Cláudia Pato de Carvalho
Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (UC), develops research projects in the fields of community participation, cultural mapping, community co-creation and urban intervention. Cláudia integrates Research Line 5. Urban Cultures, Sociability and Participation. She completed her PhD in Sociology, specializing in Sociology of Culture, Knowledge and Communication, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the Center for Reflective Community Practice, now Community Innovators Lab (MIT, USA). Academically coordinated the REDE ARTÉRIA I project, a Teatrão-CES partnership. REDE ARTÉRIA was an action-research project, coordinated by the theater company O Teatrão, which aimed to develop a network of cultural programming in the Centro Region (Portugal) and the creation of artistic intervention projects in eight cities in this Region. Between 2010 and 2018, in the context of Teatrão's educational service, she developed a European network in the field of artistic education in contexts of social exclusion, with several projects approved under the Youth in Action Program and ERASMUS+. She was a member of the CES research team for the CREATOUR project: Developing Creative Tourism Destinations in Small Towns and Rural Areas and is a member of the CREATOUR Observatory (culture and tourism observatory for local development). Cláudia is a member of the CES team for the H2020 UNCHARTED project: Understanding, Capturing and Fostering the Societal Value of Culture (2020-2024), coordinated by the University of Barcelona. She is also part of the CES coordination team for IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas (2023-2026) and co-coordinates the CC.EDU - Working Group on Citizen Science and Education at CES. She is an invited assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra where she teaches Applied Sociology (Bachelor in Sociology) and Critical Intercultural Dialogue (Master in Sociology).
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Incubadora Social de Investigação e Inovação ISII
Centro Comunitário de Coimbra - Rede Proinfância
Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas
Citizen Science as a methodology for promoting development skills in children and young people
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Carvalho, Cláudia Pato de (2023), Embedding participatory assessment in critical intercultural dialogue course, in Gabriela Pleschová; Agnes Simon (org.), Internationalising teaching in higher education. Supporting peer learning. Delft: Delft University of Technology, 95-101
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona Eva; Carvalho, Cláudia Pato (2023), "Participatory knowledge co-production to activate culture in the development of small cities and rural areas in Portugal", Social Enterprise Journal, 20, 2, 159-180
Read moreBook Chapter
Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Silvia; Zúñiga, Sebastián; Abreu, Paula; Carvalho, Cláudia Pato de (2023), UCLG evaluation of city programmes in Europe, in Antonella Fresa (org.), Volterra22. Roma: Antonella Fresa, 124-126