Book Chapters
Vieira, Patrícia (2025), Frans Krajcberg: Articulating the Natural World, in Inés Katzenstein; María del Carmen Carrión; Madeleine Murphy Turner (org.), Momentum: Art and Ecology in Contemporary Latin America. Durham: Duke University Press
Vieira, Patrícia (2024), Comunidades Humanas e Não-Humanas em Águas do Pastaza de Inês Alves, in Filipe Rosário; José Duarte (org.), Um Olhar Português: Cinema e Natureza no Século XXI. Lisboa: Documenta, 43-49
Vieira, Patrícia (2024), Fitografia: A literatura como escrita das plantas, in Fábio Roberto Lucas; Mariana Maia Simoni; Leila Darin (org.), Poéticas do coabitar: literatura e ecologia na era do antropoceno. Florianópolis: Cultura e Barbárie, 21-32
Vieira, Patrícia (2024), Las Vidas de los Ríos Amazónicos, in Juanjo Fernández (org.), Parana Twana / Alma del río: La vida en las comunidades ribereñas del Marañon. Lima: Pakarina Ediciones, 31-33
Vieira, Patrícia; Kraj, Lukasz (2024), Prólogo: (Re)tornar à Amazónia, in Patricia Vieira and Lukasz Kraj (org.), Amazónia: antologia e novos poemas.. Lisboa: Mariposa Azual, 5-9
Vieira, Patrícia (2023), Amazonian Zoophytography: Ecopoetic Writing with Animals and Plants, in Julia Fiedorczuk, Mary Newell, Bernard Quetchenbach, and Orchid Tierney (org.), The Routledge Companion to Ecopoetics. London and New York: Routledge, 127-135
Vieira, Patrícia (2023), Emigration, Anarchism and Ecology in Ferreira de Castro's Emigrants, in Daniel Silva and Lamonte Aidoo (org.), Migrant Frontiers: Race and Mobility in the Luso-Hispanic World. Liverpool: Liverpool: Liverpool University Press
Vieira, Patrícia (2023), Food Ethics in the Work of Astrid Cabral, in Victoria Saramago, Jamille Pinheiro e Luca Bacchini (org.), Literature Beyond the Human: Post-Anthropocentric Brazil. Londres e Nova Iorque: Routledge
Vieira, Patrícia (2023), Poesia ConVida, in Mauricio Vieira and Thássio Ferreira. (org.), Livro do Verso Vivo: Antologia Lusófona de Ecopoesia. Cantagalo, RJ: Outra Margem, 9-17
Vieira, Patrícia (2023), "Mulheres Naturais? Natureza e Feminilidade em Máscaras de Noémia Delgado e Transe de Teresa Villaverde, in Mariana Liz and Hilary Owen (org.), Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisbon: Realizadoras Portuguesas: Cinema no Feminino, 153-173
Vieira, Patrícia (2022), Can Plants Write? Phytography in the Sculptures of Frans Krajcberg, in Alastair Fuad-Luke (org.), Post-Normal Design: Emergent Approaches Towards Plural Worlds. Matosinhos: ESAD-IDEA, 127-34
Vieira, Patrícia (2022), From Utopia to Dystopia and Back: Utopian Thought in the Age of the Anthropocene, in Fátima Vieira, Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor and Peter Marks (org.), Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan
Vieira, Patrícia (2022), What Future for the Future? Utopian Lessons from a Global Pandemic, in Zoltán Boldizsár Simon e Lars Deile (org.), Historical Understanding: Past, Present and Future. Nova Iorque: Bloomsbury, 141-51
Vieira, Patrícia; Gagliano, Monica; Ryan, John (2021), Introduction - On Becoming Plant Minded, in Patrícia Vieira, Monica Gagliano, John Ryan (org.), The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal intelligence. Santa Fe: Synergetic Press, xiii-xxiii
Vieira, Patrícia (2021), Movies on the Move: Filming the Amazonian Rainforest, in Gisela Heffes and Carolyn Fornoff (org.), Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema. New York: SUNY University Press
Vieira, Patrícia (2021), Olive Tree - Olea Europaea, in Patrícia Vieira, Monica Gagliano and John Ryan (org.), The Mind of Plants
Vieira, Patrícia (2021), Talking Trees in Amazonian 'Novels of the Jungle.', in Daniela Fargione and Carmen Concilio (org.), Talking Trees in Literature. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books
Vieira, Patrícia (2020), A Literatura Interespécie de Clarice Lispector, in Fernanda Coutinho and Sávio Alencar (org.), Visões de Clarice Lispector: Ensaios, Entrevistas, Leituras. Fortaleza: Imprensa Universitária UFC, 116-133
Vieira, Patrícia (2020), Interspecies Peace: Learning to Live Together, in Ana Roque, Cristina Brito and Cecilia Veracini (org.), People, Nature and Environments: Learning to Live Together. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2-9
Vieira, Patrícia (2020), Natural Women? Nature and Femininity in Noémia Delgado's Masks and Teresa Villaverde's Trance, in Hilary Owen and Mariana Liz (org.), Portuguese Women Directors. London and New York: Bloomsbury
Vieira, Patrícia (2019), Phytognosis: Learning from Plants, in James Ellis (org.), Intertwined Histories: Plants in their Social Contexts. Calgary: Calgary Institute for the Humanities, 12-19
Vieira, Patrícia (2019), The Posthuman Poetry of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, in Patrícia Vieira e Victor Mendes (org.), Portuguese Literature and the Environment. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 181-199
Vieira, Patrícia (2017), Cinema in Totalitarian Iberia: Propaganda and Persuasion under Salazar and Franco, in Robert Newcomb and Richard Gordon (org.), Beyond Tordesillas: Critical Essays in Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 220-33
Vieira, Patrícia (2017), Phytographia: Literature as Plant Writing, in Patricia Vieira (org.), The Language of Plants: Science, Philosophy, Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 215-233
Vieira, Patrícia; Marder, Michael (2017), What do we Owe the Future, in Peter Catapano and Simon Critchley (org.), A Stone Reader. Modern Ethics in 77 Arguments. New York and London: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 414-16
Vieira, Patrícia (2017), ¿Es nuestro mundo un mundo posutópico?, in Vicenç Villatoro (org.), Después del fin del mundo. Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, 26-8
Vieira, Patrícia (2016), Beyond Use Value: Humanities for Humanities' Sake., in María Pilar Rodríguez (org.), The Role of the Humanities in Times of Crisis. Madrid: Dickinson Press, 127-139
Vieira, Patrícia (2015), António Vieira's Utopian Kingdom of Christ on Earth, in Francisco Bethencourt (org.), Utopia in Portugal, Brazil and Lusophone African Countries. Berne: Peter Lang, 71-97
Vieira, Patrícia (2015), s of the Jungle: The Politics of Contestation in Cinema about the Amazon, in Patricia Vieira, Monica Gagliano, John Ryan (org.), The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World. New York: Lexington Press, 129-145
Vieira, Patrícia (2014), Filming Women in the Colonies: Gender Roles in New State Cinema about the Empire, in Hilary Owen ad Anna Klobucka (org.), Gender, Empire, Postcolony: Luso-Afro-Brazilian Intersections. London and New York: Palsgrave Macmillan, 71-85
Vieira, Patrícia (2014), O Cinema de Pedro Costa: Cinefilia, Amadorismo, Utopia, in Patricia Vieira, Pedro Serra (org.), Imagens Achadas: Documentário, Política e Processos Sociais em Portugal. Lisbon: Colibri, 205-223
Vieira, Patrícia (2012), Heróis sem Carácter. Particularismo e Identidade Nacional em Macunaíma, in Inocência Mata (org.), Colonial/Postcolonial Junction: Writing as Memory in Literature. Lisbon: Colibri, 59-77
Vieira, Patrícia (2012), Poetas em Grande Plano. Camões, Bocage e a Política do Espírito do Estado Novo Português, in Pedro Serra (org.), Aula de los Medios. Poesía, Cine y Fotografía. Salamanca: Ediciones USAL, 119-126
Vieira, Patrícia; Marder, Michael (2011), Existential Utopia: Of the World, the Possible, the Finite, in Patricia Vieira and Michael Marder (org.), Existential Utopia: New Perspectives on Utopian Thought. New York: Continuum Press, 35-49
Vieira, Patrícia (2011), Identificação, Regressão e Persuasão: Autoridade e Hierarquia no Cinema do Estado Novo, in Adriana Martins and Isabel Gil (org.), A Cultura Portuguesa no Divã. Lisbon: Catholic University Press, 51-61