Seminar | IX Annual Cycle Young Social Scientists

Spain and the Portuguese revolution: the limits of a monitored press

Rita Luís (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona /Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

January 22, 2014, 17h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

Comentary: Manuela Cruzeiro and Marina Galvanese

The Portuguese revolution of 1974-1975 left an important mark in the Spanish press (Sánchez 1993; Cordero 2010). Not only by the extent of the attention devoted to it, but also for the opportunity that the debate around this event provided for discussion of many of  the country's issues .

However, on this occasion is intended to address what is considered to be  the sidelines of this news coverage.  Sidelines understood as the political and informative contingencies surrounding the production of news in the Spanish press during this period. More specifically the intention is to observe the material conditions in which the Spanish journalistic discourse about the Portuguese revolutionary process is produced.

Such contingencies can be summarized in three main issues in their relationship with the coverage of the revolution: the structure of the Spanish information system, which favoured the official medium, the role of the Ministry of Information and Tourism (1951-1977) in the aforementioned system, and , finally, some practices for outrunning  the same system, instigated by the desire to acess information within the Spanish territory, which help put in perspective the weight that such a system could have in the Spanish society .

CORDERO, Inmaculada (2010) "«Lo que no debe ser». La revolución Portuguesa en la prensa española" in ROSAS, Fernando, LEMUS, Encarnación and VARELA, Raquel (coord.) El Fin de las dictaduras ibéricas, 1974-1978, Sevilla: CEA/Lisboa: Edições Pluma, pp.63-86.

SÁNCHEZ CERVELLÓ, Josep (1993) A Revolução Portuguesa e a sua influência na transição Espanhola (1961-1974), Lisboa: Assírio e Alvim

Bio note

Rita Luís é doutoranda no departamento de Comunicação da Universitat Pompeu  Fabra em Barcelona. Membro do Grup de Recerca en Periodisme da mesma  Universidade; participou no projeto de investigação Notícias Internacionales de España en la Transición (2010-2012) e, atualmente, no projeto El papel de la prensa diaria en la transición democrática. Cobertura informativa y comportamiento político de periódicos y periodistas (2013-2015). É igualmente investigadora integrada do Grupo Poder, Ideias e Cultura e colaboradora do Grupo de Estudos do Trabalho e dos Conflitos Sociais do Instituto História Contemporânea. Prepara uma dissertação sobre a Revolução Portuguesa de 1974-1975 e a imprensa Espanhola.

is a doctoral student in the Department of Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Member of the Grup Recerca en Periodisme at the same University, participated in the research project News Internacionales de España en la Transición (2010-2012) and currently in the project  El papel de la prensa diaria en la transición democrática. Cobertura informativa y comportamiento político de periódicos y periodistas (2013-2015). She is also a  researcher at Group Power, Ideas and Culture and collaborates with  Research  Group on Labour and Social Conflicts at the IHC. Preparing a dissertation on the Portuguese Revolution of 1974-1975 and the Spanish press.