Advanced training
Ph. D. Project Supervisions
31-10-2024 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Ensino de Etnobotânica Decolonial", by the author Vinícius Leite.
16-06-2021 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Slaughterhouses and the Project of National Identity in Argentina", by the author Valeria Meiller.
31-05-2019 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Vagina dentada. Miedo, abyección y erotismo en la poesía chilena", by the author Rodrigo González.
Ongoing - Ph. D. project supervision of "Parte do projeto ECO", by the author Elena Gálvez.
Post-Doctoral Projects Supervisions
15-11-2023 - project supervision of "Air Epistemologies: Practices of Ecopoetry in Ibero-American Atmospheres", by the author Nuno Marques.
26-08-2022 - project supervision of "Escritos das e sobre as Primeiras Décadas de Colonização no Brasil ", by the author Martiniano Neto.
15-12-2019 - project supervision of "O Audível Silêncio dos Povos da Amazônia", by the author Simone Pires.
Ongoing - project supervision of "Parte do projeto ECO", by the author Emanuele Fabiano.
Ongoing - project supervision of "Parte do projeto ECO", by the author Karen Shiratori.
Ongoing - project supervision of "Parte do projeto ECO", by the author Raphael Uchôa.
Ongoing - project supervision of "Relações entre Humanos e Outros Primatas", by the author Eliane Rapchan.
Ongoing - project supervision of "Teoria da Narrativa Literária numa Cosmopercepção Contracolonial e Amefricana", by the author Harlon Sousa.