Mara Pieri
Mara Pieri is an associate researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra. She holds a Master's degree in Sociology from the University of Trento (Italy) and a PhD in 'Human Rights in Contemporary Societies' from the Centre for Social Studies. Her doctoral dissertation on LGBTQ+ people with chronic illnesses won the 'Controtempo' prize from the Codici Ricerca e Intervento Foundation (Milan) for the development of the 'Chroniqueers' project ( and the honourable mention of the 'Virgínia Quaresma' Prize in Cultural Studies (University of Aveiro). She is currently carrying out research into access to health services for the LGBTQ+ population in Portugal, in the project 'DIVERS - Diversity and Inclusion in Access to Health', under the CEEC-FCT (2022-2028) ( She also coordinates the research project "PULSAR - The role of LGBTQ+ professionals for inclusive healthcare", funded by FCT (2025 -2026). She is a member of the team working on the project 'REMEMBER - Experiences of Older LGBTQ People in Democratic Portugal (1974-2020)'. In this context, she scientifically coordinated the Guide 'Ageing as LGBTQ+ in Portugal. Guide for Health Professionals and Carers' in 2024. She is a member of the Thematic Line 'Democracy, Justice and Human Rights' and, since 2024, has been on the Editorial Board of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. She is currently Vice-Chair of the Ethics Committee of the Centre for Social Studies and co-coordinator of the GPS - Sexualities Research Group. She is also a lecturer at the GEDM - Master in Gender Equality and Diversity Management and a trainer in Masters and PhD courses. She has relevant experience as a trainer in accessible and inclusive communication and science communication. She has published on LGBTQ+ issues, sociology of health and crip studies, with a focus on chronic diseases, (in)visibility and health inequalities. In 2023, she published the book 'LGBTQ+ People with Chronic Illness. Chroniqueers in Southern Europe' (Palgrave, 2023). The book won the Anne Bolin & Gil Herdt Book Prize Honourable Mention (HSAIG and American Anthropological Association). Her recent research interests include: medicalisation; chronic illness and invisible disability; visibility; accessibility; sexualities in Southern Europe; and LGBTQ+ health.
Latest Publications
Pieri, Mara; Pires Marques, Tiago; Santos, Ana Cristina; Santos, Ana Lúcia (2024), Ageing as LGBTQ+ in Portugal. A guide for health professionals and carers. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais
Read moreBook
Pieri, Mara; Pires Marques, Tiago; Santos, Ana Cristina; Santos, Ana Lúcia (2024), Envelhecer como LGBTQ+ em Portugal. Guia para profissionais de saúde e cuidadores/as.. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Esteves, Mafalda; Pieri, Mara (2023), "At the Fringes of Pride Politics. Experiences of Bisexual and Chronically Ill LGBTQ+ People in Portugal", Lambda Nordica, 28, 2-3, 82-110
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