at British Sociological Association Conference - Rethinking the Modern, Birmingham, 11 to 12 July.

Araújo, Marta (2011), "The (re)production of an abyssal line: the African struggles for national liberation in democratic Portugal", paper presented at European Science Foundation Workshop 'Teaching the Nation-State After Empire in Europe: National Historiography and History', University of Huddersfield, UK, 10 to 12 June.

Araújo, Marta (2011), "Routes to inclusion? Eurocentrism within the either/or and (not) yet frames", paper presented at Challenging citizenship: espistemic justice, legal pluralism and democratic deliberations, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Coimbra, 03 to 05 June.

Araújo, Marta (2011), "Slavery, education and the legitimation of colonialism in Portugal", paper presented at Eurocentrism and racism beyond the positivist order: the politics of history and education, Auditório do CIUL, Lisbon, 23 to 24 May.

Araújo, Marta (2011), "An un/quiet history: relfections on slavery and race/racism", paper presented at Colóquio internacional Portugal entre desassossegos e desafios, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 17 to 18 February.

Araújo, Marta (2010), "Commentator to the communication presented by Alana Lentin 'Racial Neoliberalism and the Crisis of Multiculturalism'", paper presented at Tuesday Seminars, Centre for Social Studies, 16 to 16 November.

Araújo, Marta (2010), "History, Eurocentrism, and Education: present discourses on the past", paper presented at Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro "Educação e Cidadania: discursos do passado e do presente", Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra, 04 November.

Araújo, Marta; Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez (2010), "The empirical pragmatics in the study of Eurocentrism in Portugal", paper presented at XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg (Sweden), 17 to 21 July.

Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez; Araújo, Marta (2010), "The understanding of racism and anti-racism in contemporary Europe: the EU's public discourse", paper presented at XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg (Sweden), 17 to 21 July.

Araújo, Marta; Maeso, Silvia Rodríguez (2009), "A construção do Eurocentrismo: reflexão a partir da análise da manuais escolares de história em Portugal", paper presented at Memória Colectiva e Relações entre Grupos, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade de Coimbra, 10 December.

Araújo, Marta (2009), "Comentários à Sessão Educação e Sociedade", paper presented at COIMBRA C - Escalas e Transbordos: Primeiro Colóquio de Estudantes de Doutoramento do CES, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 01 to 02 October.

Araújo, Marta (2009), "Desafiando Narrativas Dominantes sobre a Diversidade em Portugal (Challenging Mainstream Narratives on Diversity in Portugal)", paper presented at Seminar of the Research Group on Democracy, Multicultural Citizenship and Participation, Centre for Social Studies, 22 September.

Araújo, Marta; Rodríguez Maeso, Silvia (2009), "O eurocentrismo em manuais de história portugueses (Eurocentrism in Portuguese history textbooks)", paper presented at Colóquio Internacional Memória, História e Justiça (International Colloquium Memory, History and Justice), Centre for Social Studies, 15 to 16 September.

Araújo, Marta; Rodríguez Maeso, Silvia (2009), "Exploring Eurocentrism in Portuguese History Textbooks", paper presented at 9th Conference of the European Sociological Association: European Society or European Societies?, Lisbon, 02 to 05 September.

Araújo, Marta (2009), ""Re-theorizing approaches to cultural diversity and education".", paper presented at VI Social Theory Forum on "Integration, Globalization and Racialization: Theories and Perspectives on Immigration ", UMass, Boston, EUA, 08 to 09 April.

Araújo, Marta (2009), "Problematizar a Interculturalidade na Educação", paper presented at XVII Semana de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, FPCE, Universidade do Porto, 23 to 27 March.

Araújo, Marta (2009), "Portugal is now a multicultural country'?: ethno-racial diversity and education", paper presented at X Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Braga, 04 to 07 February.

Araújo, Marta (2008), "Commentator to the Session "Racism, discrimination and the right to cultural diversity", with David Theo Goldberg and Shirley Anne Tate", paper presented at Challenges to Human Rights and Global Justice: Struggles over Equality and Recognition of Difference, Auditório da Reitoria, Universidade de Coimbra, 27 to 28 November.

Araújo, Marta (2008), "Coming to terms with cultural diversity in Portuguese society: implications for educational equality", paper presented at 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Budapest, 26 June 01 July.

Araújo, Marta (2008), "Racism and anti-racism in education", paper presented at III ESEC Winter Meeting - Intercultural Dialogue: challenges to sociocultural work, Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, 11 January.

Araújo, Marta (2007), "Myths of Tolerance and Ethno-racial equality in Education", paper presented at V Congresso Internacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Socio-cultural, Forum da Maia, 25 to 27 October.

Araújo, Marta (2007), "Racism, Childhood and Schooling", paper presented at Interesse da Criança e Multiculturalismo, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, Lisboa, 16 March.

Araújo, Marta (2006), "Now go and call her white'? Racism in everyday schooling", paper presented at Seminário Internacional Educação em Imagens, CEAS/ ISCTE, 12 December.

Araújo, Marta (2006), "The marginalization of (anti-)racism in education", paper presented at Ciclo de Conferências de Sociologia da Infância, Instituto de Estudos da Criança e Instituto de Estudos Sociais da Universidade do Minho, 23 November.

Araújo, Marta; Santos, Hélia (2006), "'Race', culture… and what about religion? A postcolonialist contribution to education in multicultural societies", paper presented at Conference 'Multicultural Britain: From Anti-Racism to Identity Politics to…?', Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM), Roehampton University, UK, 14 to 15 June.

Araújo, Marta (2006), "Anti-Racismo e Interculturalidade em Educação", paper presented at Seminário da Licenciatura em Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade de Coimbra, 07 June.

Araújo, Marta (2006), "Raça', racismo e anti-racismo em educação", paper presented at Conferência A Dignidade Humana em Polifonia, Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, 26 April 27 May.

Araújo, Marta (2006), "The colour that dares not speak its name: schooling and the myth of Portuguese anti-racism", paper presented at international conference Equality and Social Inclusion in the 21st Century: Developing Alternatives, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 01 to 03 February.

Araújo, Marta; Pereira, Marcus Abílio (2005), "Education, ethnicity and social justice: raising issues for an inclusive policy agenda in Portugal", paper presented at 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Estocolmo, 05 to 09 July.

Araújo, Marta (2005), "Todos iguais, todos diferentes: do evitar ao reconhecer da diferença", paper presented at Conferência 'Culturas Infantis e Interculturalidade', organizado pelo Instituto de Estudos da Criança da Universidade do Minho, Auditório do Museu de Barcelos, 23 May.

Araújo, Marta (2005), "A Construção Social da Indisciplina", paper presented at oficina científico-pedagógica na área de formação de Estudos Anglo-Americanos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 03 February.

Araújo, Marta; Pereira, Marcus Abílio (2004), "Equality and Difference in Pedagogical Practice", paper presented at 1º Encontro de Formadores do Ensino Superior de Professores de Línguas Estrangeiras, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Universidade do Porto, 15 to 16 November.

Araújo, Marta; Pereira, Marcus Abílio (2004), "Justiça Social e Interculturalidade no Contexto Português", paper presented at VIII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, organizado pelo Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Coimbra, 16 to 18 September.

Araújo, Marta (2004), "Educação e Multiculturalidade: algumas considerações sobre discursos e práticas pedagógicas", paper presented at Seminário da Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, Escola Superior de Educação, Coimbra, 23 January.