Tatiana Moura
Feminist, mother, and principal researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (CES-UC), where I founded and co-coordinate the Observatory on Masculinities and several national and international projects on masculinities and gender violence prevention (KINDER, X-MEN, among others) with a relevant impact in the production of contributions to programs and public policies on gender equality and masculinities in Portugal and in the European context. Recently, Iwas invited to co-found the International Academic Network on Masculinities, Gender and Equality (https://observatoriomasculinidad.umh.es/red-internacional-masculinidades/), which gathers feminist researchers on masculinities from the Global South and North. I am a member of the Permanent Commission of the Scientific Committee of CES, and invited lecturer of the discipline "International Relations, Feminisms and Masculinities" at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, September 2021. Since March 2018 I am one of the Associate Directors of UniPeriferias (Maré, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Between 2019 and 2021 I co-coordinated the Humanities, Migrations and Peace Studies Group (NHUMEP-CES), and between 2011 and 2019 I was the Executive Director of Instituto Promundo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), a research applied NGO dedicated to engaging men and boys in gender equality. In the last twenty years, I fundraised and coordinated projects on masculinities, caregiving, violence and trajectories of non-violence in peripheral contexts, particularly in Latin America and Europe. Member of the MenEngage Global Alliance, co-founder and Member of the Steering Committee of the MenEngage Iberia Network since 2018, I am also a Senior Fellow at Equimundo: Centre for Masculinities and Social Justice (USA) since 2021. I holds a PhD in Peace, Conflicts and Democracy from the University Jaume I, Spain, a Master's degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from the same Faculty. My research interests focus on issues related to feminism in International Relations, masculinities, urban violence and newest wars. My research and action-oriented projects enabled me to publish of a vast set of scientific publications, from which I highlight (forthcoming) Suarez, Marcial; Moura, Tatiana; Pimenta, Marilia (orgs.) (2024) (book), Give Peace a Chance: Local Experiences for Global Challenges. London: Palgrave Macmillan; Moura, Tatiana; Barker, Gary (2025), Man with a Gun: Masculinities, Firearms and Violence in Global Context (book chapter), in Peter Squires (org.), International handbook on Social Science and Gun Violence. Berlim: De Gruyter Publishers; and Moura, Tatiana; Caruso, Haydée; Garraio, Júlia (2024), "Masculinities, Empathy Care and Non-Violence" thematic issue in Frontiers in Sociology, Gender, Sex and Sexualities section. And already published "Power from the peripheries: Arts, cultures of equality and southern perspectives" (2021; in Suzanne Clisby, Mark Johnson & Jimmy Turner (eds. ), Theorising Cultures of Equality. London, UK: Routledge); "Societal Violence and Masculinities: understanding linkages in and outside of wars" (2022) in Untapped Power: Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Conflict Resolution and Development, edited by Koppell, Carla. New York: Oxford University Press); and Moura, Tatiana; Cerdeira, Linda (2021), "Re-thinking Gender, Artivism and Choices. Cultures of Equality emerging from Urban Peripheries", Frontiers in Sociology, Cities, violence and gender: findings and concepts of the 21st century.
April 30, 2025, 15h00
Carers for a Day
Peace Research Community Europe
Promoting inclusion, gender equity and non-violent models of masculinities in sports environments
Sexual Violence in Portuguese Mediascape
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Moura, Tatiana (2025), Profusion of Colors, Monochromatic Fear: Contesting Colonial Peace through the Bate-Bolas Culture, in Suarez, Moura e Pimenta (org.), Give Peace a Chance: local experiences for global challenges, Book series Twenty-first Century Perspectives on War, Peace, and Human Conflict. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Article in Scientific journal
Moura, Tatiana; Mascarenhas, Marta; Gonçalves, Sofia (2025), "What sports got to do with it? Promoting caring masculinities and preventing gender based violence", The Journal of Men´s Studies
Article in Scientific journal
Moura, Tatiana (2024), "La Importancia de los Estudios sobre Masculinidades en las Teorías Feministas", Nuevas Tendencias en Antropologia, 15, 15, 124-139
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