Feminist Talk with Maria Giulia Pinheiro, Ellen Wassu and Roberta Scatolini

March 27, 2025, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

The Gender Workshop's Feminist Talks aim to showcase the lives and work of people from the most diverse areas of activity, with a focus on Gender equality and women's issues. This talk will feature guests Maria Giulia Pinheiro and Ellen Wassu in dialogue with Roberta Scatolini on topics such as feminist, anti-racist and indigenous poetry, slam and dramaturgy.

Bio notes 

Maria Giulia Pinheiro (São Paulo, 1990) | PhD candidate in “Discourses: Culture, History and Society” (CES/FLUC), founder of the FALA organic association and resident artist at the Alcântara Municipal Library since 2023. She is also the winner of the 2nd edition of the Prémio Nova Dramaturgia de Autoria Feminina (DGArtes), with her work Isso não é Relevante, and the author of five books of poetry and dramaturgy, published between Brazil and Europe. A Palavra Mais Bonita, with its staging, text and performance, has been touring Portuguese-speaking countries since 2019, with seasons in Mozambique, Brazil, Portugal and Spain (Galicia). In Portugal, she has created a series of specific events for the country's culture, in which she articulates communities through literature (poetry and dramaturgy) and performance. They are: SLAM no CAM (Gulbenkian Foundation), Todo Mundo Slam (Lisbon), Slam Camões (Coimbra City Council) and Ginginha Poética, created in Lisbon, but with national and international circulation, mainly at festivals such as FLIP (Paraty International Literary Festival) and FOLIO (Óbidos Literary Festival). She has also created literary events in Brazil that have been held in Portugal since 2019, such as Ciranda: Jogo de Palavra Falada (Currently at Casa Fernando Pessoa) and ZONA lê Dramaturgia (Currently at TBA). As a playwright, in 2024 she premiered the show Palimpsesto: o que se apagaga para escrever de novo?, with support from DGArtes and the GDA Foundation. She has been writing for the theatre since 2012, when her first play, ‘Bruta Flor do Querer’, also directed by her, premiered. Since then, he has written several other scripts and dramaturgies for theatre, TV and cinema. Since 2017, she has created and coordinated the Feminist Dramaturgy Centre, where she teaches classes on dramaturgy using the work of women artists. In 2020, the meetings went online, which attracted more than 500 people located in 10 countries around the world and resulted in the publication of two anthologies with texts written from her classes and three seasons of a narrative podcast called corte perfeito para [perfect cut for]. The 12th class of the Feminist Dramaturgy Centre is scheduled to begin in 2025. More at

Ellen Pirá Wassu | She is an animal, a river, a tree, a root and a seed. As a human being, she is an artivist, author and PhD candidate in Comparative Modernities: Literatures, Arts and Cultures at the Centre for Humanistic Studies at the University of Minho (CEHUM). She investigates the relationship between territorial and identity expropriations in dominant visual and literary discourses, a study she has conceptualised as “Poetics of expropriation”. In 2021 she published ixé ygara voltando pra ‘y'kûá (Urutau) and yby kûatiara - Um livro de terra, 2023 (Urutau). Amongst literary magazines and other collections, she is a member of: Volta pra tua terra, an anthology of anti-fascist and anti-racist poets in Portugal. 2021 (Urutau). Her practice combines art, poetry, performance, activism, criticism, counter-colonial studies, essay writing, good encounters, bathing in the river and talking to flowers.

Roberta Scatolini | PhD candidate in Feminist Studies (CES/FLUC), Master in Education from PUC-SP and Psychologist from Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brazil. She specialises in clinical psychodrama (Escola Paulista de Psicodrama/SP) and is an actress at Célia Helena, Centro de Artes e Educação de São Paulo. She worked as a pedagogical coordinator, educator and Culture Secretary at the Paulo Freire Institute in São Paulo (2007/2015) and as a teacher at the Community Work Centre, an extension programme of the PUC/SP Faculty of Education, with an emphasis on continuing training for teachers and educators in formal and non-formal education throughout Brazil (1998/2007). She was a teaching and research supervisor at the Urban Security Training Centre in the municipality of São Paulo and a curator of education, theatre and literature at the Social Service of Commerce in São Paulo (SESC/SP). In Portugal, she has held Theatre of the Oppressed workshops with young students from public schools, in the context of the CES Goes to School Programme, with women's groups organised by UMAR - União de Mulheres Alternativa e Respostas, and in the following international training courses offered by CES/UC: Summer School “The Pluriverse of Eco-Social Justice” (2022) and “Un-schooling the summer: Walking the line of environmental injustice in Alentejo” (2023). She is currently part of the project Ouvir a voz do Barroso [Listening to the voice of Barroso], funded by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, developing Theatre of the Oppressed workshops from the perspective of Popular Education and is also a Clinical Psychologist.

Gender Workshop Series XV

Feminist Talks