Training Course

Intersections of Education and Health in early childhood: engaging men in nurturing care

11 and 25 October; 8 and 29 November 2025

Rooms 1 and 2, CES | Alta

This training course, part of the project EMINC | Engaging Men in Nurturing Care, currently ongoing at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, is based on the recognition of the importance of engaged and caring fatherhoods and an equitable division of the responsibilities of caring for and educating children between their main carers for the healthy development of children (especially during early childhood). In this sense, it is essential to train health and education professionals, as the socialisation agents par excellence of children from the earliest years of life, with strategies that will enable them to encourage greater involvement of fathers/male reference figures in childcare.

This (free) training workshop will explore various topics, including: socialisation and stereotypes; emotions and empathy; violence prevention; caring masculinities; fatherhood, care and early childhood.

The training includes 25 hours of autonomous work and 25 face-to-face hours, subdivided into 4 sessions, which will take place at CES-Alta. The final session will include networking and a round table with policy makers.