Nancy Duxbury
Nancy Duxbury, PhD, is a Researcher and Coordinator of the Research Group "Urban Cultures, Sociabilities, and Particiption" (CULTURS); Coordinator of the CREATOUR Observatory; and a member of the European Expert Network on Culture. She holds a PhD in Communication from Simon Fraser University, Canada, specializing in cultural development and policy in regards to book publishing. Her current research focuses on CCIs in non-urban areas, culture and local sustainability, culture-based development in small cities and rural areas, cultural mapping, and cultural planning. She is the Principal Investigator of the Horizon Europe project "IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas" (Project no. 101061747, 2022-2026). She was the Principal Investigator of a major research project on creative tourism, "CREATOUR: Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas" (2016-2020); and was lead of the CES team contributing to the H2020 project "UNCHARTED: Understanding, Capturing and Fostering the Societal Value of Culture" (2020-2024). She was also a member of the H2020 project "URBiNAT" and lead consultant to the project "CREATOUR AZORES." She was the European Expert for the South Africa-EU Strategic Partnership project "Cultural Mapping, Planning and Impact Assessment for Sustainable and Just Urban Development" (EuropeAid/137708/DH/SER/ZA). She was a member of the Organizing Committee for the Training Series "Publish-do-not-Perish: Survive the Stampede" at CES. She is an Adjunct Professor of Simon Fraser University and Thompson Rivers University, Canada.
Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas
Turning the Azores into a Creative Tourism Destination
Latest Publications
Article in Scientific journal
Duxbury, Nancy; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Silva, Sílvia (2025), "Culture-tourism entanglements: Moving from grassroots practices to regenerative cultural policies in smaller communities", International Journal of Cultural Policy, 31, 4, 497-516
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Bakas, Fiona Eva; Silva, Sílvia; Duxbury, Nancy (2025), "The structure and dynamics of creative tourism: An ePortfolio approach", Tourism, Culture and Communications, 25, 1
Article in Scientific journal
Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Activate the potential of the cultural and creative sector in non-urban areas", DiTe: Rivista di studio delle dinamiche territoriali, 56
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