
University degrees, diplomas and academic public assessments

2018 - Postdoctoral research in Sociology with a time range of two triennia, Research Monograph: Cancer on Paper: the stories of eight Portuguese women in words, art, and science, Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra, Portugal, with funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

2012 - PhD (summa cum laude) in Sociology - Governance, Knowledge and Innovation (Social Impacts of Science and Technology), Thesis: Objects made of cancer: material culture as a portion of disease on women's art stories, Centre for Social Studies (CES) Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (FEUC)

2007 - MA in Sociology. (Very Good/ Maximum Classification), Thesis: The Paint, the Mariposa and the Metastasis: art as experience, knowledge and transformative action through the installation of cancer between the breast's skin and the digital space, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

2003 - BA (Licenciatura - 4 years) in Anthropology. (Final Average: 17.1/out of 20 - With Distinction/ Best Student 2003), Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra

Field of specialisation

Sociology of Culture/ Social and Cultural Anthropology

Other fields

Cultural Studies (Anthropology of Art; Material and Visual Culture Studies); Science and Technology Studies; Medical Anthropology; Creative/Art-based Methodologies