Pedro Góis
Pedro Góis, Sociologist (University of Coimbra 1996), Master in Sociology (University of Coimbra 2003), and PhD in Sociology (Sociology of Culture, Knowledge and Communication) (University of Coimbra 2011). From 1998 to 2015, he was a lecturer at the University of Porto, where he taught at the Faculties of Fine Arts, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, and Faculty of Letters. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and a Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies. He has published several books and numerous articles in Portugal and abroad on international migrations, sociology of ethnicity, and sociology of identity. In the field of migrations in Portugal and/or Europe, he has published on Portuguese, Cape Verdean, Ukrainian, and Brazilian emigration. He is a member of the Portuguese Sociological Association, where he co-coordinates the Thematic Section on Sociology of Migrations, Ethnicity, and Racism. He is a member of several international networks, notably the IMISCOE network of excellence, which brings together European migration experts, the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), the Migration Network Hub's peer review community of the Knowledge and Coordination Unit Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), and the Council for European Studies (CES). In the IMISCOE network, he is part of the Standing Committee on "Reflexive Migration Studies". Pedro Góis is a member of several advisory councils, notably the Advisory Council of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) (Malta), the Global Migration Policy Associates (Geneva), and the Forum for Integrated Governance of the Instituto Padre António Vieira (Lisbon). In recent years, he has been an Evaluator of national and international programs, notably H2020, AMIF, FAMI, EEAGrants, PRIN, or the La Caixa Foundation, among others. He writes regularly for the newspaper Público, collaborates with RTP, and various national and international media.
2025-03-17 Diário de Notícias
Eleições antecipadas 2025: múltiplos fatores dificultam voto de brasileiros em Portugal
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Gois, Pedro (2025), Migration systems, in Laura Oso, Natalia Ribas-Mateos, and Melissa Moralli (org.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Migration. Edward Elgar Publishing, 378-380
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Carlos Marques, José; Góis, Pedro; Pinho, Ana Filipa (2024), Emigração, retorno e desenvolvimento, in Inês Vidigal e Rui Pena Pires (org.), Potencial Económico da Diáspora. Lisboa: Observatório da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, 31-48
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Carlos Marques, José; Góis, Pedro (orgs.) (2023), O regresso dos emigrantes no Portugal contemporâneo. Coimbra: Almedina
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