Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Organization of 1ª Forum "LGBTQ+ Ageing in Southern Europe", CES/FEUC - University of Coimbra, 30 September to 01 October 2024.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Monsters Summer School III. Tracing, remembering and reclaiming queer lives , CES - Centro de Estudos Sociais, 18 to 22 September by 2023 (com Santos, Ana Cristina; Pieri, Mara; Santos, Ana Lúcia; Brilhante, Joana; Fidalgo, Pedro).

Member of the Organizing Committee of As metodologias queer, CES - Centro de Estudos Sociais , 03 to 03 July by 2023 (com Pieri, Mara Fidalgo, Pedro).

Organization of TRANSforming Endometriosis Research, Brocher Foundation - Geneve, Switzerland, 01 to 02 June by 2023.

Organization of SHARP TALKS - Sexualidade, saúde e direitos humanos, CES - Centro de Estudos Sociais (zoom), 13 October 2021 to 08 June 2022.

Organization of Monster Summer School II: "Reclaiming queer, crips and (other) misfits", Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 17 to 21 May by 2020.

Organization of Cíclo de seminários "SHARP TALKS: Sexuality, health and Human Rights", Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 20 February 2019 to 31 May 2020.

Organization of INTIMATE Summer School "The good, the bad and the monster. Queer, Crips and (Other) Misfits off the edge of the map", Museo da Água, Coimbra, 14 to 18 May by 2018.

Presentations in scientific events

Pieri, Mara (2024), "From embodied experiences to future intervention", paper presented at LGBTI+ ageing in Southern Europe. 1st International Forum, CES/FEUC - University of Coimbra, 30 September 01 October.

Pieri, Mara (2024), "From embodied experiences to future intervention. Creating a toolkit on LGBTQ+ ageing people's needs", paper presented at 16th European Sociological Association Conference "Tension, trust, transformation", University of Porto, 27 to 30 August.

Pieri, Mara (2024), "Academia, Healthcare and LGBTQ+ Ageing People: Constructing Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Inclusive Practices", paper presented at International Conference on Medical Humanities, Birbeck University, London, 09 to 10 March.

Pieri, Mara (2023), "LGBTQ+ ageing people with chronic illness. Chroniqueers in Southern Europe", paper presented at Ageing with Pride: Healthcare for Older LGBTI people in Europe, Council of Europe, 06 to 06 November.

Pieri, Mara (2023), "Hic Sunt Chroniqueers: queering time, ageing and vulnerability", paper presented at Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network Sexuality (RN23), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (Croatia), 28 to 29 September.

Pieri, Mara (2023), "Twenty minutes at a time: queer-crip chronopolitics", paper presented at Queer dis-eases: disruptive histories, politics, and bodies, European University Institute of Florence, 22 to 23 May.

Pieri, Mara (2023), "Persone trans e non-binarie con malattia e disabilità: intersezioni sommerse", paper presented at Il benessere psicologico delle persone trans* nei contesti di vita, Università degli Studi di Cagliari , 12 to 12 May.

Pieri, Mara (2023), "We do it together: diálogos entre profissionais de saúde e comunidade LGBTQ+", paper presented at XII Congresso Nacional de Sociologia, FEUC, Universidade de Coimbra, 04 to 06 April.

Pieri, Mara (2022), "Un senso di fallimento, una responsabilità. Vissuti di persone LGBTQ+ con malattia cronica in Italia", paper presented at Gender R-Evolutions: immaginare l'inevitabile, sovvertire l'impossibile, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy, 24 to 25 November.

Pieri, Mara (2021), "Italy, Portugal, 2028 Chronically ill LGBTQ+ adults discuss visions of the future ", paper presented at 15th European Sociological Association Conference: Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures, 31 August 03 September.

Pieri, Mara (2021), " Portugal, 2028- Adultos LGBTQ+ com doença crónica imaginam o futuro", paper presented at XI Congresso Português de Sociologia | Identidades ao rubro: diferenças, pertenças e populismos num mundo efervescente, 29 to 31 March.

Pieri, Mara (2021), ""Per aspera ad astra*". LGBTQ+ young adults with chronic illness discuss intimacy, sex and pleasure.", paper presented at Chronic living. International conference on vitality and quality of health in the 21 century, 04 to 06 March.

Pieri, Mara (2020), "When vulnerability got mainstream: reading the pandemic through disability and illness ", paper presented at Politics and intersections of Covid-19, Karlstad (Sweden) , 23 to 23 September.

Pieri, Mara (2020), "Italy, 2028. Chronically ill LGBTQ+ adults discuss visions of the future", paper presented at Europe's Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 24 to 26 June.

Pieri, Mara (2018), "Encontro inesperados: sexualidades queer e deficiências, entre perspectivas teóricas e vivências incorporadas", paper presented at A imaginação do futuro. Saberes, experiências, alternativas. Colóqui de homenagem a Boaventura de Sousa Santos nos 40 anos do Centro de Estudos Sociais, FEUC, University of Coimbra, 07 to 10 November.

Pieri, Mara (2018), "Better fewer but better. LGBTQA* young people negotiate care and friendship through chronic illness", paper presented at Queering friendship. Citizenship, care, choice, Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações, Lisboa, 16 to 18 October.

Pieri, Mara (2018), "If they can do it, you can do it. The figure of the Supercrips and the side-effects of inspirational disability", paper presented at Endangered bodies. Representing and policing the body in Western countries., School of Arts and Humanities, FLUL, Lisboa, 08 to 10 October.

Pieri, Mara (2018), "Doença crónica e deficiência: ligações, desafios, resistências.", paper presented at Congresso Internacional "Deficiência e cidadania. Os desafios da (a)normalidade nas sociedades contemporâneas", Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Porto, 05 to 07 September.

Pieri, Mara (2018), "When blood is thicker than water, queer is better than ill. Families, illness and queerness in Southern Europe", paper presented at 9th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations: "Family through the lens of diversity", Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,University of Porto, 05 to 08 September.

Pieri, Mara (2018), "Crónicas crónicas: narrativas de jovens LGBTQA doentes em Portugal", paper presented at X Congresso Português de Sociologia, Covilhã, Universidade da Beira Interior, 10 to 12 July.

Pieri, Mara (2018), "Supercrips: o fascínio (in)discreto da deficiência", paper presented at Heróis e Vilões: representações a partir dos Estudos da Memória e dos Estudos de Género, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra, 18 to 18 April.

Pieri, Mara (2017), "Fuori tempo, fuori spazio. Narrazioni di giovani LGBTQ* con malattie croniche in Portogallo", paper presented at Genere, sessualità, cronicità. L'esperienza della malattia cronica nelle narrazioni biografiche., Università di Verona, Italia, 06 to 06 December.

Pieri, Mara (2017), "Dangerous discourses. Sexual dissidence, chronic illness and grey areas of humanity.", paper presented at Crip studies as a lens into embodied citizenship, Centro Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 24 to 24 October.

Pieri, Mara (2017), "Cri-Quee-What? Cultural translations of crip and queer studies in Italy and Portugal", paper presented at IV European Geographies of Sexuality Conference, Barcelona, 13 to 15 September.

Pieri, Mara (2017), "Go South! Epistemologies of queerness and disability from Southern Europe ", paper presented at 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, 29 August 01 September.

Pieri, Mara (2017), "Born with a rainbow spoon. A queer and crip look into families of origin", paper presented at Queering Parenting. 2nd Intimate Conference, Teatro Cerca de Sao Bernardo, Coimbra, 02 to 03 March.

Pieri, Mara (2017), "Diversidad Sexual, Diversidad Funcional y enfermedades crónicas: intersecciones entre la teoría Queer y la teoría Diversidad Sexual, Diversidad Funcional y enfermedades crónicas: intersecciones entre la teoría Queer y la teoría Crip", paper presented at Sesion Formativa, Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, 07 February.

Pieri, Mara (2017), "Unseen sounds. Queer and disabled (in)visibilities.", paper presented at Gender Workshop Series, Centro Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, PT, 12 to 12 January.

Pieri, Mara (2016), "Are we human or are we (queer) dancers? Questioning human rights from a queer perspective", paper presented at We must all be feminist / O feminism coup lugar, Centro Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, Portugal, 21 to 21 October.

Pieri, Mara (2016), "Diving into the unknown. Partnering and migration choices in narratives from Italy", paper presented at After Marriage. The future of LGBT politics and scholarship, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City, U.S.A., 01 to 02 October.

Pieri, Mara (2016), "Sleeping beauties in displacement", paper presented at Royal Geographic Society Annual Conference, Royal Geographic Society, London, UK, 30 August 02 September.

Pieri, Mara (2016), "Sleeping beauties in displacement. Toward an understanding of queer migrant subjects", paper presented at IX Congresso Português de Sociologia, Universidade de Faro, 06 to 08 August.

Pieri, Mara (2016), "A diving platform. Gay and lesbian couples in times of displacement.", paper presented at Queering Partnering 2016. 1st Intimate International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 to 31 March.