Articles in Scientific Journals

Matias, Ana; Pinto, Bruno; Areia, Neide P.; Carrasco, A. Rita (2024), "Insights into the public engagement of coastal geoscientists", Environmental Science & Policy, 162, 103943

Areia, Neide P.; Sequeira, Mário D.; Tavares, Alexandre O. (2024), "Socio-psychological factors explaining public engagement and support for drought disaster risk management", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 110, 104643

Areia, Neide P.; Tavares, Alexandre O.; Costa, Pedro J.M. (2023), "Public perception and preferences for coastal risk management: Evidence from a convergent parallel mixed-methods study", Science of The Total Environment, 882, 163440

Areia, Neide P.; Costa, Pedro J. M.; Tavares, Alexandre O. (2022), "Social engagement in coastal adaptation processes: Development and validation of the CoastADAPT scale", Environmental Science & Policy, 133, 107-114
Open Access

Areia, Neide P.; Tavares, Alexandre O.; Mendes, José Manuel (2021), "Environment Actors Confronting a Post Climate-Related Disaster Scenario: A Feasibility Study of an Action-Based Intervention Aiming to Promote Climate Action", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 11, 5949
DOI Open Access

Oliveira, Carolina; Fonseca, Gabriela; Areia, Neide P.; Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula (2021), "Caring for people who take care: What is already done?", Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-11

Areia, Neide P.; Major, Sofia; Fonseca, Gabriela; Oliveira, Vivianne; Relvas, Ana P. (2020), "Prevalência e preditores de morbilidade psicológica nos familiares de doentes oncológicos terminais", Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 20, 1, 169-175

Tavares, Alexandre O.; Areia, Neide P.; Mellett, Sinead; James, Julia; Intrigliolo, Diego S.; Couldrick, Laurence B.; Berthoumieu, Jean-François (2020), "The European Media Portrayal of Climate Change: Implications for the Social Mobilization towards Climate ActionThe European Media Portrayal of Climate Change: Implications for the Social Mobilization towards Climate Action", Sustainability, 12, 20
Open Access

Areia, Neide P.; O. Tavares, Alexandre (2019), "(Re)pensar a comunicação das alterações climáticas nos media", CES-Contexto, 25, 10-20

Areia, Neide P.; Mitchell, Alex; Fonseca, Gabriela; Major, Sofia; Relvas, Ana P. (2019), "A Visual-Analogue Screening Tool for Assessing Mood and Quality of Daily Life Complications in Family Members of People Living With Cancer: Portuguese Version of the Emotion Thermometers: Burden Version", Evaluation & the Health Professions, 016327871985745

Areia, Neide P.; Intrigliolo, Diego; Tavares, Alexandre; Mendes, José Manuel; Sequeira, Mário D. (2019), "The role of media between expert and lay knowledge: A study of Iberian media coverage on climate change", Science of The Total Environment, 682, 291-300

Fonseca, Gabriela; Crespo, Carla; McCubbin, Laurie D.; Areia, Neide; Relvas, Ana Paula (2018), "Psychometric study of the Portuguese version of the Family Distress Index (FDI).", Families, Systems, & Health, 36, 2, 159-168

Areia, Neide P.; Fonseca, Gabriela; Major, Sofia; Relvas, Ana P. (2018), "Psychological morbidity in family caregivers of people living with terminal cancer: Prevalence and predictors", Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-8
Open Access

Areia, Neide P.; Major, Sofia; Relvas, Ana P. (2017), "Measuring family needs of people living with cancer. Portuguese validation and descriptive studies of the Family Inventory of Needs", European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 30, 22-28

Areia, Neide P.; Major, Sofia; Relvas, Ana Paula (2017), "Needs of the terminally ill's relatives in palliative care: Critical review of literature", Psychologica, 1, 60, 137-152
Open Access

Areia, Neide P.; Major, Sofia; Gaspar, Catarina; Relvas, Ana Paula (2017), "Palliative oncology in hospice and home care: needs, psychological morbidity and anticipatory grief on patient's relatives and impact on family quality of life", Psychologica, 2, 60, 27-44