Theses defended

The Black Line: The Last Cosmogonic Border in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Edwin Rubio

Public Defence date
June 2, 2022
Doctoral Programme
Human Rights in Contemporary Societies
Human rights have become a fundamental discourse to encourage emancipatory struggles around the world, however, their language remains anchored to colonial, modern-western premises. This research explores the foundations of the invention of the subject of human rights, seeking to go beyond its limits, to propose the elaboration of a third subjectivity. This new subject consists of a reconfiguration of the ethical based on three concepts: alterity, commitment, and maturity. It conducts a radical version of an ecological ethic that allows the ontological, political and legal recognition of multiple non-human entities, among which I highlight the sacred places such as the black line. The method used is phenomenology as crucial presuppositions to reinterpret the values spread out by the Anthropocene. In conclusion, this dissertation, examines new insights on other forms of subjective production within human rights, as an alternative to the severe risks we face as species.

Keywords: Human Rights, Ethics, Sacred places, Phenomenology