Artigos em Revistas Científicas
Rebelo, Sofia; Cruz, Manuel João; Gianolla, Cristiano; Luciana, Sotero; Lisete, Mónico (2025), "Discriminated and Violent? The Social Representations of Minorities in the Rise of Radical Right Populist Parties in Portugal and Italy", Social Sciences
Gianolla, Cristiano; Aguiló, Antoni; Sabariego, Jesus (2024), "E-motions and participation in technopopulist Movement-parties. Enthusiasm and technopolitical disillusion", Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 37, 4, 1098-1119
Gianolla, Cristiano; Mónico, Lisete; Cruz, Manuel João (2024), "Emotion Narratives on the Political Culture of Radical Right Populist Parties in Portugal and Italy", Politics and Governance, 12, 1-22
Amelung, Nina; Gianolla, Cristiano; Solovova, Olga; Sousa Ribeiro, Joana (2020), "Technologies, infrastructures and migrations: material citizenship politics", Citizenship Studies, 24, 5, 587-606
Gianolla, Cristiano (2020), "Undermining populism through Gandhi's intercultural democratic discourse", Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 15, 1, 26-41
Weber, Izabel; Gianolla, Cristiano; Sotero, Luciana (2020), "Suicídio e violência estrutural. Revisão sistemática de uma correlação marcada pelo colonialismo", Sociedade e Estado, 35, 1, 189-228
Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), "Party-movement's power dynamics in transcultural perspectives, the AAP and the M5S between participation and electoral politics", Glocalism: Journal Of Culture, Politics and Innovation, 1, 2017, 40
Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), "Democratisation beyond the Crisis of Liberalism, Bringing Civil Society within the State", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 114, 187-206
Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), "Populism, a thread and a chance. Between demagogy and participation", SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 8, 15, 327-352
Gianolla, Cristiano (2015), "Mahatma Gandhi and the AAP: Towards Post-Political-Colonialism through Decentralisation and Swaraj", Dialegesthai. Rivista telematica di filosofia
Gianolla, Cristiano (2014), "Political Parties and Participative Approaches to Democracy", Perspectivas - Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 13, 7-29
Gianolla, Cristiano (2013), "Human Rights and Nature: Intercultural Perspectives and International Aspirations", Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, Vol. 4, No. 1, 58-78
Gianolla, Cristiano (2011), "Il dialogo filosofico di Martin Buber come critica alla massificazione", Dialegesthai,, Dez 2011, n/a
Gianolla, Cristiano (2009), "Global Bioethics: Right to non-Discrimination, Right to Human Genome and Rights of Future Generations", Dialegesthai. Rivista telematica di filosofia
Gianolla, Cristiano (2009), "Vertical Cosmopolitanism: The Intergenerational Approach towards Human Rights of Future Generations", Peace Human Rights, 3, Dec 2009, 107-128
Gianolla, Cristiano (2009), "Collective Rights; a Western Foundational Perspective", Sfera Politicii, 140, Oct. 2009, 74-81