
Vieira, Patrícia; Kraj, Lukasz (orgs.) (2024), Amazónia: Antologia e Novos Poemas. Lisbon: Mariposa Azual

Vieira, Patrícia (2022), Zoophytography: Animals and Plants in Amazonian Cultural Productions. Gainesville: The University of Florida Press

Ryan, John; Vieira, Patrícia; Gagliano, Monica (orgs.) (2021), The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence. Santa Fe: Synergetic Press

Vieira, Patrícia; Victor Mendes (orgs.) (2019), Portuguese Literature and the Environment. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books

Vieira, Patrícia (2017), States of Grace: Utopia n Brazilian Culture. New York: SUNY University Press

Vieira, Patrícia; Gagliano, Monica; Ryan, John (orgs.) (2017), The Language of Plants: Science, Philosophy, Literature. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press

Vieira, Patrícia; Marder, Michael (orgs.) (2017), The Philosophical Salon: Speculations, Reflections, Interventions. London: Open Humanities Press
Open Access

Vieira, Patrícia; Gagliano, Monica; Ryan, John (orgs.) (2015), The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World. Lanham: Lexington Books

Vieira, Patrícia; Serra, Pedro (orgs.) (2014), Imagens Achadas. Documentário, Política e Processos Sociais em Portugal. Lisboa: Colibri

Vieira, Patrícia (2013), Portuguese Film 1930-1960. The Staging of the New State Regime. New York and London: Bloomsbury

Vieira, Patrícia (2011), Cinema no Estado Novo: A Encenação do Regime. Lisboa: Colibri

Vieira, Patrícia; Marder, Michael (orgs.) (2011), Existential Utopia: New Perspectives on Utopian Thought. New York and London: Continuum

Vieira, Patrícia (2011), Seeing Politics Otherwise: Vision in Latin American and Iberian Fiction. Toronto: Toronto University Press